
First Impressions: Punch Out Wii

Am currently farming the new weapons on TF2 by idling (yea, lets not get into that right now) so i thought I'd post my experience with the new punch out.

First of all, my past experiences with the series were playing it with a friend when i was a kid, but mostly watching him play it, at the time it seemed so hard and so... how should i put it, "limited" that i never asked him to let me borrow it because i soon realized it's one of those games u need to memorize a lot of stuff about your opponents' routine.

I played super punch out on an emulator as an adult, completely missed it when it come out for the SNES. I've never even seen it on sale ever out here. I did poorly in it, i beat the 1st circuit, and made it halfway to the 2nd one. I thought it was hard and probably required me to remember patterns again.

For the new one, I didn't watch any videos on Youtube on how to beat any of the enemies, which is prolly why i had a hard time.

Now this new game. besides career mode, I didn't mess with anything else much, although i was greatly disappointed with the lack of support for the classic wii controller right away. It's a perfect game to use it with and they just didn't.

I got up to the 3rd match in the world circuit, and here's in short what you should expect:
  • In minor circuit, dodging is purely reflex based and u can get away with always dodging all punches the same way (which varies per fighter).
  • In major circuit, u can look forward to having to watch for the opponent's punch before u dodge, u can no longer always dodge to the same side. also, and especially at the champion, not only you'll have to watch which punch is coming, you'll have to wait for it too.
  • In world circuit, see champion of the major league and increase the speed and punch types.
I have mixed feelings about this game for many reasons. I can't really say anything genuinely good about it, but i don't wanna say it's bad either.

I know that this isn't about boxing, it's about memorizing the behavior of the opponent. Which, is a weird concept really. It's a boss battle game, sort of like shadow of the colossus, except much less epic and the gameplay is extremely limited.

Besides gameplay, the game is visually awesome, very well done, sound and music are good nothing too noteworthy, what i do like and is nice to mention is that all the boxers talk in their native language, including king hippo who speaks hippo it seems. this game has more audio queues than the previous ones which is nice and adds to it.

In the end though, it's nothing more than a fancy remake. I am not sure what kind of player should pick this up, people who liked the previous games in the series might enjoy it more than i did, but other than oldschool fans, i don't think anyone would like it.

I'm a lil of both, so i'm terribly unsure. though I don't feel like playing it anymore mainly cause i don't have time.

My verdict on it is, "Sort of want". but a wee bit more towards "Do not want"

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