
Daisy game idea, more thoughts.

So a lot of people liked the idea of the Daisy game, and gave me comments on it. There's a lot of ideas going around about the game now and i myself gave it some thought. There so many ideas that I'm sure I'll forget some.

I think it's surprising because it's just an idea, i don't have the means to make such a game by myself. And yet, people like to make suggestions for it.

The first surprise i had when when Jon showed a lot of interest in the game, asked a lot of questions, and made a lot of suggestions. But what was neat is that he made a concept for the main villain, the evil queen/princess:

I have to b honest and i don't always like the girls Jon doodles, they often seem too tall and skinny, which is not what i'm into, but this design, i liked it a LOT! look at those curves!

Game references

Also since then, I've come to see that the concept of the game (female heroine losing her clothing) has been done before:
  • Snk's Athena game did this, except she started out in her bikini/underwear, and could get items such as weapons, shields and armors, when hit, she'd lose those.
  • The fanmade Tifa tan X2 hentai game (NSFW) is pretty close to the concept i elaborated for the Daisy game, it's not a platformer though. Tifa tries to get through the levels and defeat bosses (often female) as all the enemies try to grope her, in the final stages she may even lose her top and fight topless (i think she gets "damaged" faster in that state though). When she defeats a female boss, the boss becomes exposed. this game also features the most fun combat system ever and has like 30 special moves available to Tifa.
I believe there was another game that was similar, but i can't remember it for the life of me.

Main Princesses

A LOT of suggestions were made towards the Princesses and some possible bosses for the game, it was also implied that the pageant would allow anyone that was called a Princess of something, regardless if they're actual royalty of not. the suggestions were:
  • Jon suggested that Syrup would be a "fake Princess", trying to pass as a real one, and her attire would b stolen from another Princess.
  • Wendy O Koopa, as daughter of King Koopa, is technically a Princess. I imagine she'd help Daisy out of spite for the villain. Probably would give a Chomp related item/dress.
  • Peach, to my dismay, should probably appear in the game, her dress would probably give Daisy the ability to float in midair for a short time.
  • I'm unsure if Rosalina is actually a Princess, but since the pageant is loose about it, she would probably be in the game, her ability would possibly let Daisy shoot starbits.
  • Technically, it's a Princess, but i admit it'll b hard to write in the Princess shroob. If she provided an ability, it'd b to throw poison mushrooms at enemies or something.
There were suggestions to add Princesses such as Zelda, but i quickly refused the idea because if they're not from the mushroom kingdom, we have a crossover situation, and those never make sense.

Custom Princesses

I am interested in adding custom Princesses though, non-main character ones. Princesses that represent a race in the Mario universe, some of those would be:
  • A Jellyfish Princess, because the jellyfishes have a rather nice and interesting design.
  • A Thwomp Princess, yes, that's right, a Thwomp one. And no, not an anthro one (sorry to who suggested it). I imagine her being very similar to the male counterpart, with over the top eyelashes, lipstick, and a huge rock rack. I dunno if it's even doable, but it'd b funny.
  • A Magikoopa one, but please, nothing like the one in Mario galaxy. actually took me a while that one was even female.
  • A Birdo Princess, Cause, u just have to have a Birdo in a game with a pageant involved.
  • Although i hate anthro Apes, cause they're still just apes, a Kong Princess could b doable. but to use an existing one or make a new one, i have no idea. But Candy Kong is a good candidate.
  • A Piranha Plant Princess would b cool for the lulz, especially a potted one.
Some of these custom Princesses, if rejected, could become bosses instead.

There was a suggestion to make daisy's undergarments give her certain properties, as she could possibly get various sets. At this point, it seems too minor of a detail to bother. IF the game turns into a platformer RPG like game, then perhaps this will b considered.

I know i talk like I'm actually going to develop this, and actually am not, but i have fun planning this like i would actually do it.


Other suggestions Jon made were towards dresses/outfits Daisy could use:
  • A Russian fur coat (and maybe hat) for ice based ability.
  • Leather Catsuit, Possibly inspired on her bike suit from Mario Kart Wii, Ability wise nothing was suggested, but i think a wall jump could work, maybe ability to slide too.
  • Hula girl outfit, but that might b Jon's penis talking.
  • a Short Yukata (Summer cotton kimono), it'd looks sort of like a kimono, but short like this. Ability? i have no idea.
Anyway, Thanks to everyone who gave suggestions and ideas. Any concept art would b welcome as well. Who knows maybe a programmer might someday stumble on this and decide to make a game engine for it.

This guy has everything ever made!

This is the blog of a Portuguese guy on Blogger.

click on pic to get to his blog

The dude seems to collect video games, consoles and accessories. The amount of stuff he has is impressive to say the least.

Have a look at his collection, it's MAD!

Tight leather ≠ good game.

Am i the only one that is tired of games where the main character is so god damned awesome and overpowered in the intro that he or she can kill hordes of enemies in the game's intro without even trying and say stupid lines while doing it?

Maybe i am, but this game takes the cake...

Click pic for trailer

This game is called Bayonetta, but could b easily called "Mary Sue: the game", and it is one of those games. A very obvious Devil may cry rip off, and the intro fucking made my brain hurt. At a few points she jumps into the air in, as best as i can describe it, a "weeeeee!" manner, all her limbs stretched out, and somehow firing all 4 of her guns (how are those on her feet even shooting?) while just looking straight forward, and somehow every shot hits her enemies.

When did everyone just became Goku? What are eyes for? no one seems to need eyes anymore. and please, don't ever miss a shot, that would ruin the character's credibility.

The story seems to be a minor aspect, gameplay seems stolen from so many other games. But what pisses me off about the game is they're trying to entirely sell it on sex appeal.

During the intro, you can see the camera dancing around her ass and doing crotch close ups. Some her her moves make her become exposed by remaining into a V swimsuit, and looks like some special moves rend her completely naked as her suit attacks.

I'm sorry, but, I've seen hentai games which were way more credible. This thing is trying to b an hentai game so bad, except it can't. It reminds me of "DOA: extreme volleyball". The volleyball was like, a minigame, what the game was is a censored hentai game. Nothing more! but ninja team were trying to be subtle about it.

This is like a BAD hentai game, because they're a lot less subtle about it, but it seems u can't really get a good look at the whore cause of the type of game it is. I wouldn't b surprised if there was a model viewer unlockable in this though, or alternative sluttier costumes.

At least in an hentai game, you'd b give the choice to:
  • Compliment her hairstyle.
  • Throw a stick have have her costume fetch it.
  • Give her a spanking.
  • Reap!
I'm all for adult games on consoles, there's like nothing out there, and just some jap stuff for PC. But this game, it's just a cheap cocktease ripoff with a fucking Mary Sue as main character.

I should do this

Once in a while you browse on the web and stumble upon something you completely were not looking for. And for once I am not talking about porn, instead it is sprites. More specifically, sprite sculptures. Hell anyone can do this, but I just never pieced it together! I could have my own tentacle bard game wall in my room right now, and it would be dirt cheap to make.

Happy Bday Tephra.

Tephy was my 3rd character ever, and the first female one i made. She's the one me and a lot of people like to mess with the most, but she's still often ignored somehow.

I've forgotten all of her previous bdays, shame on me.

Zach made this doodle for her anniversary, hope everyone likes it.

Only winning matters? or how you play?

So this morning i wasn't feeling well, so i stayed home, i got work later on though.

Lil bored, i decided to browse Youtube, and ran into a video of some gaming event:

The description reads as follows:

The famous perfect by Demon Hyo on Dark Prince at evolution 2007 in Las Vegas. This was an amazing victory that was broad casted world wide over the net and is still talked about today. Dark Prince got OWNED after placing 2nd at evo west and talking trash about east coast.

It sorta sounded OK, but not too good as capcom makes broken game because of air juggle. See the pic i posted? you'll b seeing a lot of that in the video, u can kill characters by doing only that, just by holding down and pressing a button.

Professional players do not tend to b "skilled" as much as they are just incredibly cheap players that usually spam the shit out of 1 or 2 moves, whichever is broken in the game really.

I think it's funny how the guy at the end of the video is bragging after such a sad and pathetic display, honestly, the game itself is crap, it's broken. If i recall correctly there are multiple infinite combos, and a lot are not that hard to pull, and he picked one of the easiest.

Not all pro players are "just cheap", there's the famous footage of daigo with absolutely no life parrying an entire super move from chunli and following through with his and winning. That video happens to b one of my all time favs:

Sure it's not impossible to perform, i know people who have, although i personally can't, but to perform that, in such a big event, with no life, that by itself is impressive, and then he combo'd it into his super, and won, that's just amazing.

You can find the whole battle on Youtube, it's probably in the related videos, during the whole fight, his opponent kept his distance, hit and run, being cheap, incredibly annoying. Daigo's victory was incredibly satisfying for the people watching because it was a display of skill over cheap tactics.

You can argue that Daigo also uses cheap moves, but i think that since he does take a lot of risks and actually is on the offense really makes up for it.

This sorts of remind me of a situation in TF2, people who like to hide and/or stand a kilometer away from battle where it's perfectly safe and 1hit enemies. These tend to of course have more kills than deaths, and think they're any good or contributing to their team when in reality they aren't doing shit.

I'm of course talking of the people who use snipers.

As u can see, anytime you're killed by a sniper, he's in a perfectly safe spot, strolling around gently not doing shit until some enemy shows up. This is the main reason i can't get mad at snipers: they're not having any fun at all. I don't care in how much denial they are, they're just not. Also they're not actually helping their team most of the time.

Snipers are like TF2's cancer: they don't have fun, and don't let others have fun. the difference is that on top of it they're useless. why u ask? it's simple, there's no objective in TF2 maps, except for arena, that requires you to stand AWAY from battle. Each sniper your team has is 1 less person to help push the cart, or help capture a point, and a sniper will never ever steal the enemy's intel.

I could go on and on why playing as a sniper is lame, doesn't require skill, nor helps the team, believe me, i just deleted 4 paragraphs i wrote about them. The point is, when a sniper 1hit pwns u, it's so incredibly cheap it's accepted as natural (part of why people don't care anymore).

Killing an enemy with most other classes, is much harder, but much more satisfying, a lot of the other classes such as heavy, soldier, demoman and pyro when played well have the potential to mow down an entire team, owning people with a scout requires tons of skill and feels very satisfying as well, etc.

One could say that i talk like that because i never play as a sniper, that's not correct.

I have tried out sniping, I'm not awesome at it but i do OK. i have less than 3 total hours on the sniper. i just feel very empty and bored when i do use him, and i don't contribute shit for the team not matter how much i try.

That's another thing about snipers, they're meant to cancel each other. there's games where all that snipers do is kill the other snipers and have NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON AROUND THEM! u could b capturing a point right next to them and they wouldn't look away from the sniper from the other team.

It's also hard to brag when all u do is hide and shot people from afar.

Kids these days only wanna win and all pick what's cheaper, and win. I the Footmen Frenzy forums it's sometimes said that if noobs could just mash 1 button to win, they would. Somehow, just winning is fun for them. Personally, i rather play well and take risks, but lose, than win and just be so cheap it's boring to watch and to play.

Winning isn't fun by itself.


So I was forced to watch twilight with my girlfriend and I learned that Stephenie Meyer cannot write a decent novel about vampires.

What's different about this Vampire as compared to others like Konomi's Dracula or even Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise? For one this vampire, Edward Cullen, does not sport a sexy goatee. How are people going to know you mean business without an ostentatious goatee? You simply cannot do it. Second, he doesn't explode in the sun like those vampires in in Blade, instead he sparkles like diamonds. Yes you read that correctly. HE SPARKLES LIKE DIAMONDS. Lastly, Edward and his "family" only drinks animal blood, though Edward seemed to have taken a likening to the main character Bella.

Where was I going? Oh yes, the author. I do not know about what women really think but I would assume that Meyer writes for those who are just seeking a reason to set unrealistic standards for men. However, I gave her stuff a chance in real life and this is what I found out:

In Meyer's world anyone who watches you sleep in the privacy of your home without your authorization is doing it out of love! Really!

However, in real life doing such a thing brands you as a "peeping tom" and can lead to some jail time in which others will probably watch and then rape you in your sleep.

Edward has been living for a long time. Hundreds of years. Bella is a minor. In one scene Bella confronts about Edward's secret. And we find out that she's in love with him despite their age differences. Aww love...

But as you can see, when someone's secret is discovered and age is taken into consideration it is not as romantic as Meyer makes it out to be. There's also a nice title for people like Edward and that's sexual predator.

No thanks you sparkling diamond freak. I rather stick with my teenwolf.

Doodling on Random

Meh, sometimes it's fun to do stuff without worry. You can worry about it all the next day.
The sad thing is that, even though obviously unnattractive, I'm worried about posting such a huge panty shot of a character I'm trying not to oversexualize.

A game idea: Daisy.

Here's an Idea I've been tinkering with for a while now.

Not that i can make a game, but I've been brewing this idea for a platform game and just fleshing it out for the heck of it.

The idea came from Nintendo's liking to making games for supporting characters, like Yoshi (Yoshi's Island), Wario (Wario Land and Wario Ware series), Luigi (Luigi's Mansion) and Peach (Super Princess Peach). So i thought it wouldn't b all that far fetched to make a game about Princess Daisy, cause really if u can make a game about Peach, u can easily make a game about Daisy.

The twist however, is that the game would have a Ghouls and Ghosts hit system. I was suprised how everyone i told this idea to knew exactly what i was going for with it.

Hit system
As u may have guessed, each time Daisy gets hit she will lose clothing, and become more and more exposed. If daisy loses all her clothes she loses and her "Lives" are instead dresses.

However, like Ghouls and Ghosts, the player would b able to pick up upgrades, such as special dresses that give Daisy special skills.

Enemies would mostly be creatures that have cartoony hands, big tongues, whips, tentacles, fire users. Pretty much anything that can undress and/or molest a girl.

What happens to Daisy when she loses is still open to discussion. Initially, i had in mind that when she ran out of clothes and became fully nude, the baddies would capture her, fondle and grope her, basically humiliating her and then kick her back to the start of the stage. That didn't make a whole lot of sense though.

A better suggestion would b that the baddies are trying to get her nude so they can take pictures of her to blackmail her. This Paparazzi idea was suggested by Grapes and works a lot better. I've also considered that she simply needs her dress to win.

Plot ideas so far, there's just a vague one i came up with:

"Daisy, tired of her tomboy reputation, decides to enter a pageant for princesses that was recently announced. However, a (generic) evil princess aims to win such contest, and decides to do so by scaring off all the other participants. She dispatches her minions to discourage all the other princesses by whatever means possible. One by one the princesses are ambushed and by one way or another they're forced to quit. Princess Daisy's escort is ambushed and disbanded as well, however, Daisy defeats the villains by herself.

Daisy can still make it to the pageant, and is determined to do so. the baddies realize they can't defeat Daisy, so decide that the best course of action is to blackmail her by undressing her and taking nude photos of her."

"Eye Candy" management
So much for plot. Another aspect to consider is that if losing/playing badly gives eye candy, players wont b motivated to try hard, as Jimmy pointed out. So to this effect, during gameplay, u would never see daisy nude, even when topless, she would cover herself with her hands. meaning she would lose the ability to use her hands for possible attacks, and not b able to dash making the game harder.

Cutscenes between levels would also suffer, eye candy wise, if the player got daisy's clothing damaged much, the cutscene would show her at a tailor behind a curtain waiting for her dress to b repaired. If the performance was good, the cutscene would show her taking a shower at a hotel and relaxing before the next stage/day.

another way to encourage the player would b by making the bosses into sexy females, and defeating them would cause them to become exposed.

Attacks and Skills
I've been considering having several outfits or dresses ingame that would give Daisy abilities to help her, perhaps basing them on the various outfits in SMB3, such as the hammer bro costume, on the Tanuki costume. The Tanuki costume in particular would b fun because of the statue form, Daisy's statue could b one of a young topless maiden such as this one, however, her pose would censor her.

Special abilities aside, Daisy would have at least 1 basic attack. Daisy is portrayed as tomboy, and as a very strong one at that. It's difficult to imagine attack for her though, Peach used an umbrella in her game and swing it as a club.

So far i can only come up with a charge (Wario like) or possibly have her carrying a suitcase around with dresses, which she'd swing like a mace at enemies, when topless, she could hold it in front of her chest.

That's all i came up with so far, comments and suggestions are welcome, if i ever run into someone with a cool platformer engine, I'd give this project a shot. Concept art by Zach.

Holy shit, Takamura...

Great news to me, i was lookin through Instantz and they had a link to the new "hajime no ippo" series, so far only episode 1, but still awesome. Those who know me better know that i love boxing as a fighting style and this anime, it's both serious and hilarious, crazy and sometimes borderline gay, but the boxing matches are really well done.

If you never watched the first series, I'm afraid u won't understand much of what's going on, but it's still worth a look. I highly recommend this anime to anyone, even my sister loves it.

Free cookies?

After learning about the baby Drac decides to call his buddy Leon Belmont ...

Castlevania I hardly knew ye

While sitting in class I tend to not pay attention to what is going on. And on these occasion I scribble many great ideas and concepts. One of these is a short lived series I call "Everything I learnt, is in Dungeons and Dragons" It pretty much dealt with all the craziness that is in the D&D world. From there came a spin off consisting of Konomi's Castlevania series. Honestly, I have always thought the stories never quite made complete sense with each game, so I took the liberty to make one that is far much easier to understand. Here is the first strip created in MS Paint and all its pixelated sexiness. Enjoy!

Haven't done this in a while.

i really haven't bothered to do the lil webcomic review post at the end of the week have i? was just trying to enjoy my vacations, and then work kicked in, and my boss actually wanted everyone, except himself, to work the entire weekend (for free too). i fucking made an excuse not to, but the dude's unreasonably insane.


  • After it's hiatus, Nerf Now started a new arc about the Engi update valve did a while back, and basically how it seemed to make medics obsolete. On the current last page, the blue medic beleives he's useless and goes emo, and the red heavy, isnt getting any help from her medic, so switches team and goes try to cheer up the medic.
i find Nerf Now is delightful in the sense that, No words are used, anyone anywhere can "read" the comics and get it, tells simple stories, but often not predictable.

  • Menage a 3 is still doing the same arc i mentioned last time, and since last time, full nude Gary is still unconcious in bed, while half nude Zii and Didi were watching some horror movie when the lights went out, and they totally freaked out. Being girls, they went to the safety of the only man in the house, which is Gary, nude and unconcious, in bed. So... in the current strip We have a nude guy, with 2 half nude girls around him in bed. I would have never thought of a way to write characters into that situation, i'm fucking jealous. XD
Manage a 3 really gets my atention cause i have a lot of female characters, and i can never think or write them into hot situations with my main character, but this comic does that really well, in a funny way, and although it sounds a lil exagerated, it's still belivable and in character. When i try that, it's just not in character at all and sounds too much of a setup.

I kinda can guess what will happen when Gary wakes up, i feel a lil bad for him already.

  • Penny arcade made this comic, which i guess, is funny, sorta.
Ok the comic is "meh", but what is worth mentioning is the game they talk about in the strip, it's crayon physics and really, take a look at that video. it's just really impressive. This 2nd trailer showcases even more of the game, and man it can get really complex at times. I admire whatever engine is running this, the physics and the ability to create objects is amazing. I really wanna give it a go.

  • VGcats did this comic maybe a couple of weeks ago, pretty damn funny for a Xmas comic, i actually laughed at it. And they posted this comic today just a while ago, which is not meant to b funny, he says so on the frontpage, but just meant to b enjoyable.
The 2nd comic may make people go "wtf...", but it feels kinda artsy, it's pretty dark, but even comics that go for humor don't have to b funny ALL the time. Myself, although i have mixed feeling about it, i do think it's ok as a comic.

  • "San: the 3 kingdoms comic" is just great... If you played dynasty warriors, even if just once, this comic will b fucking hilarious to you.

Holy shit, hot Pokemons!

I mean, this flash has a lot of stuff in shit, but "Holy shit, hot Pokemons!" is the part i loved. For obvious reasons.

Hi people

2009, I give you a picture of an acorn hedgehog I saw at the store. Now my rant:

Some of you know me as a pretty fucked up person in the head, but at the same time probably the nicest person you can be friends with...which just makes me sound crazier. Anyway, as long as I can remember, I have always frequently found pornography stimulating and fascinating. It started innocent enough when I was a child being curious and all, but it started to explode when puberty hit. Back in the late 80s to early 90s the internet was pretty hard to come by and was not by any means fast (14.4-28.8K baby!).

I remember the at the time lesbian was all the rage, everyone had feathered hair, trimmed crotch hair was in, and breasts were actually real. Good stuff you know? I felt content at the time but when I got my hands on the internet the first time ever I knew I was fucked for life. Porn was super easy to obtain (kids these days have it too easy). The only problem at the time was that everything was so damn slow, disc storage was limited it, and resolutions was crappy. Everyone was better off renting/owning VHS tapes (Laserdiscs for the rich folks) and favorite magazines. Though if it was not for the internet I would have never found about hentai...

When high speed internet became decent and affordable I jumped on that shit like a donkey being beaten. Loading up my Netscape Navigator, porn became a snap and I began downloading and hiding my files crazily. Being computer smart I managed to hide my tracks very well, and even managed to circumvent school's restrictions. Eventually, at some point looking at the hardcore porn was not enough and I ventured deeper into the most fucked up realm of porn. I saw many stuff that no single soul should have seen. (On a side related note, sometime during my late high school years I befriended K-ToF on the now barely living Game Sprite Archive).

So after lots of messed up porn and ridiculous amount of exposure to extreme hentai, I can safely say that I am desensitize to nearly everything. I was not shocked in the least when 2 girls 1 cup video phenomenon spread on youtube, and even before that, was like a minor meme annoyance. I can perhaps blame Stiles Project for exposing me to the extreme stuff, but they never made me looked at it, I did it on my own. In addition to being desensitized I now download porn and hentai for NO REASON at all. When the image boards became popular it did not help. I stayed away from those for a long time but got addicted to Anonib. Nearly any pictures/movies that might have interested me I would just save it to some random folder and forget about it, never to even look at it again.

Well I think I will now take a stand and will no longer visit nor download those things again. I just feel that this is necessary for my sanity and health. I have deleted terabytes of data and have removed all of my bookmarks. A good clean start and I have even used host blocking to remind me of what I'm doing. I hope I can break this habit...