
New Thundercats

I told K-ToF a long while back that they were rebooting Thundercats and showed him some concept pictures. Recently Warner Brothers released this image to confirm that they are still releasing it this year sometime in April.

While I can accept the new outfits, I wished they kept the age of the characters closer to the original. Tygra and Panthro seems okay, but Cheetara and Lion-O makes me kind of queasy. I'm sick of watching all these whiny teen animation characters. Well maybe the show will make up for it in the music and story department. Well one can hope.


  1. Ugh, i agree that Lion-O and Cheetara look too young, like freaking J-RPG characters.

    I remember when men were men! and when women past 20 were considered attractive!

  2. Why does Panthro look like Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop?
