
Ugh, effin' web browsers

Ok, so most of you noticed i reskinned the blog, and between 75 to 90% of you see it as it's meant to look.

However, as it always happens with CSS, it's a huge fucking mess and no 2 browsers seem to interpret it the same way.

After i was done with it, and tested it with Firefox, it was fine. Until i tested other browsers...

I looked at the site with IE, which is being retarded for not knowing the difference between 0 and 1. And then with Opera, which is honestly just making shit up.

If you use any browser other than Firefox, my apologies, I'll try to fix that next time i have time.

1 comment:

  1. These are just notes: IE8 has only minor issues. There is a "Mighty Panty Raiders" text in a very small font size under the logo. Also there is a gap where the "Your mouth says no, but your body says yes..." bar is.
