
New Bro Team Pill: Lord of the Rings Online

There's a few of these I haven't posted when I was fucked up in bed unable to move.

Maybe it was because I was in pain, but i didn't particularly think they were funny. Heck this one feels ok, but it's starting to stale.

I tend to attribute the fact that I'm getting bored with something to my personality. I do tend to get bored with things abnormally fast sometimes, usually simply by analyzing it and thinking about it for a bit.

But even if they're not as funny to me as they used to, they're still interesting in the sense that they pick up games I've never heard of, and I can get an impression of the game in a rather short video. Granted a grossly inaccurate impression, but still.

I guess if the votes for these videos are still positive, I'll keep posting these.

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