
Gorgon Zola

Zola is a fabulously wealthy gorgon that lives in a gaudy mansion in Crust Town. She could be best described as... pompous. She has a husky, sultry, upper-class accent she uses in conjunction with her figure to get her way... or rather, she used to, until people clued into the whole "gorgon" thing.

These days, she usually relies on her "dumpling" workforce, instead of trying to seduce men that she inevitably grows tired of and turns to stone. The remnants of these men now populate her rather extensive garden.

Zola is obsessed with maintaining her beauty. Insinuating that she's ugly is a one way ticket to conflict, and she's no slouch when it comes to throwing down. In fact, since sorcerer's are immune to her stone stare and she can cancel out sorcery within a certain distance, this is what fights between her and Razz amount to. They usually get along, though. Usually.

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