
WoW's female Pandaren revealed

So, this is something I mentioned a while ago, the female Pandaren.

Well, it's not too thin. Doesn't look too bad really.

Obviously, you have a wave of people hating it, and another wave of people loving it. But honestly, my interest is the sexual dimorphism. So let's compare:

Again, and IF this is up to scale, it looks reasonable. Personally I would had made the female a lil "wider", but seems fine to me.

I've read people comparing the female Pandaren to the female Dwarves, Which I can't see as a negative thing since they were my fav females build wise. Also, it's fitting seeing as Samwise, the artist who originally came up with the Pandaren, always linked them to Dwarves, in the sense both liked booze and getting in fights.

I think he has drawn, years ago, some pictures of Pandarens and Dwarves partying together.

IF I were to change something, I'd give the female Pandaren wider hips and thighs. They seem a lil thin for that build.

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