

I feel like the biggest douche bag in the world right now. I'm a jerk that just completely disregards the feelings of anyone else. It's really not hard to see why I'm not really friends with anyone outside the internet. I'm not a good person. I'm selfish and cold-hearted, and I don't care about anyone else. I'm a horrible person...

I'm no good to anyone in real life, either. I laze around, taking up space, cause I don't have any useful talents and I lack the initiative to try getting a real job. I'm a parasite, leeching off of my parents, who I wouldn't be surprised if they're ashamed of me. I wouldn't blame them. I'd be pretty pissed too if I let such a piece of shit jerkass into the world.

Tof's a saint for being so willing to put up with me...

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