
About that Spiral Knights thing...

I was planning to make more posts about the game as I played it, However, I've gained acess to the last Tier, and i had an epiphany that could be translated more or less into: "That's it?"

I got... oddly disappointed upon reaching the last Tier of Spiral Knights. I guess i was feeling it before i even got to that tier though... Let me try to explain:

There's only 4 gates open at all times in Spiral knights, There's different types of maps on each, that can b randomized, but honestly, I played all layouts at least 5 times each. On some runs, u get the same map twice, just in a different elemental and u start from the end. We even had a run where we did the same layout 4 times!

There's also very little diversity in enemies, which does NOT help either.

And I can already reach the "endgame" stuff? after a week?

Energy cost is going up rather insanely fast, it's almost triple the cost it was at launch now. Seeing as what's left for me to do is get all 5 star equipment, and it takes 2-3 days to farm energy for just a 4 star one, I'm kinda done.

Just feels like i seen everything there was to see and killed most of what's to kill, all that's left is a torturous grind trying to get energy that is just too expensive, for no real purpose.

Don't get me wrong, the game is really nice looking, the gameplay is excellent and there's other nice things going for it, but, it's buggy, has a lot of downsides and very very little content for a MMO.

I'm reminded of a penny arcade comic where Tycho and Gabe are talking about the doom 3 engine, one of them says it's a really nice engine, the other says he can't wait until they make a game with it. That's how i feel about Spiral Knights right now.


  1. hey man u gotta wait the game just aired not that long ago it usually takes a while before the get the kinks out have you ever played a game called rumble fighter i remember when it started out there wasnt much to it but after a year or so they added so much to the game it feels completely different! maybe in the future they will add more content look at runescape too i know it not the best mmo but if you look at it now and you and if you look at it before theres a drastic change the only thing people dont seem to like about the game is the graphics and in spiral knights case it the energy problem along with some other things give if anything take a break from it for a couple of months lets them fix the game a little bit then come back you might be surprised by what they changed. i love the game on the other hand i never really minded the price for the energy (i thinks its like 3000+) now but thats not even that long of farming for me and im in teir 2 you said u made it to thir 4 you should be making major bank. right now the game is in its "caterpillar stage"
    give it a while

  2. haha also sorry for all the typos it should be "tier" not "thir" but seriously give the game a while to get the wrinkles ironed =D

  3. Maybe i am over reacting a bit, but it just got old pretty fast to me.

    I still play it because Bitten and Zach play it, and they want me to tag along.

    We killed the Jelly king twice today, but wasn't a big deal at all to me.

  4. haven't fought him yet mostly because im trying to make a super blast bomb all i need now is 1000c wasted all the rest of my crowns on buying ce now i have like 30 me that im going to use to get 1000c and 100 ce that i dont want to wast i think i might be able to get 1000c by going into tier 2 *sigh* well back to the mines!
