
Slappin' a spy and some dwarves

As I mentioned last week, I've was near constantly lightheaded cause I got low iron in my blood.

Since then I've been taking a basic iron supplement for a week now and although I sometimes still randomly get dizzy/lightheaded, I'm starting to feel better. I can actually read pages again and chat over skype a lil, a week ago, it was painfully hard for me to do so. Now I'm unsure if I should go to the doctor or not, but either way I need to take it easy for a while.

I feel bad for posting mostly Youtube vids that I liked, so I'll post one of Bitten's pics that he did recently:

A couple of dwarves, Bitten says it's for a comic project. I personally don't really know what project it is.

I can't resist posting this though:

1 comment:

  1. I really like Bitten's work. This one makes me think: "A day in the meadow of my friends, my targets."

    That's certainly an entertaining use of voice clips, and that cameo is well done.
