
Steam sales and Wii at 1080p

So, here we are again, steam sales:

Valve added a bunch of new items to TF2 related to the games on sale, most notable ones are the Brink hat for sniper, the pip-boy misc item for the engi and the Original for the soldier. There are more though you may like, have a look at the TF2 wiki frontpage. Should be in "trending topics".

I'm not gonna tell people what to do with their money, but, Aren't we all a lil tired of this strategy by now? Here's the thing, TF2 used to be OK fun, we'd play it tons and we'd want items for it, but now, it's a horrible noobfest where you have to yell at people for them to start moving, literally.

What I'm saying it, TF2 isn't as worth it as it used to be. A lot of the decent players quit, do you really play it that much yourself? And when you do, do you even have fun?

I dunno much about this one.

Bitten tells me you get some Krogmo coins, which i assume is the new PVP currency, and some bomber costumes. no gear you can actually use.

Every time i play this with Zach and Bitten, when they invite me (and don't blow me off), I have a huge urge to rant about it on twitter, but there just aren't enough characters for my rage.

The netcoding is still atrocious, when I play with Pizzacat, Zach and Bitten, at least one of us will always complain that we're getting hit by stuff that already or was going to happen. You're not fighting just 1 enemy, you're fighting the past, the present and the future!

Maybe it's just me, but Spiral still feels like a beta, they're still trying to figure out what to do with the damn thing and make up shit as they go. The problem with that is that the game is structured in a way where the player has to plan what he wants from the start and it takes ages to craft it. And these assholes go and change the rules/equips on ya.

For example: Every single one of us wanted a fucking electric sword from the start, cause electricity is retarded broken in this game (at least on players, prolly less on monsters), and there wasn't one. We all went and planned for different weapons. after many months and still haven't completed my fucking fire sword, there's finally the damn electric sword now.

Fuck you game!

Someone call me when they figure it out and actually complete the game. Sick of playing a shitty beta.

Now, I can't read jap, but, I'm pretty sure that's a wii, and that thing says HD converter, and the lil device says 720p/1080p.

This is VERY interesting, cause my main complaint on the wii is the ridiculously low resolution. I opened mario kart wii on an emulator and it looked so nice at 1080 (couldn't actually play cause the emulator crashes).

If someone can translate that and confirm what it is, it'd be nice. if someone knows where i can buy it in Europe, it'd b nicer.


  1. I play it all the time and have more fun than I ever had. I like all the added items. Maybe it's a little less balanced than it was, but I love the chaos.

  2. Well you're very easily entertained then.

    Kinda like penny arcade said about quake 3: Spiral is an interesting engine, can't wait til they make a good game with it.

    It's effin tiny.

  3. Well, wasn't talking about Spiral, though that's fun i nand of itself, was talking about TF2.
