
Io the Man Angler

Io is a free-spirited, energetic, four-armed bio-luminescent alien from some far-off planet somewhere in the deep recesses of space. She leaves her planet in search of a mate that is tolerant of her insatiable sex drive... and the possibility she may accidentally inject them with her eggs should they become fertilized.

Io's anatomy is odd and mysterious. Why four arms? Why the knobby growths on most of her joints? Does she have a skeleton? What does she eat? How does she survive the vacuum of space? Unfortunately she's never stayed in one place long enough for anyone to really confirm any of that, though some people have their theories after observing her.

Personality-wise, Io is very open, honest, and comes off as unintelligent and naive due to her lack of knowledge concerning the various alien races she's encountered. She views the universe as a vast ocean of unlimited possibility, and even if she doesn't find what she's after, she may still discover something nice, or make friends with interesting people. She never forgets anything. ANYTHING... Though it may take some prodding to jar her memory.

The lure on Io's species' head is exclusive to females. It's used primarily to attract potential mates... and maybe food. We don't know. Females will burrow underground, leaving only the lure visible, and wait for mates/prey to approach. Males aren't very keen on breeding, considering it involves taking on the burden of the eggs until they hatch... and tear out of their mid-section(they get better. Still hurts like hell, though). They enjoy the sex part, though. That part's nice.


  1. I love these posts you've been making just ignore those haters checking the do not want box.

  2. Don't worry, We've noticed that 2 guys instantly rate Zach's posts "do not want" asap, and one of them actually went back to posts from when the rating system wasn't implemented yet and wasted his time rating all of Zach's posts negatively.

    Obvious trolls are obvious.
