
PC-98 cameos/references

By chance, I found a screenshot of a PC-98 game around a week ago, and the sprites on it were really good. So it got me in the mood to lookup what other games the system had.

Turns out there's a surprising huge amount of hentai games for it.

Hentai or not though, a lot of those games were wonderfully sprited, and I hate that it was mainly a jap system because i can't get the games for it to play, and the few that I managed to get to run with an emulator were, obviously in jap, so couldn't get very far from the main menu.

Did find weird stuff among the hentai games though, but the cameos and/or references always felt the weirdest part of all:

At first, i thought that the cameo here was that doll of Sailor Jupiter above where the chair is, but in fairness, it could just be any schoolgirl. But then i noticed the cap on the bed with "Terry" written on the front, which is not what Terry Bogard's hat says, but still could be a reference to him, and on even further inspection, I see a mini Muttley by the chimney.

This one could have way more cameos than the one I'm about to mention, but dunno the other ones. The most obvious one should the the guy in the middle with his back to us, it's an obvious Ryu, then the other one is the man standing on the right side, looks like Galford to me.

Possibly the best looking one, A very obvious Piccolo.

Very subtle Kenshiro in the back there.

Ok, Maybe i'm making this one up, but to me, it looks like Gary Oak being carried by a giant robot/creature, possibly rushing towards a cave where Ash will emerge from, with all of his Pokemon but one KO'd, to challenge Ash to a battle.

Maybe it's just me.

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