
Over indeed...

We just buried him in the backyard.

He had fang marks around his neck.

It's finally over

Today is a great day for me, i am finally done with my internship, and so, with college too.

I had an awfully bad presentation, but now it's over and i have a 15/20 grade on my internship.

I am tired and will now pass out!

Highlander - the search for vengeance

just a cool anime movie i saw recently on TV.

actually found all of it uploaded on Youtube, made a playlist for it.

It caught my attention instantly cause i recognized the art as being from the same guys who did "Vampire hunter D: bloodlust", and possibly "Ninja scroll". The quality of the art and animation alone make me want to watch anything these people do.

Sorry i haven't been posting much, but I'm finishing up my internship. it all ends on Thursday.

Katie & Dana

Katie is kinda like the Spongebob to Dana's Squidward. She means well, but it's generally related to things Dana'd rather not be a part of...and ironically jealous if Katie ever decided to leave her out. I guess it's like, you don't know what you've got til it's gone. Or something.

P.E.R.L. v1.0

Finally completed my first version of Perl

Perl is a character that exists in Pizzacat's Proxy's universe.

Background story

Before growing/cloning artificial humans was perfected, scientists had a test stage where they experimented with actual people.

Perl was one of those people. she was a 14 year old homeless girl, one of many homeless people who were abducted for these experiments. Perl doesn't remember who she was before they started experimenting on her, but she was a somewhat successful experiment, in the sense she survived the operations and implants.

the scientists weren't happy with the test subjects though, cause they were still relatively fragile, they wanted more powerful and resistant soldiers. they tried to use Perl for spying and scouting instead with an experimental power source they found on a remote planet.

The military weren't impressed and rejected the entirePerl project, and so all the units were deactivated and stored in a giant freezer along with hundreds of other subjects.

Ages later, when Proxy made her escape from the facility, among the chaos, she saw Perl's stasis unit, Feeling sorry for the young girl, she took her with herself.


Perl's an infiltration and scouting unit, as such, she has great mobility and is very fast, her boots were designed to use her specific power source and reduce the effect gravity has on her.

Perl uses an early version of the nanomachines that were later used on Proxy, but Perl's has a secondary role:

Perl has the ability to cloak, the nanomachines allow her to form small hexagonal plates on her skin, sort of like scales, which allow her to change color or even let light thought her making her invisible.

Even though she was designed to scout and infiltrate, Perl is capable or attacking with a pressure spike installed in her forearms. the arm has to be perfectly straight to use the pressured attack, and the build up of pressure used to hurt Perl, that has been solved when Proxy made her arm and shoulder armor that helped her brace for the pressure/impact and disperse the pain.

Even though meant to b a superior human being, she's much weaker and fragile than Proxy.


Being taken at a very young age, and possibly the youngest test subject used in the project, Perl was very affected by the experience and made her very timid. She's very shy and looks to proxy for protection, even though Perl is technically much older than Proxy, she developed a big sis lil sis relationship with her and loves being with her.

The "trauma" from the scientific facility made her get stuck on a young mindset, her mental age is about 16-17. possibly because also her body stopped evolving/growing and is stuck at the same age.


It's Lady a cow costume with milk and cookies. Why? I have absolutely no idea.

Burn baby burn!

Today's headline: My computer caught on fire. And that's the first time anything like that has ever happened. I bought a very very cheap basic computer one as a temp until I can get the parts that burned. My room still smells of toxic plastic smoke and I assume it will be for a few days.

Lower right hand corner. The picture is blurry because I cannot find my camera. Anyway, as you can see the graphics card is completely blue except for the bottom right corner. The plastic is completely gone on this top and bottom layer so it must have been pretty hot! Additionally the motherboard took damage as well. Luckily nothing else was burned.

In more exciting news!

After many months I finally have my degree! sweet. Now to find a job and apply for grad school...

Taking a break between reports

I'm currently correcting my internship reports, i have to turn these in by the end of this week so i can schedule the presentation this month.

I'm not allowed to post here when I'm depressed, and boy do i hate myself lately, but no one else is doing anything, so I'll just try to not go emo and post about something i been thinking about lately.

I've been wondering what make a character good and what doesn't.

Good character, how to:

First of all, i believe that a character being good or not is a subjective matter, some people have very low standards and will pretty much settle with anything that looks visually decent.

Personally, i think only an idiot would make a character with a design, give it a job, list of likes and dislikes, and call it done, and then claim he has more than 200 characters. If anything that's making extras (the blank people in the background in movies), not characters.

By watching Linkara's reviews of new and old comic, I've come to realize why i like or dislike some characters. Linkara tends to bring up simple points and subjects like: how to properly tell a story, what the hell is a plot, how to not fuck up a character's background, how to give a character motivation, etc. Usually these are basic subjects that every comic writer should know, but oddly a lot of professionals fail at. I've learned a few things from his reviews but i'm sure i've forgotten most of it already.

I tried to compile a list of things in my head a good character should have, although some aspects are optional, some are a must.

Background and motivation

It's important to have your character have a backstory, but that backstory needs to fit who the character is. For example, a character that spend his childhood eating mud and getting kicked in the nuts shouldn't b a optimistic and brilliant scientist for the heck of it. Sure sometimes a person with a certain childhood grows up to become something unexpected, but stretching that too far will just not seem reasonably believable to the reader and unable to relate to the character at all.

There's the other thing though, motivation. What does the character aspire for? does he have a dream? what's his goal in life? a good motivation could justify more than half of the background. Let's take the kid that eats mud and enjoys ball kicks, let's say one day he meets a scientist that feels pity for him and invents a cup to protect his balls and a machine to turn mud into chocolate, the kid could b so marveled by how the scientist made his life so much more awesome that he might want to become a scientist himself to bring that joy to other. still a crappy background, but u could make sense out of it and there's now a reason the kid would become a scientist.

The "that person who helped/saved me when i was a kid was a so when i grow up I'll b a " motivation seems way overused though. another classic background motivation/background is the "this was the dream of that person i loved, so I'll fulfill it!" one is really popular among anime, and if u ask me, not that original either, but heh, whatever works. One character that makes no sense to me is Sasuke from Naruto, worse character in the manga/anime. and it's easy to tell if your character is bad based on how many thing your character has in common with Sasuke.

I also don't get when the background and motivation don't seem to match. Like a girl who had a rough childhood and was molested, and now she wants to become a porn star? i predict little to no character growth there. Again, Sasuke seems retarded in his goals. he seems to want to do what makes less sense possible.


In general, the personality can b drawn from the character's background and motivation, or at least part of it.

A personality, seriously, a personality is a must, don't b a Sasuke, he makes Naruto seem likable, and that's a fucking achievement. It really seems weird that almost any other character in Naruto is way more interesting than Sasuke and yet Sasuke is a main character. I wouldn't say the character has to b likable, but have a personality, any, just not god damn blank.

A Gary Stu, This is very very important in my opinion. a Gary Stu, or Mary Sue for females, is a character is is just too god dammed perfect, and has little to no flaws. An example would b a Brain surgeon that is a black belt in 4 different martial arts and a 5 star chef, and he's popular as fuck and everyone likes him for no valid reason. These characters are bad because no one can relate to them and everyone ends up hating them.

Honestly, the design is what should come after all this, but never is.


In the end, if you have all of these aspects polished, will your character b good? Hard to say. people judge by appearance too much, and the character could b only as good as the story he's involved in.

Why bother? well, if anything, just so u don't only say something like "my character is a dragon/wolf wizard that does some delicious pies" when people ask u about ur character.

Still more SF4 crap

there's a new lil software called "cheat engine" that allows people to alter data in games, and here people have compiled a huge list of cheats for SF4.

those include cheats to unlock characters, titles, icons, etc. they also include cheats to enable the alternate costume or not, but this one can only b performed in the character selection screen. i gave it a shot and it works, but i'm not sure i like it because u have to do it everytime u play.


there's the hacked files system, i sort of prefer this one because u can setup some character with the original costume and others with the alternate one. the pack now includes an optional colors set, so that colors other than the first one work with the alternate model.
Complete costume pack

Complete costume colors pack (this enables all colors to work with the costume)

I'm having a bit of trouble with Rose on this later method though, dunno why yet.

Yet other SF4 related stuff, seems that people started taking a liking to skinning the game:

Don't ask me how to get this one working, i woulnd't know. Found it here.

This one i found right on DA, i hate goths so i hate this skin, but it's not too bad though. Found it here.

I could try my hand as a skin, but, i predict that like the modded Zoey model i was making for L4D and the modded Pyro gal model i was making for TF2, i better not so i don't frustrate myself when it comes to importing back into the game. Besides soon there might even b sites collecting these skins and making them available to everyone.

EDIT: seems someone made a beta lil trainer that switches the costumes, I'm not gonna bother posting it unless someone wants to though.

Anyone need a new MSN/AIM icon?

All the icons in SF4, Take your pick:

and i'm so not cropping those individually.

Street Fighter 4: alternate costumes patch

Just a couple of hours ago, a guy at the "Game Vixen Zone" forum started posting "packs" to enable the 2nd costume (1st color only) as the main costume.

Yesterday i found the topic and he explained as best as he could (his English is back and he uses a translator to post) extract the textures to make a nude patch (which is terrible looking btw), but he seems to tinker with the files and be coming up with a way to access the 2nd costumes. this morning, my time, he managed to get to them and set them as primary, and explained the process, but it was confusing and most people didn't get it right. ehnce when the packs started to show up.

He also got 1 player model (Ryu) to replace another's (Akuma), but the face looked all fucked up.

I tested it, works.

150% sexier ChunLi

then someone posted a file with all the costumes:


Edit: Part 2 is up.

Edit 2: They made a lil mistake

Rose doesn't work, the files in the rar point to the 2nd costume (Should point to the 1st):


renaming them works though, so b sure to rename the files before replacing them. use the following names:


Another public service

A lot of people use the K-Lite codec pack, from what i recall it was one of the first packs around. And with it a lot of people started using MPC (Media Player Classic).

However, since a bunch of months ago, I started having minor problems with some WMV files, i guess with the newer versions of Windows' Media Player, the format might have have some changes to it, and my MPC sometimes froze and crashed on those.

I did some investigating and it seems that the author of MPC no longer updates it, but some other guys do in a version called "home cinema".

It looks and feels like media player classic, but this one seems more stable with WMVs, at least for me. Prolly has other fixes and new options, but i haven't seen anything else different off the bat.

If you're a MPC user, you might want to get this instead.

First impressions: Street Fighter 4 (PC)

I almost didn't wanna play this game, why did i even get it?

bleh, anyway...

Being arrogant isn't a super power, bitch!

i hate and despise all the new characters, even if all of them are already more interesting than Ryu:

  • Gouken, Ken and the other-guy-that-has-no-personality's master. actually cool design, interesting moveset for once. Feels like a reverse Akuma.
  • Abel manages to b almost as bland as Ryu but he has an excuse for it. His background story is that eternal old god fucking cliche of "I've lost my memory". Uninteresting at best. his design looks like crap too.
  • Crimson Viper is just an arrogant bitch with no skills, literally, she wears a suit that gives her fighting abilities. ain't that cheating? also incredibly bad design.
  • El Fuerte is... a wrestler that wants to b a great cook.. moving on...
  • Rufus... oh dear god Rufus...

Fucking Rufus...


That god dammed face... and his personality matches his fucking apearance. he's the kind of character u tell yourself in denial that he isn't in the game.

It... jiggles...

The graphics are ok, but really nothing impressive. i dunno what to even say about the damn graphics to b honest, I'd b far more impressed with a 2d game. doin 3d is just so god damned easy nowadays. Oh god, i gotta mention how the motherfucking announcer was driving me up the fucking walls! I'm considering starting a petition to have the man literally executed or castrated, good lord, the sound of his voice is agony! someone needs to make a patch where he doesn't exist!

Unlocking the characters is a simple but annoying task, and the alternate costume are still being a dick, I'll elaborate on that:

In the console versions, and now in the PC one, Capcom had the alternate costumes in the game all along, heck, i can easily guess which files they're in, but they're not enabled. They said the costumes were DLC (Downloadable Content), when actually, they're not. the key words in downloadable content are "DOWNLOADABLE" and "CONTENT", not "ACTIVATION OF EXISTING CRAP". Capcom had players pay for those costumes, which honestly, is a dick move.

Backgrounds are cool, i admit.

Another example of how fucked up the gaming industry is getting and how cheap ass Capcom has gotten.

Anyway, no of this matters really, what matters is the gameplay, and how is the gameplay u ask? it's... well, boring. this feels really boring.

After great fighting games like Guilty Gear XX, or The King of Fighters, with deep gameplay and a wide array of moves, Street Fighter 4 feels mediocre at best. I'd say get an emulator and enjoy Street Fighter 3 instead, it's infinitely much better. It's not bad, it just plays like SF2 and most of the characters are the damn same.

Fei Long is a cross between Bruce Lee and Kenshiro

Ok, that's a lil harsh. Fighting games used to be my main genre for a long long time and i demand a lot from them. I imagine if u like fighting games, and aren't too bad at them, u might like this game.

And i have to b honest, there's talk and even prototypes of nude patches for this, so it could become bearable. that's the cool thing about PC gaming: modding stuff. I'm not quite hoping for a nude patch, but maybe a revealing/lingerie patch would b nice. Also hoping someone makes a simple way (a complicated and vague way already exists) to get the alternate costumes and some of those are really really neat.

I'll go with "Sort of want" on this game, but only on account of modding possibilities.

Public service

Nothing big to post about, so i thought i'd bring up something that i tested at work recently, consider this a small rant.

I'm currently an intern at a software company developing a web based ERP. most won't know what that means, but most will figure out that if it has the word "web" in it, it might use a web browser. we had a problem with the management deciding to switch our "officially supported" browser to chrome (i highly advise against it). and the layout of our application looked raped on it.

So me and some of the guys started talkin about browsers and which one is the most acurate. and then i remembered that Firefox 3.5 came out recently.

Most Firefox users haven't noticed 3.5, as it seems 3.0 doesn't bug u to download it.

It's noticeably faster than the older version, but what about acuracy? well, there is a test for this. the acid3 test. In short, the acid tests are very complicated pages that the browser has to interpret and represent, and your browser is graded (at least on the 3rd one).

No browser passed the 3rd acid test, Firefox 3.0 only had 71 on it. however, the recent Firefox 3.5 has a score of 97 or so. by far the most accurate and functional browser at this time.

However, i haven't upgraded at home, simply because a lot of the plugins i use aren't compatible with this version yet. This might b the reason this update isn't suggested or forced on 3.0 users but recommended for new ones.

That thing no one ever uses

I've been bored, really really bored. So i dropped by the Oekaki and doodled a lil:

(if the image is down it's cause the oekaki is down, wait lil 5 mins)

I've been watching "the mysterious cities of gold", and as a kid i really liked Zia.

Patrick Stewart

Patrick Stewart is pretty damn awesome.


I like how all the mock-aristocracy(including a horrible attempt at drawing the Aensland family ring from memory) is ruined by the button on her little hair tie. That's just the sort of cutting edge comedy people expect from me.

Brooke's birthday and she's not in her birthday suit. That's pretty weird...