

A colorful monster known primarily for the reputation of it's potent venom, which cause petrification. Also slightly known for a rumor that it's stare will induce the same effect, similar to a Cockatrice or Gorgon. The rumor is slightly debunked in that Basilisks don't seem to be capable of staring at anything for very long... or at all, really. It fidgets and jerks it's body about constantly, appearing unstable or easily distracted.

Basilisk venom is infamous for the rate at which it petrifies just about anything. It works merely by touch, not even requiring injection, and activates almost instantly. Why the creature has this venom is unknown, as it doesn't consume stone, and creatures that would hunt it, like weasels or mongooses, are immune to it. It will however, not hesitate to use it if it feels threatened, and avoiding it's spit is difficult due to the Basilisk's unpredictable movement.

It's venom and feathers are reasonably valuable magic items. The horn "crown" is much more highly sought after, but they're difficult to obtain in good condition, since they turn to stone if the Basilisk is killed, and it's really not okay with people trying to hack it off while it can still move.

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