
Belle Bottoms

Belle Bottoms is a world-renowned fashion mogul and former supermodel. She leads a very active love-life that she has a tendency to brag about unashamedly and without provocation.

I've yet to decide whether she's a several-times divorcee or just non-committal, and whether or not she has any children. What I DO know is that she totally isn't inspired by Lady Like. At all.

Who's above the lords?

Me and Zach have been laughing at this way too much:


While searching for some adult entertainment music I stumbled upon this

Seriously, this is great and puts a smile on my face because of the major chords. :)

Ok, what the shit is this?

Remember how a while back Bitten entered the unofficial Spiral Knights art contest?

This was his entry:

EVERYONE can relate to this.

Bitten's entry was meant to go for the "Funniest" category. He lost.

Well, Bitten's pic is funny, on model, art style is nice. Surely the pic that beat him must be really neat then?

I'm sorry, what...?

...What the crap is this?

That's what Bitten lost to? I'm so confused about so many things...

First of all, unless someone told me, I wouldn't had guessed that's even Spiral Knights related. Then there's the fact this is in the "Funniest" category, how? where's the funny in this? am i missing something?

Anyone who says I'm being biased about this, well, actually fuck that, I don't think most people would disagree with me on this.

There's no way this won over Bitten's entry based on the art quality, so it HAS to have won because someone was drunk and thought it was funnier. Is it cause there's a Sonic poster in the back saying "that's no good"? I am not exagerating when I say I don't see a single funny thing in that picture?

Honestly, if you kept up with the contest, there were a lot of REALLY good entries, and all the ones that won just seem kinda shitty.

Actual picture of the judge in mid decision.
Basicly, the picture he would land on would be the winner.

Moral of the story:

Don't enter art contests that are going to be judged by a single person, because 98% of the time, it's a retard.

The contests that are judged by user votes CAN be a popularity contest rather than an art contest, but at least it's a lil more fair.

(The contents of this post only reflect my opinion, not Bitten's. Bitten was fine with losing, I'm the one that's obsessing about how absurd this is.)

Bday schedule 2011

No, not my bday, I know no one cares for that. It's the bdays of the artist boys here:

Sun, Jul 31 - Bitten's Bday

Sun, Aug 21- Zach's Bday

I'm still working on another bday present, so I'm probably going to be late for both.

TF2: Because it's almost been a month

Almost 1 month since we got 2 SOLDIER SETS? well then we need another one:

Honestly, am i the only one that DREAMS of the pyro getting an update? or just a good weapon?

Morabu & Mandragora

I already talked about Morabu before, but here's a slightly nicer picture of one. Or maybe it's slightly worse. I never really trust remaking a pic. I...have a bad track record in that regard.

Mandragora in most fiction are based on the mandrake root, or at least named for the stories about it, and just being a generic plant monster. Some works tend to depict them as being strangely adorable, despite being based on a plant that supposedly screams when pulled from the ground and kills anyone in earshot. This is, unfortunately, often coupled with an annoying voice that makes you hate the crap out of them: "I'm a GAAAAWNER".

I pictured my own crop of them being nervous and generally docile, and easy to frighten. The yelps and screams from the main, cutesy face are just harmless and cute. Harass them enough, though, and that imposing flytrap on their head is gonna start doing it, and that's when it becomes an actual threat. Oh yeah, it bites too. HARD.

Best pic of the day, July 15th

I did make the connection when it was announced, but still laughed when i saw this pic.

Sorry about the lack of posts guys, we kinda lost track of time playing Magicka. Zach, me and some of our friends happened to buy it in the Steam sales and it is sorta addicting.

We're back at being productive now though, I swear!

Tof recomends: "Deadly Premonition" LP by SuperGreatFriend

I first found out about Deadly Premonition from Spoony. He had started a LP of it on his site that never got passed the first episode which is a shame. The game looked intriguing though, the main character who kept talking to a person called Zach , even though he was alone, and that Zach did not seem to answer back, which is something i can relate to.

Not too long after that, my not-so-imaginary friend Zach told me that there was a rather good LP of deadly premonition by Supergreatfriend on the something awful forums, so me and Zach started watching it.

The LP was completed some weeks ago, and took over 6 weeks to make. Supergreatfriend took his time to show everything, very informative, talked enough to b entertaining but he let us hear and watch all the cutscenes and dialogue of the game. And in a subtle way, he can be funny.

The combat gameplay isn't too good, similar to old resident evil games. however, the plot and characters were strange enough to keep the viewer interested.

If you know nothing about the game, the premise is that in the small town of Greenvale, A young woman was murdered and her body was discovered in uncommon circumstances. News of this comes to the FBI, where special agent Francis York Morgan is sent to Greenvale to collect data for his profiling as he specializes in killers that target young women.

Right away, agent York comes out as, odd at best, and quite smug too. The plot of the game does become interesting and has nice twists too, but the main appeal is easily agent York.

If you like watching LPs, you should really give that one a try. Both me and Zach recommend it.

On the completion of that LP, Supergreatfriend opened a site where you can watch the Deadly Premonition LP as well as his past LPs:

Universal Symbol For "Needs Head"

...I regret using "good head on his shoulders" for that MODOK pic...

A spirit of a decapitated man possessing the armor he'd used in life...or just an unlucky evil ghost that possessed a set of armor with no helmet, and is for some reason bound to it. It's really pissed off. But you would be too, if you didn't have a head. You'd also be dead, but so is this guy, so you'd be doubly pissed off.

Dullahan has a huge blind spot. Luckily it's on the side it's easier to hit things on. Lucky for him; not so much you. It's a better idea to exploit their lack of lower-body strength.

I borrowed a lot from Brave Fencer Musashi's Steam Knight boss, and a top-heavy mecha knight from a fighting game who's name escapes me...Thanatos, I think. Also, it has a "keyhole blade"...Not really. I just noticed it sorta looks that way. It was originally a much more vibrant red, but I went for a darker shade to make the face stick out more. Sorry, Tof.


Not too long ago, I felt like picking up an old idea I had, but never got around to for particular reasons. Unfortunately, the same problems that usually come up when I have any motivation have once again reared their ugly heads, and I'm giving up on this AGAIN. But here's what I managed to get done in that small time frame. So, uh, enjoy, I guess.

...Maybe one of these days I'll get around to finishing a project I start. I'll probably have to stay away from the internet for a few months before that ever happens, though.

A simple TF2 tip

And made another vid:

It's quite addicting to do.

Tof's simple guide to a free game

Step 1 - Have a steam account, If you don't have one, making one is free.

Step 2 - Join the Summer Camp Official Group.

Step 3 - Link your Steam Profile to Facebook. (If you don't have a Facebook account, just make one for this, it's free anyway).

Now, If you don't know how to do that, here's what you do:
  • On the steam window go to "community".
  • On the right sidebar, click "Edit my Profile"
  • Scroll down to under your avatar settings and there should be a tiny Facebook icon, rest is self explanatory.
Step 4 - Get in TF2, play 2fort, and when someone sets you on fire, jump into the water. (TF2 is Free 2 Play now, so...)

It's really not hard, I've done it 4 times now and it really doesn't even require you to setup the situation or anything. It kinda happens all the time.

Step 5 - You should have 3 tickets by now, go to the prizebooth And select the last item.

If you own any of the games that have offers for them, you may of course select those instead, This guide was for the game though.

And you're done.

These steps can be performed any time til July 10th.

Listen up TF2 noobs!

Made a new vid.

This is called "Defense", it's what you do when you're on RED.

Everyone is currently complaining about the influx of incompetence in TF2 right now. People who don't know the most basic facts, like pyros staring at burning allies without helping, engis that stares as their buildings raise up and don't even know how to repair them, etc.

I mean fuck, look at that vid, I took out 4 people by the damn cart!