
Holy tuna fish sushi Batman, I'm still alive!

So my presence have been very lacking in this blog but I will be posting more regularly now. Anyway, I am now have obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development with a minor in Mathematics from my school and will be applying to a better school for a Masters degree.

The school I am attempting to apply will be in fact much more expensive and will require me to borrow from the bank. I do not want to do this at all as I hate owing money to anyone let alone the banks. However, I believe that this school will provide for me a much better experience and will in fact provide me work with me to land a job where I want it.

On a side note, when did K-ToF started using those image things? I think I will jest him with my own. HA take that!

Another note: I will be posting the rest of the Console Gals this week.

1 comment:

  1. damn, u managed to make a title so long it slipped under the "posted by" icon.
