
Spiral Knights: Weapons

Like most MMOs, Weapons are a big part of Spiral Knights. In fact, maybe more in spiral knights than other games since there are no character levels in SK, only equipment level.

Weapon types

There's actually 3 types of weapons you can use in Spiral knights

  • Swords
Basic weapons with decent damage and attack speed and allow you to quickly guard after attacking, although that varies depending the the sword you choose.

Swords mostly tend to do horizontal slashes and can hit multiple enemies easily if they are grouped together. Can b charged up for a stronger attack with special properties and/or area of effect.

  • Guns
These are the main reason we want to punch Pizzacat in the face.

Guns have infinite ammo, but still require being reloaded. Attack rate is generally slower than sword and do much less damage. Some can b shot while walking but make u slower, charging a shot with a gun makes u walk slower as well (unlike swords). Guarding after attacks takes a bit as well.

Even with all these flaws, the range would b a good advantage it it wasn't for the enemy AI, see, enemies dodge, they can dodge even melee attacks sometimes although they often don't, but some enemies are coded to dodge 95% of the time a bullet is shot

Making having someone who insists on using guns in your party a plague.

  • Bombs
Unlike the previous 2, bombs can only be used if fully charged, as a result, not very spamable. they're definitely not use as a main weapon ever. They can have decent ranges when upgraded and can afflict status effect with a lil more ease then the other weapons.

These are mostly used for crowd control and/or spreading status effects, not to say they're not good, but it's not meant to b used on it's own.


You can either buy or craft equipment, however, buying from the shops is far more expensive and generally not worth it.

Advantages of crafting:

  • Way cheaper
Any 2 star equipment in the shops costs 7500 crowns

2 star recipe cost 1000 crowns to buy, crafting it requires the needed materials (which honestly are very easy to come by for 2 star items), 400 crowns and 50 energy. Even assuming energy is at a very high cost, it should be far less than the shop cost.

You may also run into people that will craft things for you either at a price, or just material cost only.

  • Unique variants
Rather interesting feature is that when you craft anything, you get a small random chance of producing a unique variant with a random bonus.

Examples would be increased attack speed, or bonus damage to a specific type of enemies.

Because of that, a lot of people craft the same item over and over, and may sell the extras rather cheap. They also buy tons of materials from early game, seeing as all recipes require them.

Aside from these, crafting is also the only way to get some weapons.

However, note that, there are alchemy trees such as for example:

Each recipe requires the result of the previous one as an ingredient. But the trouble seems to usually result into good and specialized items.

Also, unique variants can be carried over from 1 item to the next in line. For example, if i have a Super blast bomb that gained a bonus dmg against slimes, I can choose to carry that over when I upgrade it to the master blast bomb.

If you want a Big angry bomb with a unique variant, it's best to try to get that variant as a blast bomb because of it's cheap crafting cost.


  1. i made an account for this game when you posted this i read it and was like "huh this seems interesting". its a pretty sweet game i would love it if it weren't for the fact you need energy for just about everything your do in the game. in all i would have to say this is a fun game just the other day i got a autogun recipe which i have been searching for a while then i bought some mats off of another player and crafted it i love it! made it that much better thanks!

  2. I think the first gun i crafted was an autogun too.

    and yea, energy is a huge issue. I seen on their forums that there's tons of complaints about it.

    Almost everyone i know is playing the game right now, but everyone is increasingly annoyed from the energy and the increasing cost.
