

Most trendy dungeon designers like to stick at least one of these guys in their cliche-ridden labyrinths to keep watch over treasure they have no intention of coming back for. Dungeoneers are weird.

Beholders are magical abominations that practically sweat mana and generally using magic to dispatch them is an act of stupidity. Fortunately, they're quite easily distracted; the shape of it's pupil represents it's ideal love interest, and thanks to spending most of their time staring at gold and jewels for no reason, they're very lenient about it. Find some one or something that resembles that, and they'll pretty much be out of your hair and leave you free to loot whatever booty they have around.

...Don't worry about your "sacrifice", either. Beholders don't have social skills, so they'll just stare. And drool, maybe. They do that too.

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