
Cute Lopunny Chibi

From Bitten:

Mao's my fav...

Cute Zangoose Chibi

From Bitten:

No telling how many more to go, He makes these pretty fast.

Cute Mismagius Chibi

From Bitten:

If you guessed there would be a few of these, you might be right...

Cute Milotic Chibi

By Bitten:

Cute chibi Sofiya.

More beach fun

By Bitten:

I rather like this picture.

Portia sure looks like she's having a lot of fun and maybe that why I like it so much. She has a cute body build too.

Hot day on the beach

By Bitten:

I think Bitten is trying to get me to punch him in the face out of jealousy for his art skillz. I do like Sofiya though, so can't complain.

That Doesn't Go There

Peacock and Avery discover Rule 34, and have their childhoods ruined (again). The internet is a horrible place to be a cartoon character. Lots of... unsavory, depraved people around.

...I'm not one of them, by the way.

Skullgirls is pretty fun, though I have issues with it. If it was a conscious decision to make Ms. Fortune invincible during most of her head rolling attack, then I think somebody needs to be stuffed into a burlap sack and slapped around a bit. I mean, I'm a noob and all, and I'm horrible at fightan gaems, but I'm PRETTY sure stuff like that is what would be classified as cheap and broken.

A random gaming recommendation: Kingdom Rush

I was doing research for something else when I found this game: Kingdom Rush

It's basically a tower defense with really nice graphics, but, it does have a small twist.

You can build 4 types of towers, but 1 of them spawns soldiers. The soldiers do attack enemies, but their main function is mainly to stall enemies. Strategically, you can use them to create choke points to allow the other towers to attack longer and/or create optimal situations for the area of effect towers.

Also, the locations you can build in are predetermined and very limited.

Took me a couple of days, but I did beat the last stage. It's really challenging around the halfway point, or maybe I was just picking the wrong tech upgrades.

Give it a go, I personally thought it was enjoyable.

Personally, I made an account on Armor Games to have my progress saved, and also because I have played a couple of games from them that were really well done.

An intresting look at Farming Simulator

19mph? you must be a madman!

I wish I saw life like that...

Anyone have any clue as to what he was going for on the "close enough" part?

Actually that's pretty funny

I hate the new Sonic with a passion. I even hate the cartoon sonic even more, but I must admit that this flash short was pretty funny.

Sonic X Dinner by =TheWax on deviantART

Portia's undergarments

By Bitten:

Considering the name of this blog, we really don't have enough of these.

She's pretty damn adorable.

Easter: Sweet and Creamy

I don't have a character that's a rabbit, but I DO have one that's an egg.

...Sort of.

I'm so goddamn immature

I want to be ashamed, but me and Zach got good laughs out of it so far.

We tried to think of funnier things, but it's a 5 letter limit.

So yea, but whatever reason, I'm in love with the Gameboy sprite style lately, and it's causing me to look up and play old GB and GBC games. Most suck, truth be said, but some are surprisingly well made.

It's funny to me the GB version of TMNT looks and plays WAY better than the NES one. I used to replay TMNT on my GB all the time as a kid, certainly was more entertaining than the NES one where no one got past the dam level. That's not entirely true though... I was the only one of my friends that could get past it, but that meant they'd make me do it all the time to play the next level, UGH!

It's not how many colors you have, it's how you use them.

I also owned Super Mario Land 2, which I genuinely enjoy. Nice music at parts, really cute sprites and the secrets were a neat touch. Gameplay required some getting used to, but was actually decent.

I cannot convey how much I love these ants.

I had a Super GB, but it wouldn't run color games so I never played Zelda Oracle of Ages/Seasons before. Those Zelda games are surprisingly neat looking, I do like the sprite work in them a lot and am surprised how well it looks considering the 4 color limit thing.

I you know the context of the convo, this is oddly fitting.

Oh, another game that I tried, and is surprisingly enjoyable is Pokemon puzzle challenge, Now that's a really fun. I did rage tons at some points, but didn't gave up and got to beat Lance, It's addicting. I find it funny that the best animation in the game is the player character running from gym to gym. It's shockingly good considering nothing else in the game is close to it.

I love simple to learn puzzle games that get really hard.

I really regret skipping on the GBC as a kid.

Feel free to recommend GB/GBC games to try out.

New Bro Team Pill: Cricket Revolution

Well, they're trying something new, and honestly, it's fucking hilarious. It's impressive how they did it in a different style but managed to still be very funny

I like his "generic douche-bag reviewer" mode, it's so funny coming from him.

But honestly, what's the deal with the duck?

Tof's gaming ideas: World of Warcraft

This is hopefully the first of a series of articles about videogames and thoughts on how to either fix, or improve them.

I've tried myself to make 2 games in the past, but stopped after making the basics because I've realized that just making a game with good gameplay won't make it fun. And since then I've started analyzing what makes games interesting and/or fun.

Maybe it's because I majored in software, but I always think of ways to improve apps. Games are no different.

Comments on these articles will be appreciated.

World of Warcraft: Intro

WoW is pretty much the Guideline for all MMORPGs out there. The proof is that most people will instinctively compare any new MMO to it as reference.

When it came out, WoW was surprisingly well made and deep. Maybe they borrowed ideas from other MMOs, of that I can't be sure, but it was the first MMO I played with a job system, crafting, auction house, reputation system, factions and instances just to name a few.

There's really nothing to fix, It's a very complete MMO. My ideas for it are more towards making it "interesting" again.

As I may have mentioned once before, I used to help manage the database of a private WoW server. Those were really fun times because we, the admin team, spent most of our time customizing the server, making our own instances/bosses/mobs and even adding camps/towns to the game.

These ideas come from those times, but also from the nostalgia I often hear from players who used to player vanilla WoW.

Idea 1: More than 2 factions.

This is something we really wanted to do on the private server, but knew it was impossible.

Basically, at the time I still played Warcraft 3 a lot, and the most fun maps always involved more than 2 teams. That's something that surprises me in online gaming to this day is how almost no one does games involving 3 or more teams fighting it out.

So even though we couldn't do it, we started formulating how we'd do it if we could. This was during the "Burning Crusade", when the new races were the Blood Elves and the Draenei.

Default lineup for Alliance and Horde

One of our ideas was to have a Scarlet Crusade faction, which is an actual NPC faction. It basically was the alliance before WoW, as such, it contained humans, dwarves and high elves. And as most people might know, Blood elves are High elves.

We had various lineups for these factions, and I will admit, all lineups we came up with had issues in some way gameplay wise. However coming up with a better lineup nowadays with the new races and class changes would be considerably easier.

Possibly one of the lineups we liked best was the one where humans, under a new ruler, leave the alliance and the undead (Forsaken) just become non playable because they made very little sense to begin with.

Our Scarlet faction was tweaked from the original though, it was more racist in general. However, the New Alliance lineup was really poor and barely made sense. The actual lineups are besides the point, this is just an example.

Much like the Pandaren in the new WoW expansion, some races could be part of either faction. So in my example above, you could have humans in both the Alliance and the Scarlet faction.

At the time we also wished we could replace races with other models, as such, this was a lineup we liked:

A 3 way conflict is always more fun than just 2 way. A 4th one wouldn't be out of line either. Events and battles would be so much more complex.

Idea 2: Territory Conquest.

This is something I'm just taking directly from Dynasty Warriors Online because I thought it was actually really good. It also works really well with multiple factions.

Basically, the entire world would be separated into regions (It already kinda is), and every 1-2 weeks, players would have to fight to defend their faction's towns and cities but also to conquer their enemy's.

In short, it's like playing "Risk".

In essence, it'd be going back to the initial days of WoW where the Horde used to all gather up to invade Stormwind, or vice versa, and kill the enemy faction's leader for the lolz.

The difference is, when the leader of an area is defeated, the opposing force will now own it and gain perks from it.

Depending on who owns the town, the NPCs in it would change, certain props would change (flags, banners, things like that). and barricades would be placed alongside the borders between towns controlled by different factions.

The more territories a faction owns, the more it benefits it's players. An example would be more items available in shops and overall cost at all shops reduced by a small percentage.

Now, this, unlike the 3 faction thing, is actually something you can pull off in a private WoW server, So it's most likely you could pull it off on the official version too.

All it would require is simple database operations to switch towns into specific layouts, and store these into a routine. Town leaders could be made, and scripted to inform the dev team who won the battle without having to directly supervise it. It wouldn't be too complicated, but would still be a lot of work.

There are logical problems/questions to this sort of system though, such as:

  • What happens when the capital of a faction is captured?
  • What happens when a faction loses?
  • Are all regions eligible to be conquered?

There's many ways to handle these issues, but personally here's the set of rules I'd use:

When a race's main city is captured, They're moved to the nearest friendly main city as refugees. When a faction ends up losing all of it's main cities, The faction who eliminated them is declared the winner. This prevents 2 factions working together to eliminate another one, but also makes it so that they won't let another faction get eliminated by the stronger enemy.

When a faction win over any other, it's declared the winner, and the "campaign" is over. So it's reset and starts all over. Players from the winning faction would gain some nice rewards and the faction itself could start the next campaign with an extra territory.

Only bordering regions would be eligible to be conquered, and only 2 from each faction at a time. Each bordering territory would have guard captains (or equivalent), and depending on how many time those are killed will influence the next territory battle. Basically, the battle will take place between the areas with the most activity.

The battles would need more rules to avoid such clusterfucks.

If for whatever reason an area is cut off from allied main cites, it will fall under enemy control. That would make going for the enemy main city in a straight line a risky tactic.

Honestly, the battles for territory is what made Dynasty Warriors Online actually very interesting. There was a feel of camaraderie in the game, and those battle weekends were taken very seriously by some. Rival guilds from the same faction would work together on those weekends to help their kingdom, it was rather amazing.

We're talking about thousands of players frenetically killing each other on 12 vs 12 matches for 2 hours. It was pretty intense and rather fun.


This comic demonstrates one of the odd things about pokemon.

Often times video games enter into absurdity to the point where you just do not question logic any further. Pokemon is one of those games.