
What we've been playing: Forsaken World

Me and Bitten have been playing the free MMO Forsaken World for a while now, and most people don't really know much about it. So imma talk about it a lil.

Forsaken World is a free MMORPG which in gameplay is very similar to WoW. However, there are many features in FW that feel like a huge improvement over WoW.

To make a very obscure reference, FW to WoW is like comparing Titan Quest to Diablo 2.

The Races

As it is almost norm nowadays, this MMO has a few races to choose from. Sadly, 3 of the 5 look like humans. The race determines the classes you can use.

Nothing much to note, Humans are always as standard as it gets. Humans are the race which has the most classes available to them: warriors, assassins, mages and priests.
Supposedly more intelligent, Elves are quite taller than humans with heavily metro-sexual faces and hairstyles. Besides warrior and priest, Elves have the exclusive class of bard.
All Dwarves are marksmen, and all marksmen are Dwarves. Not a lot of diversity there, however, armed with their rifles Dwaves are easily one of the best DPS in the game.
Like Dwaves, Stonemen only have 1 class that happens to be exclusive to them: Protector. Obviously, they're the token tank class of the game and the only race that stands out visually.
The kindred, along with Stonemen, is the other "non-standard mmorpg" playable race. Aside from assassins and mages, The kindred have the exclusive class of vampire.

To note that, even though 3 of the races (Human, Elf and Kindred) have similar looks, there's a lot of room for visual diversity in the game seeing as when making a character. Almost all races, if not all, can pick from 18 skin colors, (including shades of blue, yellow and green), and allows you to pick any possible color for hair.

Aside from that, you get a few faces, hairstyles and "flair" to choose from.

The Classes

Now we're getting a lil more into detail. Classes pretty much define your role and how you'll play the game (and if you'll have fun or not). With only 5 races, FW has 8 classes. Having tried out most, I can say they're not redundant (unlike some other MMOs i could name).

Note that like WoW, FW has talent trees which allows you to specify what you want to excel at and influence your role in parties.

  • Classic classes:

Assassin - A standard melee class, comparable to WoW's rogues.

They have high DPS and high critical rate/critical damage. They also have high evasion and accuracy. They can use Stealth and as such, they're a good class for PVP.

However, they do have downsides: for all that dmg and evasion, assassins have low HP and defense, another downside is their complete lack of AoE skills.

Warrior - The other standard melee class.

Warriors have stances which alter their characteristic: "Frenzy Stance" is for good damage, "Bloodrage Stance" for good HP, "Combat Stance" for High defense. Warriors can take the role of tank/off-tank if needed but their stances allow them to play many roles.

Their MP is rather low though so they depend on potions a lot, and they aren't quite optimal tanks. They also don't have many multi-target attacks.

Mage - Standard DPS class.

Mages have many AoE attacks and are have decent damage output. They have the most MP which allows them to keep casting constantly.

Their weaknesses are the common ones for DPS classes: low defense and low health meaning they're fragile.And they only have 1 useful group buff.
Priest - the standard healing class.

Obviously, these have a high healing potential, they're highly wanted in any group and have
multiple buffs for the party, your pet and yourself. Note they do not have the strongest healing in the game, but can heal many targets reasonably well.

As expected, they have low defense, and not many attack moves. they can be forced to rely heavily on potions.

  • Race exclusive classes:

Bard - Elf exclusive class.

Bards aren't that common in MMORPGs, which is a shame cause they're awesome.

In FW, they provide AOE heals and powerful buffs. They can have a flexible role and are always a very nice addition in groups.

Downsides? They only gain AoE damage in endgame, no specific single target heals, buffs have a short duration so they have to renew them all the time. Meant as a party class, they're slow at soloing mobs by themselves.

Marksman - Dwarf exclusive class.

Marksman use rifles, as such, they have the longest range in the game.They can do high damage and various DoT effects, they have rather good AoE attacks as well.

As you already guessed, that means they have low defense. Also to note they have few buffs. Depending on the talent tree they go with, they may have to manage soul bullets (but that's a lil too in-depth to get into).

Protector - Stoneman exclusive class.

It only makes sense Stonemen have a class that has incredibly high defense, and so they do. They're the perfect tanks and highly wanted in parties, very high HP and they can solo a lot of stuff easily.

The downsides aren't too bad. They have low magical defense, which doesn't matter too much because of their HP, and their damage isn't the best. Worth mentioning as a downside that it's a role that implies responsibility.

Vampire - Kindred exclusive class.

This is a very interesting class...

They can have high damage output, relatively high survivability (which most DPS classes do not have), ability to heal and it's said they can even solo some bosses.

However, vampires tend to have to choose between the DPS and healing.Vampires are in fact the best single target healers in the game, but, only if they pick the "Blood" talent tree. They do excellent DPS if they pick the "Inferno" talent tree.

It's a VERY versatile class. Even a DPS build can help with the healing during a boss fight.

What's the down side of all this? Their spells drain mana very quickly, requires a lot of multitasking, and one of your best skills must be in vampire mode.

Note: The race you pick will influence your class, for example: a human priest and an elf priest do not perform exactly the same way. One of them heals more and the other can heal faster.

If you guys are intrigued, I'll make more posts about the game later on.

You can get  FW from either their official site or from steam. Personally, I got it from steam but I regret not going to the official site instead.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting.. I'll probably play this as a mage.
    I love using guns in games like this though, but I dun wanna be a Drawf. Drawfs look sily.
