
TF2: Mann-conomy update consequences

So the community is raging about this update, as usual.

Some are pissed as hell at the fact rich kids just bought the new sets and are having fun using them while other will just have to possibly wait months before even completing a set.

Some are just awe struck at the prices of shit in the shop and how fucking random it seems. I'll even note that u could buy some of this hard in REAL LIFE for less than they ask for in the shop.

But really, if people wanna b lame and buy an unfair advantage and brag about being rich that's their business. (srly, when did braggin about havin money become cool? That's the most backwards retarded shit I've ever heard)

There is one issue right now though:

Wearing a set gives a special attribute, and seeing as there's hats as part of the set, and there's no quick way to craft or get one without buying, this DOES give an unfair advantage to people using the shop seeing as it could take YEARS to get the damn hats now.


What i do truly find annoying is trading.

Yes, i was waiting for trading since forever, but i never dreamed they'd implement it ingame and in the middle of fucking battle!

It's now common to see people from both teams randomly stopping for 2-5 mins at a time while they go to codec dimension land to trade their pokemons with each other. 90% of the chatting now done ingame is the TF2 equivalent of the WoW trade channel, this shit is fucking unbearable.

For 5 times now I've been interrupted by random asshats to trade shit without prior warning, they then proceed to propose ludicrous deals in codec dimension and when I'm back to the actual game, I've died 4 times and my dog's being sapped.

The trade forum on the steam forum is useless as pages fly by instantly. I made a topic there and in 25 secs it was in page 4, no one even saw it.

All the annoyances of a MMORPG are being added to this game bit by bit...


  1. In-the-midst-of-batshit-fuckin'-nuts-battle trading!? Oh somebody's god, and there's probably no "Piss off" prompt for it, too?

  2. right, cause you would totally say no if someone wanted to trade your tossle cap for something worth a damn.

    if people used setup to trade it'd b ok, that's why i try to use it for, but others wait til it's goin almost like on purpose.
