
Web Finds

When I'm bored or just not wanting to talk to anyone I randomly browse the web, and not for porn mind you.

FIND #1:
As an artist I am sadden to find that many web designers today fall short on the creativity stick. Instead of having a garden of awesome webdesigns to look at we are essentially given the same cookie-cutter web layout scheme. Most websites that you visit pretty much have the blog-like layout and utilizes the screen area very poorly. Heck even porn sites now all pretty much look the same.

I then stumbled upon 20 things I learned about browsers and the web. The information was nothing new to me, but I just loved how the site was setup like a picture book, and the best part of it was that it was done in HTML5. You would know that if you had an adblock extension or looked at the source file as I did. The text was well placed and it was exactly what I expected to get from the page and nothing extra. The only complaint I had was the speed. However, I assumed that it is mostly because Firefox is not optimized with HTML5 yet. Check out the site.

FIND #2:

"So what? It's just an old NES Zelda cartridge." you think to yourself (or yell at the monitor).

Why yes and no. It's the cover casing of the the Zelda cartridge, but inside is an external 1TB harddrive. Ingenious! Just imagine being at work and you're like "oh shit I better take my files back home to finish xxxx project" and then you whip out the NES cartridge. Awesome? That's an absolute yes.

I should do this since I have like three copies of Zelda.

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