
The best action movie ever

This really is awesome:

Seriously, if anyone knows where to find an english dubbed version, let us know!

Holy shit a new Egoraptor video?

That's what i said when Zach linked me to it.

No one likes bees!

Another new oekaki doodle

New Oekaki doodle:
  • "Standard issue" by Shigoto.
This one also ISN'T safe for work.

New Thundercats

I told K-ToF a long while back that they were rebooting Thundercats and showed him some concept pictures. Recently Warner Brothers released this image to confirm that they are still releasing it this year sometime in April.

While I can accept the new outfits, I wished they kept the age of the characters closer to the original. Tygra and Panthro seems okay, but Cheetara and Lion-O makes me kind of queasy. I'm sick of watching all these whiny teen animation characters. Well maybe the show will make up for it in the music and story department. Well one can hope.

Web Finds

When I'm bored or just not wanting to talk to anyone I randomly browse the web, and not for porn mind you.

FIND #1:
As an artist I am sadden to find that many web designers today fall short on the creativity stick. Instead of having a garden of awesome webdesigns to look at we are essentially given the same cookie-cutter web layout scheme. Most websites that you visit pretty much have the blog-like layout and utilizes the screen area very poorly. Heck even porn sites now all pretty much look the same.

I then stumbled upon 20 things I learned about browsers and the web. The information was nothing new to me, but I just loved how the site was setup like a picture book, and the best part of it was that it was done in HTML5. You would know that if you had an adblock extension or looked at the source file as I did. The text was well placed and it was exactly what I expected to get from the page and nothing extra. The only complaint I had was the speed. However, I assumed that it is mostly because Firefox is not optimized with HTML5 yet. Check out the site.

FIND #2:

"So what? It's just an old NES Zelda cartridge." you think to yourself (or yell at the monitor).

Why yes and no. It's the cover casing of the the Zelda cartridge, but inside is an external 1TB harddrive. Ingenious! Just imagine being at work and you're like "oh shit I better take my files back home to finish xxxx project" and then you whip out the NES cartridge. Awesome? That's an absolute yes.

I should do this since I have like three copies of Zelda.

A K-ToF rant: Ghoul Forest 3

My interest really gets poked by random things, and I guess this is one of those things.

I found out about ghoul forest 3 purely by accident on Youtube in a video where someone was freaking the fuck out playing it, and ultimately last night i got our friend Shigoto to play and stream it for Zach and myself.

The game itself isn't that interesting, however, the concept of it oddly is, and there is some controversy around it as well.


The story is rather simple.

You're a hunter hero that's proven his worth time and time again, but crave for a greater challenge. Hearing the rumor of a monster in the forbidden forest, the hunter decides to investigate. The hunter searches all day, but finds no trace of the so called monster, and as night falls, he decides to setup camp for the night. A few hours into the night, he's awaken by a strange noise. He quickly grabs and readies his bow, and realizes that what started out as a hunt for glory, may now have become a fight for his life.

That's the background story that leads up to the start of the game. As you start, the hunter's camp fire dies out and one of the ghouls will start hunting you down. 4 ghouls will attack you one at a time to feed on your soul and there's nowhere to run or hide.

Now, you very VERY retro gamers out there may know that this game makes reference to Forbidden Forest which was for the Commodore 64 and Atari 8-bit, in fact, the concept is the same. Hunter in the woods killing monsters. apparently, this mod is a tribute to Forbidden Forest.


It's a Doom 2 mod, which by itself implies what the gameplay is like, but your only weapon is a bow and arrow, which is the only thing different from normal doom 2.

The bow has a rather slow fire rate as anyone could guess, and the arrow count is the difficulty level, it's honestly not what I'd pick to go fight ghouls in the night, but it adds to the ambiance.

The Ghouls

Until i saw Shigoto play on livestream, i didn't actually know that the order of the first 3 ghouls is random, which is actually really dangerous because you may not b prepared at all for when the creeper shows up.

The creator has on his site backstory and comments on each of the ghouls, but those are rather long, so I'll type shorter ones:
  • The Yurei - Main villain of the game and last boss

Once a normal girl, she was murdered by her own parents. It's unknown what exactly happened but her soul could not rest and her rage caused her to become a vengeful spirit with unholy powers. She just wanted to be left alone with her baby (I'll get to that), however, rumors about her attracted more and more people to the woods. So she raised undead minions to serve her and guard the forest killing any intruders who dare enter her forest.

This ghoul is a very obviously Samara from The Ring, the author makes no attempts to hide it. Personally i see no problem with him using her as long as he's honest about her being a rip off. Also i think "Yurei" is meant to translate to scary or spooky, something along those lines.

However, this boss is 1 of the reasons for the controversy around this game: When this boss kills you, she flashes pictures directly into the screen, mostly horrors pics, and among those are pictures of dead babies.
  • The Creeper

Once a baby floating down the river, it died of starvation. The Yurei found it while she was still a normal girl, and mistook the dried up corpse for a doll (just go with it). Once the Yurei became a unholy being, she revived the baby as a zombie baby which she raised by feeding it souls from it's victims until it could hunt on it's own.

I'm gonna say this right now, from all the backstories, in my opinion this is the dumbest one because of all the things wrong with it:

Unless the baby was mummified, how would anyone think it's a doll? and a baby zombie? that's really what you going for? alright, fine, it's a baby zombie, so why the crap are your feeding it souls? zombies eat brains or at least humans flesh. It's especially odd where the Yurei slaughters a human, and basically has the brains and flesh there, but instead gives the zombie baby a soul to feast on. And when it's an "adult" it hunts by becoming a shadow on the ground and killing you by jumping at your face and scaring you to death, you know, like zombies do.

Why would you bother making/calling it a zombie if it's NOTHING LIKE A ZOMBIE!

Surprisingly, the Creeper is the another reason people stop playing this game, cause his kill move is a jump scare and some people may not even notice him coming so comes at even more of a surprise.
  • Sjas

Once a very dedicated court jester, Sjas was a huge perfectionist that spent most of his time coming up with new material. One night one of his gags didn't get as many laughs as he expected, so he told the same joke again and again but louder and louder. As the crowd becomes disturbed by this, the king orders Sjas to be removed from the court. With that, Sjas snaps and starts attacking people. The next day he's executed while swearing revenge. He was revived by the Yurei but only his face revived.

Sjas has a rather simple backstory, but simple works best sometimes. Sjas was reused from Ghoul Forrest 2 where he was the only ghoul, he's rather fast and very noisy, you're meant to use sound to figure out where he'll come from.

Really not all that scary, which is a shame. feel like he could had been better.
  • Jitterskull

In the era of giants (just go with it) Jitterskull was a respected and popular member of the giant community, however he had a odd problem with his mouth that just constantly kept twitching. upon his death it was his wish to be buried alongside his brother (Choke, the ghoul from the first game). The Yurei revives Jitterskull as a giant mindless floating head, but his twitch is still present which greatly affects his movement in his new form.

I'm not a big fan of skulls, they're overused on all medium and don't feel spooky at all to me, the backstory is rather plain for this one, and negligible. However as a ghoul, this guy is rather unnerving in the sense that his movement is all over the place and is really hard to hit, also he takes the most hits to kill and will kill you in one hit.

At least like Sjas, there's no cheap jump scare involved


The words "I can't see shit captain" come to mind. The little visibility you have from your camp fire is quickly done as the game starts, it's easy to not see an enemy that is directly in front of you because of how it is simply so damn dark around.

Sound is the main way you'll find the ghouls, more on some than others, but in general, you'll hear them coming, which is neat, creates a sense of anxiety and anticipation.

If you look really really carefully, you can see Jitterskull in the back.

The giant forest map is really not that detailed at all, but because of the intense darkness, it's really not important. Although since the goal of the game was to scare people, you'd think he would had added glowing eyes in the dark, corpses around the forest, and things like that.

Final thoughts

I sort of liked the concept of the game, some of the background stories of the ghouls, and the atmosphere. But it just sounds better in theory than when actually playing or watching someone playing it.

Shigoto did really short work of all those ghouls, the game lasted 10 mins tops and that's because it was the first time Shigoto played it. I'm thinking he would b faster if he tried again.

Jitterskull seemed to easily be the hardest one to deal with due to his erratic pattern, the Creeper and Sjas were easier to predict and deal with. The Yurei is hard, but maybe for the wrong reasons, she requires twitch reflexes and that you hit her between teleports.

The controversial jump scare the Yurei gives you is very very cheap and makes no sense. In a way it ruins the immersion to up until that part. Why are we being shown these random pictures taken in fucking random place? Is she showing us those on her fucking laptop? really, it doesn't fit.

Ok i get the idea that it's only meant to scare/traumatize you, but wouldn't it be scarier to have a huge close up of her horribly disfigured face with then another frame of it as she attacks you? I honestly think that would had been WAY scarier than "Here's gross some shit I found on Google" and would make sense and not ruin the immersion.

Ghoul Forest 3 gets slack for it's poor detail level but it's still better than it's predecessor as seen above.

When you look at the sprites/textures use in this mod though (seen here), it really doesn't feel like much effort was put into it aside from coding the ghouls. No really, most of this is ripped from Halloween masks or The Ring.

In the end, I was disappointed. I expected something extremely scary with amazing ambiance, and i got cheap lame jumpsacres.

Props to Shigoto for playing it though, it was fun to watch.

Slow news day

Just a note really, there's one new Oekaki doodle:
  • "Desk Job" by Zach.
This one is NOT safe for work.

New oekaki theme and a video

New theme: Penny from "Super Secret Secret Squirrel"

I was gonna go with a big boobed miko chick, but everyone liked Penny better.

Also, i made a blog post about this project like a year ago, but forgot to check about it since. Zach found a video of it recently:

I drooled, really want to play that.

I checked those guys' site and there not even an estimate to a release date, they just keep adding and adding to that

Zach put this in my head and it's dumb

Made it yesterday, it's dumb.

Wait for it to load...

If I don't post, who will?

Time flies when you're busy wasting it, and I may need to whip Zach or Bitten to post a lil more again.

Anyway, I can explain why i haven't been updating the past few days with a simple picture:

I never liked a fire starter before, but this guy looks like Jimbei from One piece.

What can I say?, I was bored and TF2 has been getting on my nerves lately.

I read there was a 95+% translated Pokemon black/white, and decided to try it, sadly I lost the save of my 2nd attempt to play the game, which had 6 gym badges, and had to use an old save from just after the 2nd gym.

The main story was very very "naggy" through the entire game, and didn't quite make sense when you stop for 1 sec to think about it.

In short, here's the deal: This "religion" of assholes called team plasma is out to "free" pokemons from all humans, led by their kind N. N believes that all humans torture pokemon and force them to do their bidding.

My end game party, with obligatory HM whore Bibarel.

So far, it's actually not a bad premise until they tell you that N can understand what pokemons say, and that practically all the fucking time, all he hears is that pokemons are happy with their trainers.

After the main plot, the game is... sorta ok, a lot of older pokemons become available, but the effin' time and season gimmick, I... don't quite get why you would make a game with event that occur on specific days of the week at specific times. it's just pointlessly annoying.

The game really hasn't changed at all from the first ones, there's always barely any improvements in the gameplay, and it's really not like there isn't room for improvement, because god, there is tons, but sometimes they'll do something right, and in the next game fuck it up again.

Oh well, now to find something else to do.

Effin' awesome!

Sorry about all the video posts lately, Not sure if u guys hate these or not.

Learned a few things from that:
  • The sticky jumper protects your from being damaged by your own stickies AND grenades.
  • The Ullapool Caber's damage will not affect you with the Sticky Jumper equipped.
I've had a sticky jumper for a while, but i never knew about either of those facts.

Why megaman? why?

Zach found this, blame him.

SpiderDub is awesome

So by complete accident I found a series of funny dubs of old cartoons

This here is the playlist for the old spiderman cartoon dubs, which just get better and better. (Friend zone is my fav one)

Here's the first one, which is not the best, but still rather funny and gives you a good idea what to expect:

The same user made a dub of an old batman cartoon that we thought was hilarious too: Episode 1, Episode 2

Enjoy guys.

Swimsuit Pokeymans

Girls in swimsuits are sexy. :3

Doodles and a video series

First off, 2 new Oekaki doodles:
  • "I Fucking Love Purin" by Zach.
  • "Purim" by Shigoto.
Both safe for work.

On another note, a while back, Youtube user theswitcher posted a video called "Two best friends play: Kirby epic yarn". In short, 2 guys with clashing personalities play a videogame. Now that video is turning into a fun series.

Here's the lastest one:

If you like it, you can find the other ones in the description of the video on Youtube.


I think people are getting fed up with me cause i keep re-watching this during Skype calls.


I doodled this. For some reason though, I feel like my style isn't working with her. For the first time, I think somebody is coming off as being too young. Is it just me?

A rather entertaining video about gaming

I lost it and started laughing out loud at "Best dialogue".

Well, The Oekaki trial period is over

For lack of a better host, I will continue to host the Oekaki on my computer and we're ditching the one on as it just finished spending several days without being able to access the database.

On a related note, new Oekaki suggested theme:

Purim (yes turns out she actually has a name) and Undine.

As usual, if you plan to draw I recommend using printscreen often to prevent losing your work.

1000+ hours on minecraft

Damn, i would LOVE to have that map on Minecraft.

Will Smith buys a PS3

Alt title: Will smith buys a Kinect.

Achivement unlocked

Somehow, I don't feel like I achieved anything positive there though...

Happy new year everyone!