
Wikipedia gives us a preview of Internet censorship

I'm just gonna admit it, if Wikipedia didn't exist, I probably wouldn't had finished college. Back then, Wikipedia was something I knew of, but never really used, however with all the crap teachers wanted us to do I found myself looking for help online constantly, and Wikipedia was there.

>If I didn't have access to Wikipedia, then how am I supposed to find random trivia to spout to make myself look smart?

Still today, Wikipedia and other Wikis are the best way to store and organize info anywhere. Everyone I know uses a wiki for something on a daily basis. To me, any law that threatens Wikipedia and all Wikis in general is both insane and a crime against humanity.

>No comment really.
>You are the worse blogger ever!

Why this ridiculous bullshit is being even considered is beyond me.

I'm honestly a lil scared. I'm in Europe and all, but if a law like SOPA passed, it would destroy so many sites and services that make the internet so useful.

You'll see many sites doing similar protests, I just used Wikipedia as example cause it's a site that most people would agree benefits the entire world.

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