
"There she is" series by SamBakZa

Many many people are familiar with the 1st flash movie of this series.

It's about how a lil rabbit girl falls in love with a cat boy, and how their society is against inter-species relationships.

The author, SamBakZa, meant the first movie to b the only one originally, but it grew and evolved into this mini series.

Click pic for direct link to the movie page

Part of my interest in this series was from the fact that i also was going for a sort of "taboo love because of society" deal with Tof and Bliss, and this reflected a lot of what i wanted to do. I could never pull it off that well to be honest, so i admire these movies.

I had seen the first and 2nd movie years ago, i was a lil surprised when i happened to browse Newgrounds and by chance look at a link that mentioned the finale of the series. I had not seen 3, 4 and 5.

I must say this is a work of art, there's a plot running along the last 3 movies that gets pretty dark and dramatic, and even though not a single word is spoken through all the movies, this feel well written and produced.

A must see, i highly recomend it to anyone.

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