
Sweet day

Today is a good day, why? well i'll tell ya.

2 days ago, my ISP was down for 50 mins, and while it was down, I randomly decided to dick around with my modem settings and found the port forwarding options, which were oddly hidden.

As a result, I got the Oekaki is back up. Which is good cause i was lazy about removing the button on the side.

Another reason today is good is cause i thought another of my cats went missing (would had been 7th one this year) but turns out he took a day off.

Yet another reason today is great is because i made a rather awesome deal in TF2, as shown bellow:

Yes, i got a Vintage Kabuto hat for 7 weapons. I'm that awesome. I'm thinking of lending it to Zach if he likes it.

Kinda sucks that Zach currently can't play TF2 cause his connection drops if he tries. So I've been getting items AND hats that we both need/want by myself. And doing a damn good job at that.

Speaking of TF2, According to the TF2 Blog, If you pre-purchase "Poker Night at the Inventory", You automatically get 1 hat for the heavy and when the game is online you can earn 5 more items for TF2.

I wouldn't normally consider it, but the game is really really cheap.

And still on the subject of TF2, I submitted my 2nd model to the TF2 "contribute" site:

It's a misc slot pipe for the Spy. I suggested that it'd b used for the medic and sniper as well, but i don't think it will be done.

Simply because for the spy, it's easy, he has bones already there cause of his cigarette. The other classes have nothing to attach it to.

Good day indeed.

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