
Thoughts: Sniper vs Spy Update - Day 1

This was... honestly just fucking depressing.

So i played TF2 on the new update for like, more or less 8 hours. and... It just plain sucks.

Ok the biggest problem with this update is the new "drop system". They disabled getting the weapons with the achievements, which i always thought was a great idea though, cause initially those achievements forced people to learn good habits and helped them get a hang of a class, which started to decline with the heavy update and became annoying and pointless with the scout update.

But even then, one could farm and get the weapons. However in this update...

It's 101% random, like, incredibly random. someone can start playing for the first time and as soon as he logs in, he could get the Ambassador for the spy, like that, 5 secs ingame. or, u could play for over 10 hours and not get anything, nothing at all, not even a duplicated weapon.

People on the valve forums are simply outraged how this update is bullshit cause most people have to idle on servers praying the weapon will drop.

Myself I am a later case, i have not gotten anything out of this update, not enjoyed any of it, and am growing increasingly frustrated.

The spy is by far my favorite class, i got 60 hours on him, and i was waiting for this update with huge anticipation. But i don't get to enjoy shit.

DO NOT WANT stupid ass 101% random drop system!

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