
Calista Byrne

Callie is an old friend of Shotty's who helps run her shop. As opposed to her preference to ranged weapons, Callie sings the praises of various blades and cudgels meant for a more "personal" approach. In fact, in her youth, Callie was quite an accomplished swordsman herself, until puberty hit and her ability was severely impaired by the "gifts" it bestowed upon her...

Callie originally freelanced as a mercenary like many a goblin does, for a slightly longer period of time than Shotty. When "they" appeared, she sadly gave it up in favor of working with Shotty in an effort to fund reducing the problem. Over time, though, she found she had an even better talent towards salesmanship, due to her approachable, upbeat personality. Since then, she hardly looks back.

In addition to some small blades she can still handle effectively, she carries a custom pistol Shotty modified for her. Despite not being a fan of guns, it's Callie's most prized possession.

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