
A video about DLC by Supergreatfriend

This is a video from Supergreatfriend, a LPer and reviewer that both me and Zach have a been a fan of since his "Deadly Premonition" LP.

While playing in his LPs or reviewing, he talks about his views on gaming, and one of the reasons I like the guy is because for the most part, I share those views, although he's way more tolerant than I am.

Recently, there's been a lot of controversy and general bullshit about Mass Effect 3, and this video is mostly Supergreatfriend venting/ranting about the subject.

You only need to listen to it, the video is unimportant, it's something random he threw on it just so it wasn't a black screen.

Me and Bitten were having a long ass convo about this just yesterday, and I was having trouble explaining my point of view to him. So I'm going to force him to watch this tomorrow.

I was also thinking about writing some article about the subject and get flamed for it. I'm just glad Supergreatfriend saved me the trouble.

I may still write something about the subject, because the concept of DLC has been corrupted and twisted so bad. Some companies lock content that was originally in the game on purpose now. Just seems that in general, it had a very negative impact on gaming.

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