
Need input

Hey people,

If you did not know, in America it's hip for teachers to have websites. Websites are useful tools as parents like get to know you before even meeting you, potential hiring schools love to look at it to see if you are "qualified" teacher material, and students just want to know how uncool you really are (but they secretly love you). The bad part about education is that most teacher websites (about 99%) are all cookie dough template type sites. While it is nice to have conformity and standards, it is just is not me. I currently have one of those look-like-every-other site design, and want to change it to something more distinguished and a design that fits my personality. Additionally, I want to really simplifying it because for me less is better.

So above is the current sketch I have planned, and I really like the sketchy comic doodle feel it has. The only problem I have now is how to display the content. After doing some nasty assessments and a portfolio for class, my brain is fried, but if you have any suggestions just drop in a comment.


  1. It's simple enough for pro look, but neat enough to impress.

    add a silhouette of VN behind your name, it'll add a logo feel to it without being too complex.

    didn't care too much for the font used in the section descriptions though, i would had preferred simpler and more legible.

  2. Thanks for the vn suggestion, I didn't even think of that I will definitely do that. As for the description font, I am just meddling around until I get something I like.
