
Couple more pics from the pandaren females

So, this first picture is the concept art for the Pandaren female, and honestly, all I can think about is how awkward it must have been when the artist turned that sketch in.

There must be a really awkward environment at Blizzard right now where no one wants the say the word "furry", but everyone is constantly thinking about it and being confused about their sexual preferences.

Like, the guy who approved the concept and said "It looks good" probably thought in the back of his head "Oh god, I didn't mean it like that, I wonder if he thinks I'm into furries now."

I'd love to work there just to laugh my ass off.

The 2nd pic is a red panda, which is something I was wondering too, although I originally forgot to write about it here.

So now it begs the question: We established that we have more than 1 color, should we expect more? if so, should we expect "nonsense colors"? Cause that would truly be going into full furry territory.

Here's a little known fact, back in the day, I made a couple of WoW model mods, and one of them was for Dwarven females, I'm very familiar with their build, and I gotta say, the more I look at the female Pandarens, the more I see similarities with the Dwarven counterpart.

Here's the last and probably only surviving picture of the mod btw. Don't ask me for it, it's long gone.

Slightly off-topic, but along with those pics, I found this one, and it looks like a sort of rat that is also part dragon and carries a small barrel with explosives with it.

I dunno what it is, but I thought it looked awesome.

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