
Considering giving up on the blog

This blog has been my longest running project ever, I've worked on it long and often, but in the end, it feels like I'm the only one that cares about it.

Years ago I invited Zach to post here with me. 1, because he's my best friend. 2, because he has a lot of characters and most have a story behind them. I figured he could use the blog to expand on that if he wanted to and also post stuff the he felt wouldn't fit under. FA or DA.

On the same year I invited Jimmy, who's my oldest online friend whom I have now known for over 10 years. Jimmy is a good artist and spriter, and always supported me when I scribbled and sprited things by giving me critique and suggesting ways to improve it. It motivated me do do stuff. Whenever I had a silly idea for something artsy, he would always help me even if odds wew that we'd be wasting time.

Ages later, I invited Bitten for the same reasons I invited Zach, but very early on it became clear he didnt really want to post at all so I offered myself to post for him.

Jimmy never has free time, but even so, when I talk to him, he'll talk about writting/drawing stuff for the blog, always being supportive.

I've never really liked bugging people for anything, that's just how I was raised. And with Bitten and Zach, I always felt like I had to twist their arm a lil for stuff to post on the blog. Makes me feel like I'm annoying them and I hate feeling that way.

By twist their arm I don't mean asking them to draw stuff specifically for the blog. I would just ask if they'd drawn anything that we'd be able to post on here.

But the general impression I get is that ever after 4 years, it still feels that no one gives 2 shits about this blog, authors and readers alike. I tried to make commenting as easy and simple as I could get, and I'm very grateful to those who did, but lookin at the traffic, most people just don't care to take 1 sec to rate the post which doesn't require any sort of registration.

I mean, is there really a point?

Everything Zach and Bitten post here ends up posted on FA or DA. Actually would just get posted on there directly if I wouldn't go out of my way to nag about posting here. Jimmy can' t post often because of real life and I dont think I can do anything anyone would care about.

I mean, Zach even went and made a tumblr 2 days ago to post pics. Essencially do what this blog was for but on another blogging platform. I was hurt he didn't even tell me about it and I accidentally found out about it. However it's pretty clear this project and all the work I put on it was a waste of time.

As it is, this blog is only contributing to my depression. It meant a lot to me, because I really wanted to make it work, but it really doesn't matter how hard I try, I can't do anything people will care about.

If it's not porn, people don't care.

1 comment:

  1. Those are a few of the lessons I've learned about doing all this stuff over the course of the years I've been doing it. You've kinda gotta be doing these things for yourself or it just doesn't work out.

    It's been a long while, but I've been in your place and I know it's not easy being the one running something like this. There are always conflicts, and the other people's work winds up other places 90% of the time.

    I've also been the other person on one of these things. It didn't last long, mainly because I was doing most of the work and having to share the credit. After about a month of that, I quit that project and started my Passing Thoughts blog

    And from the sounds of your post, your partners in this may just be doing the same thing. I'm not faulting anybody for this or taking sides. I'm just saying that yeah, maybe it's time to move on and make something entirely your own.

    I hope that helps some.
