
Blue Green Red

By Bitten:

To Bitten, it doesn't matter if the ending of ME3 was disappointing, it's still his favorite sci-fi series.

None of Your Damn Business

These two could totally be worked into some sort of buddy-cop series. Provided they could manage to get along.

Background obviously not something I did. It's honestly a miracle I bothered finishing this thing.

More random videos

Video Game characters and music videos tend to always be awesome in talented hands.


Tof's MvM pro tip: The Scout

A lot of people Started playing TF2 specifically because of the MvM mode, like Bitten did. However, these people are overwhelmed with all the weapons TF2 has and the mechanics.

So I'm gonna explain a few things:

In MvM mode, the scout has 2 unique features:

  • Has a wider money collection range.
  • Is actually healed/overhealed by the money.

I don't actually know what's the maximum amount of overheal money can give a scout, but I've seen it go over 500, which is way more than a normal medigun can overheal for.

If there's a scout on your team that's doing his job and collecting the money, let him do it. Only collect money if you're sure he's not going to get to it. All the money is shared after-all.

Here's the thing I really wanted to talk about though: The Shortstop.

New players don't know this or notice it in the description, but even though the shortstop is a primary weapon, it is a pistol and uses pistol ammo. Meaning if your have a pistol as a 2nd weap, the ammo will be shared.

Any of these have a cheaper ammo capacity upgrade than the shortstop.

As such, there's some good stuff you can do with it on MvM.

Pistols for the scout in general have very little ammo, and upgrading the ammo capacity on the shortstop is actually not cheap at all. But as I mentioned, it's ammo shared by all pistols, so just have another one equipped on the 2nd slot (Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol is a good choice for the HP boost), and upgrade the ammo capacity for that one instead, and it will effectively be used by the shortstop as well.

The other thing I've noticed is that if u add 2 points in that upgrade on either the shortstop or your 2nd pistol, your total ammo will be 72, however, if you add 1 point of that upgrade on each, it's 81. Meaning one is applied over the other and gives a much bigger capacity.

The upgrade for any 2nd slot pistol is half of what it is for the shortstop.

I still wouldn't bother putting any points on the shortstop capacity though.

"Bro Team: DayZ"

Now, I had decided to stop posting Bro Team vids on the blog, because it was getting kinda stale. But me and Zach have been laughing really hard at this one so screw it.


"Anime Fight"

So it's been a few days of intense robot killing on TF2, and I think I should post something on here, so here's entertaining filler:

Also, on TF2 I totally recommend rapid firing, fast reload and extra rocket clip on a soldier with the black box and buff banner. If u can afford the extra ammo and damage, it's great fun.

So... It's a town defense then?

Warcraft 3 was a wonderful game to make up custom maps with original rules in them, such as tower defense, assault maps, stronghold, survival, etc.

A lot of these ideas would make good game by themselves, the most popular being tower defense type games, followed closely by DotA clones.

Well, that's kinda what the new TF2 mode is going to be: A town defense mode.

I was already comparing the new mode to killing floor yesterday, but today it's quite clear it's meant more as a town defense than a survival (although both are very similar modes).

It's got an item shop, you can buy upgrades, waves of enemies with bosses. Sounds like a town defense in FPS form to me.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's gonna be bad, but I had hopes for 3rd team gameplay. It IS nice to hear of a new mode, and heck, even Bitten is considering playing TF2 just for that mode.

APB I hardly knew ye

APB Reloaded

I use to have no time to play video games, but since I get summers off I now have the luxury of time to burn on things that will rot my brain. Being a cheap-o-rino, I decided my budget should be zero dollars for experimenting new games.

Luckily there are plenty of free games for people to download and play.

I decided to go with APB Reloaded because it was on steam.

What harm can it do to download it and try it out? After all I got nothing to lose. The original APB was crappy so there was no way it could have been worst. Well that's what I originally THOUGHT.


I decided first to not even bother reading any reviews or ratings of the game. I find that when I do that, I tend to become a bit more bias towards the game. So I downloaded it from steam, installed it and loaded it up.

Apparently in the future ravers are going to stop
using drugs for a bit to cause
crime, and cops can't do anything about it.
No problems there. The game loads up with a video sequence and I didn't even have to patch the game yet. Fantastic!

 You can view the actual intro here courtesy of an uploader on youtube (clicking link will open new window).

All right the intro was over so I moved on to the welcome screen. It prompts me to either log in with steam or through GamersFirst.

Well I didn't have a gamersfirst account so I decided to go with steam. Apparently this selection is just a bullshit option and tells me I have to make a GamersFirst account anyway. Okay.


As you can see for yourself Joining GamersFirst is Fast and Easy. Sure enough it was pretty fast and fairly straight forward. But this is when the problems continue to get worst.

You see what GamersFirst neglect to tell me is that if you make a password longer than 8 characters, I would not be able to log into their server through a game. It logs into their website  and forum, but if you are trying to log in their server through a game like APB Reloaded, you will get some error message.

I was pretty pissed and so I did what any intelligent person would do. I googled my problem. Surprisingly I am not the only one with the same problem and this game is not the only one with the same issue (LMGTFY).

Possible "temporary" fixes or possible solutions to problems that were mentioned:
  • 1- Wait for next patch (WTF?)
  • 2- Launch the game from directory and not through steam
  • 3- E-mail GamersFirst and they'll fix it for you in about a week.
  • 4- Reinstall.
  • 5- Re-register.
  • 6- Change your password.


I know what some of you are thinking who read number six on that list. How would changing your password fix the problem. Well apparently if your password was longer than a certain amount (mine was eight characters), the game would not be able to verify me on the server while the game is running. Fabulous. I changed my password from their website and then reloaded the game. If you are curious I changed it to "FuckYou2". Magically that worked!

So everything starts loading and I'm thinking "Great! I can finally do a blog game review". Then I got prompted by this lovely message.


Turns out that this pop-up is also a common occurrence among GamersFirst. There is NOTHING on this system that is potentially hazardous to other players. I built this system with legit software and hardware. I have download all critical system files up-to-date, and my main Anti-virus is Kaspersky (one of if not the best paid anti-virus to exist). So GamersFirst go take a missile up your ass.

Quit? Yes.

Uninstall? Yes.

Out of some viewer's curiosity APB stand for All Points Bulletin. Though they should just refer to for what it really is Anal Pain Backfire.


Game: APB Reloaded
Pros: Uninstalls quickly.
Cons: Everything else.

I give this game a 32 limp tentacle eggplant Peter Pan's ass.

TF2's "M.V.M"

This is rather interesting.

Even if you don't like TF2, hear me out.

This video explains how Valve seemingly has been planning a huge update to TF2 since 2 years ago, it's a subtle story they've been carefully and discreetly hinting at.

The way Valve hides hints and builds up tiny clues like this is always stunning.

Earlier, this comic was posted on the TF2 blog. It basically explains how there's a 3rd mann brother.

The 3rd brother, who seems far superior to his siblings, disposes of both of them. This is interesting because it means that BLU and RED may cease to exist.

This would be an amazingly bold move seeing as the entire game's premise has been based on this.

However, it's really impossible to know what Valve has in mind with this, obviously they can take this any way they want.

They could make it so that the game is simply humans vs robots, and nothing would really change. However, the first thing I thought, is that there's a remote possibility what they go with is 3 teams gameplay.

I've talked before about how my fav online game was a 4 team based strategy game, I have no idea how it would work in a FPS, but i really hope this will bring 3 team gameplay to TF2.

I'm nearly certain it won't, but a guy can dream.

I got no idea Jerry!

This is just brilliant.

The idea is pretty funny, but what got to me was the way the creators presented the hat, not only do they have the heavy doing the "i hope you guys don't do this" face from the meme, but they also made this rather iconic scene in the saga that is George's life in Seinfeld:

It's... beautiful...

I highly encourage everyone to vote it up here on the steam workshop.

What Do You Want?

"I have very important research I should be doing right now."

Experimenting with color, instead of applying that until now the gremlins have universally had brown hair. They've also been universally scrawny, but I decided to stick sizable hips on this one. It's hard to tell with all the clothes on, though. But I thought, you know, them being a race of nerds essentially they'd have adapted a comfortable keister for all the sitting around they do. Maybe it's in the genes.

See? That was a pun. Cause I'm talking about butts and I said genes, which sounds exactly like jeans.

Pretty Roper

Ropers have appeared in quite a few places, and while I HAVE seen roper girls before, none of them were very good. Most were just the lazy "woman's torso sticking out from where a monster's face would be" variety. So I tried to do it myself, and this is what I came up with.


First of all, yesterday was Bitten's bday. We chatted, we laughed and fun was had by all. The presents are a secret though.

If you didn't remember Bitten's bday, well shame on you.

2nd, there's finally a new Naruto video by littlekuriboh on the ninjabridge channel. It's really good so I'm posting it here.
