
Yesterday I learned what "Bunny boiler" means

So Spoony has been very active on twitter lately, probably over the fact TGWTG suspended him for a month for making a joke on twitter and someone got butthurt over it.

I rarely respond to tweets, but I wanted to send a word encouragement to Spoony even if it'd get ignored. And this happened:

What the hell is wrong with that woman?

I'm assuming that's Spoony's ex. Not even going on why she monitors her ex's tweets and responses (that's kinda pathetic), but what the hell is her problem?

Never met anymore that was so rude towards a complete stranger.

I do like how she accused me of discrimination (I didn't, would had called her dumb even if she was a man) even though she discriminated towards me first and unprovoked.

Also, you can't call me a furry and expect it to sound like an insult, you'd only stating I like anthro art, big woop. That says nothing about me.

Like, overall, a really really dumb person.


  1. The problem isn't that someone got butthurt over the joke (it was a rape joke after all, but coming from the guy who made "Spooning with Spoony 1 and 2", it's not really that surprising, and Spoony is a pretty unstable person), the problem is that the wrong person got butthurt over the joke.
    As for that twatterette, I guess youtube commenters also have twitter accounts. You did handled it like a pro though ;)

    1. All the people I showed this to said I should had just told her to fuck off, but that's not how I try to deal with things.

      As for the Spoony thing, I read he made a joke to someone "implying rape", i saw the post, it wasn't even explicit rape honestly, and Lupa took offense over it.

      I do love the fact that Spoony won't apologize, he shouldn't have to, also, this happened on fucking twitter.

      I had not even considered the "spooning with spoony" thing, considering that "show", and how it was on TGWTG, and the entire premise was rape, I don't get how a simple joke would get him banned.

      Honestly, I take offense that got Spoony banned. Because on the day Leslie Nielsen died, Rollo T was insulting the man on Lordkat's livestream and saying he was shit anyway and nothing of value was lost. Yet, that lil dipshit doesn't get any crap over it.

      I'm far more offended over that fucktard insulting an actor who passed away that objectively wasn't a terrible person and entertained millions than someone making a joke about implying rape.

      As much as i dislike LordKat, gotta say he was smart enough to leave TGWTG before things got sour.

      It's not like TGWTG is worth anything, I stopped checking it years ago because the only people I liked on it was spoony and the cinema snob (guys around my age), and both have their own sites.

  2. Every time I see someone behaving like the other commenter here I loose a little hope for humanity.

  3. That's a troll (heh, Shrek icon) account, not the Actual For Realz Scarlett. Just sayin'.

    1. That would explain a lot. Didn't even consider it honestly.

      Thinking about it, it's even more pathetic though, making a troll account and completely fail at trolling.
