
Forsaken World: The Shop

I've had a bad day yesterday, had to get an emergency appointment with the doc and it shook me up a lil. As such, i don't feel like playing so I'll write a lil more about FW.

I want to address an issue that is important with free MMOs: What can you buy with real money on them.

This is relatively important because, people want to be able to enjoy the game for free. What i mean is, some games (looking at you spiral knights) give such a massive advantage to paying players that free players never really get anywhere and spend months to achieve what someone with money can achieve in a day.

I'm happy to say that one of the things that attracted me to FW was the fact that the online store does not sell anything game breaking.

So let's take a look at the shop:

I'm sorry to say that bee costume isn't in the game.

So let's see what's sold:

  • Fashion (Costumes)
These are used to personalize the look of your character.

Unlike WoW where armor always looks like ass, every damn piece looks different (even if it's a slight color variation) and nothing matches up, in FW, armor for the same level tends to look the same.

Note: One of the things Bitten said after trying out the game was how impressed he was with the detail and designs of the armor in the game, and i have to agree, far superior to WoW in that aspect.

Here's an example: Mishie, my kindred mage.

If anyone in-game looks at her, they can tell she's wearing a level 40 armor set and has a level 30 weapon, because they all look like that. I actually like that fact because it makes it easy to identify both the class and level of a player just by looking at them.

Costumes however, replace everything your character has on them visually.

I like how the shop reminds you fairly quickly that this is an Asian game."What will it be? naughty schoolgirl or naughty french maid?".

Note: After playing the first day, Bitten bought the french maid outfit, which, if you know Bitten's tastes, wasn't that surprising.

Even though the costumes come in sets, you can mix up the parts to come up with your own look (the last one being an example, I call it "Attention Whore" custom set). Aside from the general costumes available to all races, each race has their own exclusive costumes.

  • Mounts
At level 20, the game gives you a quest to which the reward is a free mount that lasts 1 week. It's a temporary version of the abyss capricorn (135% speed). When that one wears off, you can buy a permanent one from an NPC with in-game currency.

All the shop ones however, have 150% speed (which honestly, is nice, but can easily live without) and most of them, if not all, can remain active in water (which the abyss capricorn does not).

There IS a racial mount you can buy in-game that can do what the store ones do, but it's so highly priced I'm not sure anyone ever gets it at all.

  •  Pets
This is one that could be considered a big advantage.

All players in FW can have and should have pets, and they play a big part in the game. A pet can share it's resistances with you, it has it's own skills and can use it's own potions (Automatically if you set him up that way), you can set him up to attack with you or to defend you, etc.

Pets come in 3 quality: white, green and blue. Blue, being the best, has much better stats, which may matter or not depending on what you use your pet for since a lot of people want pets for the skill they start with.

It is possible to catch blue pets in-game, but the shop pets are all of blue quality and most are exclusive. The shop also sells items and skills for pets, but nothing I'd b jealous about honestly.

  • Refine
These are gems and crystals basically, gems aren't hard to obtain, you can earn at least 1 everyday in an instance specifically for it, and the shop only sells level 1 gems, which is the type you get from the instance anyway.

Crystals, that's a lil different. you CAN get them ingame, but they're rare. those are used to greatly increase your chance of successfully upgrading your armor, and seem to only be necessary around upgrade 6 to 12. Seems more necessary as a endgame thing.

  • General
Lots of neat things in there, but will only list the most important ones.

Bag extensions is prolly something that will tempt players the most as they get invested into the game, simply put, increases the space in your bag. As you level up, you'll get 2 free bag extensions from the game as a reward, if you desire more, i think they're shop only. Bank extensions are as useful, however you CAN get those from NPCs in-game.

Talent compass and wisdom fruit. those may be necessary if you fuck up your character: The talent compass is usable at a NPC to reset your talents. At one point in the game, you're given one that lasts for 30 days, which is good cause people tend to fuck up their talents at least once. The wisdom fruit allows u to give up on a job you took and allows you to change to another one. like the talent compass, you get it playing normally, but they're permanent and you get 2 of them.

Edit: was playing just now and turns out if you get 60 achievements in the game, they give you another talent compass with no time limit on it.

Only thing worth note is that FW has a marriage system, which I have not looked into cause I'm not pathetic enough. however, to get married you have to buy the necessary items from the shop.

Also from time to time, the shop will do sales and events where they sell packs that give you a random item, in which you can win a rare pet or mount. Think of these as TF2 crates.

Things to note:

Players in FW can open their own shops, and when you play, if you join the trade realm, you'll find TONS of player shops everywhere.

It's not uncommon to find players selling store only items for gold, so even store only items can be obtained without you having to spend real cash for it.

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