
Tof recomends: "Brutal Legend" LP by LeadingManAE

Brutal Legend was a game that look and sounded amazing when i first heard of it, but i could never play it seeing as I didn't own the system it was for.

When the game came out, I heard a lot of people were disapointed because it was actually a RTS, and that got me mad because that really made me want to play it, I really like strategy and puzzle games in my old age.

Time passed, years passed, and I completely forgot about it. Then I saw that LeadingManAE had made an LP of it, I liked his LP of the Soul Reaver Sub-series, so I decided to start watching it.

This game is mind blowing, the art direction is godly awesome, the characters style and facial expressions are really well done, Jack Black as the protagonist is really good.

But the thing that I really love is how the world and landscape is all based on Metal album covers, the story of the world is so imaginative I was very impressed. This is overall an extremely impressive game from a design point of view.

First episode of the LP

Again, LeadingManAE seems actually know what he's doing when playing the game and went for 100% completion, which is nice.

Link to the playlist

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