
The remakes of Spiderdubs: An opinion

Now, ages ago I wrote a small article to talk about Spiderdub. It isn't quite meant to make sense but ended up being hilarious.

The creator, MW10T, recently partner'd up with someone and now there's a site for his Dubs ( ). That's cool, I like that.

On Youtube, for whatever reason, his first episodes of Spiderdub are missing. Instead of re-uploading them to, which is what he uses now, he remade and re-dubbed the episodes entirely, and they're way longer.

But, that kinda ruins them in a way.

Spiderdub 4 is the first one that available on YouTube and has a remake:

Original YouTube version

Remastered version on

The first ones were short, the timing was good and the voice acting sounded natural. Granted that thinking they were funny or not depends on your sense of humor, but most of the time they amused me.

The "remakes" are really really long and the timing feels off. The voice acting feels much less natural, like he's reading off a script, which is probably what he's doing now.

And he's including those really weird and sometimes somewhat disturbing intermissions in them now, which is something he started doing in all his videos and as far as I know, no one actually likes. They feel like in case you were actually having some fun, they're there to pull the drag chute and make sure you're not anymore.

Those are the biggest downer, because the episodes are already longer and less entertaining, but this random shit in it is making it much worse and right down annoying to watch.

You know what? I just figured it out, he's pulling a George Lucas on us. The Original stuff was good, the later stuff wasn't as good, the remakes are bad with added shit no one cares.

If you disagree with me, feel free to share your opinion.

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