
TF2: Mann-conomy update

I never saw it coming, i haven't played TF2 seriously for a good 10 days, and BAM! out of nowhere, update!

Well that's not exactly true, a source did mention that Robin Walker said trading would b implemented in the next patch and that said patch would b ingame on the first week of September i think. which in valve time is the last week i guess.

As i heard at the time, This update would also include the polycount contest winners. but oh boy... first things first.

  • New ingame "Mann-conomy" shop added.
Where player can buy items/hats/misc with real money. Although note that supposedly any item that can b bought can b crafted or obtained with a drop.

With that said, I don't like it too much but i'm all for it. the only thing that annoys me are the crates, but i'll get to that.
  • Valve added 65 new items (hats, weapons, tools, minigames, gifts, crates).
confused? good, me too. i dunno how the minigames work but i do know they have to b purchased but maybe u can get them as drops too.

Tools include paints (certain hats and weaps can b painted), crates (contains one of the rare items not directly available in shop) and keys (which HAVE to b bought).

Guess who already has 2 crates and can't open them. pfff...

  • Item Catalog
It's a list of all the items existing in TF2 complete with description, it's pretty handy for looking up stuff or check out what exists in the game.
  • Added Trading
I already gave away my soldier stash cause I'm a nice guy and this is how i roll. I also promised Zach a pyro hat but only if he gets his internet fixed.

Also a note, All items obtained up to this update are now classified "vintage", which means they were obtained "ye ol fashioned way", for god knows what reason, that makes them more valuable for trading on the TF2 trade forum. Go figure...
  • Noteworthy undocumented changes
* Removed the cooldown timer from the Sandvich and the Dalokohs Bar.
* A green number shows up by your health bar when you pick up health now.
* A little plus sign particle appears in the spot you picked up health.
* Fixed taunt glitch involving switching weapons quickly.
* Added new "Hifive" taunts for Demoman, Heavy, Medic, Pyro, Scout, Sniper, Soldier and Spy.

So yea, this is one damn overwhelming update. Also, anyone interested in 2 crates?

1 comment:

  1. i went to a map and everyone in it was trying to trade hats like has if they were pokemon cards
