
Milotic rescue

From Bitten:

 This is a possible origin story for the Milotic from that trainer Bitten likes to doodle. This is not Sofiya from Bitten's PCA group.

That trainer sorta represents Bitten in a way since that trainer's team is the team Bitten himself had in Pokemon Ruby. Although unlike this trainer, Bitten raised his Milotic from a Feebas.

The dead will rise

One thing about being a teacher is all the crap you have to deal with from the administration side, but I only have 8 more days starting this day to deal with this district ever again.

The Wolf

The wolf once possessed a reputation for being a ferocious, conniving, brutish monster throughout the land. And to an extent he still is. However, ever since he was thoroughly humiliated by not one, but two of his recurring targets, he's developed a new sort of rep. He's now no longer the invincible, smooth-talking beast he was made out to be. He's a monster that crossdresses and gets beaten by girls half his size. And to add insult to injury, Red has essentially enslaved him; he mostly hangs around her in hopes of a vain attempt at revenge. He's really not sure why he listens to her either.

His scar and missing tail are constant reminders of his humiliation. Why he doesn't wear any sort of shirt to hide the scar is a mystery for the ages.

Ant & Grasshopper

An odd couple of friends living at an aphid ranch together. The ant is a workaholic, almost to the point of exhaustion, and tends to make mountains out of molehills when it comes to breaking habits or schedules... or taking breaks at all. The grasshopper is a slacker, but good-natured. Despite her tendency to doze off or goof around, she's learned her lesson from past experience and does what needs to be done. Her main concern these days is making sure her friend doesn't work herself to death; the ant has yet to grasp that RESTING is also an important thing to do. The grasshopper has her work cut out for her...

Bat Brat

I think when Rouge was introduced it was a pretty good sign that Sega wasn't taking the Sonic series in a good direction. And by that I mean a character that boasts "sex appeal" as a defining characteristic in an all-ages game. The manual even uses the words in her profile. That being said, I like her jazzy, loungey themes; they really suit her look and personality, unlike, say, Knuckles' themes (which I like for an entirely different reason).

I'd bring up her SA2 jiggle physics, but something tells me it was either some sort of programming oversight, or just some jackass/furry programmer who thought it'd be funny. I say the former because, and a lot of people overlook this, but a LOT of things on the playable characters jiggle in SA2. Like Sonic and Knuckles' quills, or Rouge's wings and ears (ESPECIALLY her ears). I think it was just an effort to make the characters seem more organic with the limits of Dreamcast technology.

I might continue this... uh, series, I guess. I'd have to decide who to do next, though.

World building - Unused concept 3

From Bitten:

I dunno anything about this one expect that she's a dwarf. That's about it.


Otto is a hulking giant spider in the sometimes-employ of Miss Muffet, after a...chance "meeting" on a certain tuffet over a bowl of curds and whey. Ever since then, Otto has served as her muscle, particularly when it comes to dealing with Red and her Wolf. He's not particularly book smart, but he's surprisingly cultured for a slovenly tramp that busts kneecaps for a living. Maybe it's because he's dabbling in a manner of speaking.

Otto's design is based mostly on old-timey cartoon villains, like Pete and several iterations of the Big Bad Wolf. His name comes from "ottoman", which is apparently what a tuffet is. You can probably see where that's going.

World building - Unused concept 2

From Bitten:

I believe she is meant to be a cleric.

As I'm told, this one is rejected because her face is kinda long, it will be shortened in Bitten's next version. Personally, I think the face is fine, what bugs me about it is her giant forehead.

Sometimes Egoraptor scares me...


Still way better than all the fights from episode 1 to 3 though.

World building - Unused concept 1

From Bitten:

This is an concept that Bitten made for a project he's working on, I'm assuming it's the comic he mentioned a while back. They're still at the world building stage of things and so there's a lot of trial and error involved.

Apparently, this won't be used for it. Pity.

Power Stone: Rouge's ending.

Played Power Stone for the first time yesterday, and didn't think that much of it. However, Rouge's ending was sorta funny so I'm posting it here for those that haven't seen it.

Honestly though, who didn't see it coming? And what did she expect? She's basically telling people to stare at her mammaries.

Sweet tattoo design, sort of

I'm unsure why I started making this, but it was sorta fun.

This is like the 3rd or 4th version of it, I started it and finished it yesterday afternoon, but had to make versions because the original version was too complex looking. Yes, this is a simplified version.

In related news, I'm now gonna force everyone on the blog to get this as a tattoo on their chest or forehead.

Medal decisions - round 2

So here's some of the less serious ideas and suggestions I got or thought of trying out:

Bitten likes the Jackie Chan one, but I suspect that's because he's racist. I think Zach likes the Cap'n K'nuckles one, and I can't blame him.

Pedobear kinda works. Sorta.

This one was on a page of a Doujin, I always liked how neat it looked as a logo. Gotta say I sorta like it as a medal.

Tried the KoF97 logo to see if sprites scaled up would look OK. Doesn't quite fit in TF2 though.

Simpler logos look best, and this one really reminded me of that. Kinda cute too, maybe too cute for TF2.

This last one was Probably the only I put any work on. If you can't tell, that's Raziel's symbol from Soul Reaver. It's a lil hard to make out though, and it's somewhat obscure.

The last 2 ones are the ones that I'll most likely make a medal out of, but I'm still undecided.

Again, if you guys have suggestions, fire away.

Tof recomends: "Soul Reaver" LP by LeadingManAE

I really like the Legacy of Kain series, specifically the Soul Reaver games. The story is very complex and deals with paradoxes rather well. I find that the world and plot of the games are fascinating.

It's an odd series, as it all starts with Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen, which tells the tale of Kain as he was murdered, resurrected as a vampire and manipulated into basically ruining the world.

From there, there's 2 branches: the Soul Reaver saga, and Blood Omen 2. Each follows the different protagonist, Raziel and Kain respectively. Both branches merge back into Legacy of Kain: Defiance. Sadly, the series was meant to have a last game to wrap everything up, but was canceled.

LeadingManAE has actually LP'd ALL Legacy of Kain games, which is an impressive feat. His LPs are very competent, good commentary, informative and knows what he's doing in the games. I believe he completes Soul Reaver 100%, which if you played the game, you know that's really hard without a walkthrough.

Whenever Possible, he plays the game he LPs on a console, Which is odd to me, but the footage comes out great so no complaints there. Occasionally, in the post commentary he'll have guests commentators which is great, I easily prefer 2 or more commentators in LPs.

Playlist for Soul Reaver LP

As I mentioned, He LP'd all of Legacy of Kain, but I don't recommend watching Blood Omen 1 and 2. the first is incredibly hard and annoying to watch, and 2nd is just not a good game. It's way better to read the plot of those games and what happens on a wiki or fansite.

Soul Reaver is quite dark at parts, but still a good game, Soul Reaver 2 is a much linear game and the Graphics are far more acceptable for today's standards, If you make it through the first game, definitely watch his LP of Soul Reaver 2, and the current last game in the series Legacy of Kain: Defiance.

She wants it now

Wanted to show you guys this pic that made Zach and me laugh pretty hard:

Never will be able to look at Legos the same way again now, but prolly not a bad thing.

Suggestion needed - TF2 medal

So I got a decal tool as a drop on TF2, and the medal looks nice even without a texture on it so I traded for one, and now i have a dilemma: What to put on the medal?

No, I didn't apply the one in the pic, I was just fiddling with the palette and preview thing. I hoped to put something sexy on it, but still "safe" to use in public servers.

Then I thought it'd be a good idea to ask you guys for thoughts and ideas. Feel free to suggest.

How to "Cinco de mayo"

I should had posted these yesterday:

However, this one is appropriate for the day after:

Cute Probopass Chibi

From Bitten:

And this should be the last one, least for now.

Cute Gliscor Chibi

From Bitten:

Don't think too much about how she's holding that mug.

Cute Wartortle Chibi

From Bitten:

Reminds me of a teacher I had in highschool.

Cute Seaking Chibi

From Bitten:

I don't even know this one...

Oekaki theme update

Since the Oekaki is actually getting some activity, decided to update the suggested theme.

The Fairies/Nymphs from Rayman Origins.

Why? Well... They're cute, and Betilla is a red head, I love red heads. Honestly though, there's really not much art/fanart for that game, so I thought it'd be a good idea.