
Dusty Wii and RPG nostalgia

For about a week now, it's been on my mind that I haven't really used my Wii in well over 6 months, i don't really look for games to play on it and i havent heard of anything that great for the Wii either.

There was "Metroid: Other M" a while back, which i heard was annoying cause of the characterization of Samus. And really it just strikes me as a FPS game so i didn't care for it.

Watched Spoony's D&D unboxing Video the other day, And whenever someone starts talking about clerics, rangers and paladins, I have this urge to play as one of those having adventures in dungeons and fighting monsters.

I fucking love those settings.

I was bored.

However no such game seems to exists.

I tried D&D online since the game is free, but it turns out to b a ugly version of WoW with worse controls. Seriously don't recomend it.

Tried getting back to Ragnarok online, but let's not speak of that.

Really wish there was some game i could sink some hours in.

If anyone has good Wii games to recommend or games for PC in a medieval setting, please do.

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