
Lol, damn you valve!

As almost all TF2 players probably know, the scout update is coming soon. This is partly why i decided to not comment on it on the blog seeing as anyone remotely interested about it already knows about it.

However this one just touched me in a more personal level:

Fuck you valve! XD

I do find it funny and stuff, but this may cause people to think more than ever that Portugal is like a Spanish province! and we're not! I guess it's meant as a joke, and they might have accidentally gotten things they thought were wrong as right.

The ONLY real giveaway that the bullfighter is Spanish is the word "Buena". Everything else is valid for both Spain and Portugal: both spell "garantia" the same way and both have a bull fighting tradition (it's a lil known fact that Portugal has had and still has bullfighting) and i believe the uniforms are similar if not the same as well.

I guess they wanted to say it was made in Portugal and make it obvious the logo was Spanish, but in reality it's not as obvious as they might intended it to be. Either that or they have no fucking clue and think Portugal is a 3rd world country. XD


at the bottom of the Force-a-nature page, you can vote for which weapon u want to b unlocked first, if ur a TF2 players, PLEASE vote for the force-a-nature! pretty much the only way to make the update really fun off the bat.

Mr. Bastard: Death's Army 1

The soldiers of the army of Hell. Clad in rubber suits to protect them from their weaknesses, these mostly mindless dolls, called Hellots, follow their leader's orders loyally and to a point...even if they are a tad clumsy.

Pawns make up the bulk of this army. While most of the other types are grouped as pairs, Pawns are sent in sizable mobs. They're weak, clumsy, and mostly brainless, but their true strength lies in overwhelming potential targets. Despite their lack of intelligence, they're actually quite adept at working together to accomplish their goals.

Knights are much more reliable fighters than Pawns. Though not much smarter, Knights are much more durable and have large weights attached to their arms that they use to cause massive amounts of damage. Despite these assets, the Knights' brainstems dangle dangerously from their heads in plain view. This point is especially sensitive and any sort of trauma could cause this doll to shut down prematurely.

Bishops differ from Pawns and Knights by having rather intelligent brain patterns. Bred solely for battle, Bishops like to hang back and attack by flinging their deceptively long arms at foes. To further support their combat ability, they also boast the most complete hazard suit of any of the Hellot ranks, having only their face exposed. The weights on their feet prevent them from being knocked back without sufficient force. Ironically, they lose most of their advantage in close quarters.

A zombie dare.

Long story short: in L4D, a big part of the 1st campaign takes part in a hospital where a lot of the zombies were patients wearing hospital gowns, and when u come by them from behind, u (sadly) get to see a lot of male zombie butt.

conveniently, NONE of the patients are female, which is just lame. i mean, sure they're zombies, but they could still have nice butts.

While playing, i dared Zach to actually produce a sexy zombie (was talking out of my ass really).

And then this happened...

I feel awkward thinking that's one mighty smexy butt. I had to censor the picture because this still isn't an adult blog.


Left4Dead: Review.

So like, last weekend, valve had a 50% off Left4Dead deal, and i decided to take it. After playing the game both online and offline for a week, i feel I'm ready to write a small review of it.

Why did i wait this long to get the game u ask? Well, it was expansive, and it's been out for a while now, so all the initial hype is gone. if people still say good things about it, then it's prolly ok.


You play as 1 of 4 survivors that act as a team. Their goal is to make it through a zombie infested area. Sounds simple? it kind of is.

The Infected

The zombies however, aren't those old school slow ass zombies that made sense (sense here being a relative term), a corpse should never b faster or stronger than a human, just doesn't make sense. however, this game uses the term "infected", so i guess they can sort of get away with it.

Besides the grunt zombies, there's special ones that mutated and spice up the gameplay.
  • Hunters - The role of the hunter is pretty much make sure that the players don't feel like they can run around by themselves, actually forces them to move in pairs, otherwise it's certain death. They can pounce on a survivor and incapacitate them, requiring another survivor to free them. they're fragile but do a lot of damage.

  • Smokers - Also a disabler, but this one is more comparable to a sniper as he just hides in corner and rooftops and launches his tongue at survivors, dragging them to him and draining his life until another survivor rescues the first one. Again, no particularly strong, but forces the team to stick together.

  • Boomers - Virtually useless by themselves, their goal is simply to spread their juices all over the survivors, sounds like a 70s porn movie, but the "juices" cause a horde attack (a rush of normal zombies) which targets the juiced victim.

  • Tank - As the name implies, this guy can take and deal a huge amount of damage. He's often seen as a boss fight, he can punch cars towards survivors and tear up part of the asphalt and throw it at the survivors. although slow, 2-3 punches from him can incapacitate a survivor.

  • Witch - Never EVER disturb and turn off ur flashlight near her! that's all u need to know.


The survivors are usually players, but can b computer controlled, when computer controlled I've noticed they each tend to have a role and weapon preference, for example Zoey tends to b the sniper and usually the first one to offer to heal you when u need it.

I have to say, so far my online experience points that the AI of the survivors is way above average players. The character designs are kinda bland, seeing as this game sort of aims at a realistic look, but it works with the game i guess. It's just kind of visually boring.


Due to the nature of the special zombies, players are almost forced to move together, being alone is near certain death. As such, teamwork becomes very important, and yet, not too vital so u don't have to obsess too much about it.

I will mention right now the flashlight, because visibility is part of a game: it's terrible, those are bad and picky, i can't tell u what's wrong with them, but they're sometimes selective on what they wanna light up, not so much on the environment, but more on the infected and survivors. Reloading on some weapons renders u blind during the process which kinda sucks, but was intentional seeing as you need your teammates to cover u during that.

The weaps available come in in what i call tier "yo gonna die soon", tier "dammit where's tier decent" and tier "decent".
  • Tier "yo gonna die soon" is pretty much the pistol(s), those have infinite ammo but u can pretty much only deal with 1 zombie at a time.
  • Tier "dammit where's tier decent" is the shotgun and the uzi, both are kind of decent, but still feel fucking weak seeing what you have to deal with.
  • Tier "decent" is the sniper rifle, the auto shotgun and the assault rifle, and u finally start being able to do damage. Not a fan of sniping, the auto shotgun can rapid fire REALLY fast and can easily blow a wave of a zombie rush, reload time is an issue though, the assault rifle does decent dmg, reload's fast and it's the weap that can fire the most continuously.
Also should b noted, u can carry only 1 weap besides the gun, so choose carefully. i do have to admit i wish there were more weaps to choose from, or at least b able to carry 2.

I have to mention this under gameplay: Louis is way to easy to mistake as a zombie. and since u do take friendly fire dmg, NO ONE likes to play as Louis. Oddly enough, the black guy IS always the first one to die.

Health, however, is relatively weird in L4D, i couldn't really explain exactly how it works, but it's very "human" like. When ur health gets to 0 u may still survive. i think that When ur health drops to 0, u collapse on the ground and enter an adrenaline mode where u have 300 health, if u lose all that then u die, if you are rescued, u may of not have any real health, but normally have just "adrenaline health" which will drop over time. If when that health is gone, u enter like a weird state of "last effort" where u barely hear anything, u see everything in black and white and move pretty slow.

As long as u keep being rescued, u have several chances to go on.

Level design

The game has a very well polished ambiance, even though it has a realistic look, they mixed the old school feel of horror movies with artistic style decisions towards the gameplay and still fits really well.
Down side is that there's only 4 campaigns with 5 levels each. and i gotta admit replaying them in a week already feels a bit repetitive, however, there enemy and item spawn is extremely randomized.

You can't count on anything so there's always that feel u gotta b on your toes, as for items, I've played a campaign where in 4 safe houses in a row my team didn't get a single medkit, I was seriously counting on those too.

The levels however, do have a nice and original path. There's no linear feel to the paths, so much that the first time u play those u will get lost and go the wrong way.

First impressions as a Noob

Like i mentioned, the paths were not very obvious, and i got lost a few times. The 1 weap system became quickly obvious, and the weaps themselves where easy to judge and use. using medkits and pills was later explained by the game itself. So i think it's relatively easy to start playing this game.

The learning curve is very very short IMO, it became quickly clear how ur not supposed to wander off like a retard. The game quickly makes it clear that moving together is key to making it through the levels.

"Oh fuck!"

The horde rush feels a lot like encounters in serious sam 1/2, except much faster, from unexpected sides and you have much less powerful weapons.

On easy difficulty, friendly fire is near negligible, however, on higher difficulty it becomes a very big issue. Also difficulty ramps up a LOT!


Oneechanbara (Oh-ney-chan-bar-ah)

Oneechanbara is one of those games that you just overlook because Japan hates the rest of the world. Originally on the Playstation 2 the game (comprised of four seperate games) can be summed up as a Dynasty Warriors game, but instead of Chinese people you are slashing away at zombies, and instead of half-naked historically inaccurate men you have a bunch of girls in sexy clothes. Yep. That pretty much sums it up.

Dynasty Warriors + Resident Evil + Dead or Alive = Oneechanbara.

The producers currently have sequels for the wii, xbox360, cellphone, and some character spin offs involving the cop Anna. To top it off they also have a horrible looking movie as well ( If you can, it might be fun to rent, but it is by no means a must buy game.

Pro Tip: "Restart now" message.

Sure some people might know this and it's not really a big deal, but if for some reason u don't want to restart your computer after a windows update, it will keep nagging u every 5 mins, completely disrupting your work and making ur life hell until u restart.

The solution is simple:
  • in the Start menu, pick run and type in "services.msc".
  • in the list you're presented with, look for the "automatic updates" service.
  • right click it, and stop the service.
This will disable the whole auto update thing from windows, and with it, the nag reminder. But don't worry because this service is automatically turned back on every time windows starts.

This way u can just keep working in peace and restart at an appropriate time.

Single's Awareness Day

This is the worse holiday concept ever, but, i got an awesome doodle out of it, so fuck yea!

Daisy fictional game: updates.

Hi fellas, it's been a while since i posted, but i just haven't been feeling too good, my sis had an operation last week and everyone's been dead exhausted cause of it. i'm a lil better now, weather's startin to get warmer, maybe good times will come.

However, i thought i'd do an update on that Daisy game thingie i'm planning for fun:


A new suggestion from Jon for a plot was that the main villain would b a queen (which because of Jon, I’ll refer to as Queen Ubbertits), and that her daughter would be participating in the pageant, but she's not very attractive. The queen is determined to have her daughter win and sets up the whole ambushing and discouraging the other princesses thing.

(The queen isn't supposed to have a nose according to Jon, but Zach didn't know)

Game type

Another suggestion from Jon was that made was that the game, being a platformer, could b more of a "metroivania" type platformer, which is totally doable and would encourage having secret content in. That fact that Daisy will acquire new skills through the game totally supports that type of platfomer.

It will also make it easier for a developer team to design spots for her to go to have her clothing repaired while also removing the whole dresses instead of lives thing, seeing as if u lose, the dress she's wearing, that's it. It really didn’t make sense for her to carry a shitload of dresses anyway.

Hit system

Rethinking the hit system I originally mentioned, and after analyzing it I came to the conclusion that it would b better to use a "health bar" system. The reason for it is that it would enable enemies to do 2 kinds of damage: single hit or draining.
  • Single hit as it implies is just an attack that drains a set amount of life, it could be a slash or a projectile.
  • the draining kind would b similar to the kind that exists in Tifa Tan X, meaning it's an attack where the enemy grabs Daisy and starts molesting her while pictures of said molestation would b displayed above her.
Unlike Tifa Tan X, there would b more than 1 kind of attack that drains, and logically, each would provide its own set of pictures. Examples of draining attacks would be tentacles and grab attacks.

The advantage into switching to this hit system is that clothing can b used as armor. Meaning that while Daisy can maintain her dress, she'll endure more damage than if she is in her undergarments. Also, if she loses her dress, but gains back "health" afterward, it doesn't mean she magically gets her dress back. For her to recover her dress she'll have to reach a changing booth (save point).


  • It's been brought to my attention that there's no princess representative of the Shyguy people, so I'm considering making a Shygal princess.
Zach has a shygal, which I would ask him to use into this game if it was ever done, she could b the princess. Also, that's also a Snifette (female Snifit) that's friends with the Shygal and I figured that the Snifette could had accompanied her friend and/or even be part of her escort. A small quest/side quest could b worked around that.
  • In a similar situation, a Toadette princess would b neat, although it would make no sense seeing as Peach is supposedly their princess, but as i mentioned, there could b honorary princesses.

I have invited all my artist friends to make a custom enemy for the Daisy game that is based on an existing one and on themselves/one of their characters.

So far, there aren't any sketches of such enemies, however, the ideas so far are:
  • Pumppies (myself, I’m lazy)
These Pumppies were trained to hate dresses and will attack Daisy's dress by biting (single hit). However, when Daisy isn’t wearing a dress, the pumppies will jump on her and start licking her (draining).
  • Boo with a Luigi spy mask (BittenHard)
A reference to TF2 spies, the Spy boo disguise themselves as Luigis and wont attack Daisy while she's facing them, when they turn their back, they'll edge closer to her until they can backstab her removing her dress in 1 hit (single hit). If not wearing the dress, they will just grope her breasts from behind (draining) .
  • Modded Hellot (Zach)
So far, not much in mind for these. They mind just jump on Daisy and gab/fondle her (draining)
  • Either a tentacle Boo or a Cobrad ,a Cobrat with a bard hat and cape I think (Jimmy)
I don’t know yet, ask Jimmy.

As for more generic enemies, I came up with a fire Snifit. It could have 2 kinds of attacks, either a fireball shot or a flamethrower move that does multi hits.


I’ve compiled a small list of moves and base abilities that the Daisy game would have:
  • Pick up items and throw (SMW /SMB2)
  • Ground pound when in air (Wario Land or Mario 64)
  • Parachute fall when holding a button (Cape Mario from SMW)
  • Shoulder charge (Wario Land)
  • Slide (Megaman 3)
  • Jump Boost when running (SMW)
  • Wall jump (maybe like the one used in Noitu love 2)
  • Wall climb (Sonic 3 Knuckles style)
  • Shoryuken (Ryu from SF, totally for the lulz though)
Some of these, especially for the alter ones, would b more meant for special dresses/suits.

Also, there's something i thought of: A Long time ago Zach did that picture of Luigi carrying a shygal and gravity having that effect on the poor girl, i figured this could actually b done in this game, might even base puzzles on it (like distracting a male guard with an upside down female for example)


Jon suggested that Pauline could b used at the end of the game as the pageant hostess, which would be cool as a cameo.

So that's it for updates on this "fictional" project. I really like the suggestions people have been doin, keep it up guys.

Mark danced

It is funny how it is always the Black character dancing.

It has been several days since any of us has posted anything, and K-ToF seems to be pretty busy playing with his wiibrator to be posting this month, so I'll post something random.

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PS1)
There are a few reasons I like this game
(1) Kazuma Kaneko is the artist
(2) The characters are actually cool with none of that prissy SquareEnix shit
(3) It is a spin-off from the Shin Megami Tensei series
(4) The music is damn cool
(5) There are two chapters in the game, but the US never got to see Innocent Sin

So if you're itching to be playing some ol' Playstation RPG. Grab yourself this.

Big and Chunky

I finally got Madagascar 2 today and I was pretty pleased with the CG animated movie. DreamWorks Animation has improved quite a bit since the horrendous Shrek movies.

Boy was I shocked when I heard this song. It is perhaps one of the best songs ever created ever.

Tags galore!

K-ToF wanted me to make new name tags for the blog after seeing the ones I created for Stephanie's Words of the Mind forum. I agreed to it and here are the results. I am rather fond of them in their uniformity and uniqueness. These are 100% made from scratch. I hope that K-ToF keeps the other ones around just in case of an emergency or something.

- Jimmy

Luis Royo

One of my favorite fantasy artist is Luis Royo. Being one of my favorite I bought his most famous piece the Medusa's Gaze in the form of a fabric poster. It still hangs on my wall today.

While waiting for K-ToF, I was searching for something about swords and stumble upon a Japanese figurine site. I browsed through the newest stuff and saw many interesting things including the new Sephiroth action figure. I am not into Final Fantasy 7 but the sculpturing looked excellent. Upon the later pages I had came across this:
It is the Medusa's Gaze in form of a figurine! INCREDIBLE! I thought. Must buy. Then I went Royo's site which pointed to the main store that will be selling it (Comes out in March 2009). Unfortunately for me it is about $120.00 USD. That is money that I do not have. However, I will keep my eye on it.

ShinDig!: Inferno Thrust

The Inferno Thrust is Shin's bread and butter technique. Though in truth more of a lunge than a thrust due to the nature of Shin's non-conventional weapons, he decided that he'd retain the name of the original version of the technique(or he was just too dumb to think of anything else). Surprisingly, it retains the power of the original technique, but the range is roughly half as far as it use to be.

Basically, I pictured the Inferno Thrust as a sort of dashing, fiery punch, like Terry Bogard's Burn Knuckle, or Slayer's Mach Punch, with a lower trajectory(Shin stays grounded the entire time), so it's somewhat between those attacks and Dante's Stinger move. For admittedly unknown reasons, Shin's marbles reduce the actual dash range in addition to the range his old staff used to provide for him. As an example, if Shin were in a 2D fighting game, it would move about a third of the way across the screen with the marbles, and about 3/4 with the staff. Shin eventually passes down the older version of the technique to Chibi, when she decides she needs to learn to defend herself.

...Yeah, there's supposed to be a flame effect, but I can never draw fire in a way that pleases me.