
Fun, but potencially confusing vids

Sexually confusing that is, avoid watching these if you're not certain of your sexuality and/or are homophobic.

However, if like us, you don't care about that stuff, enjoy:

I'd like to note, there's a disturbing amount of models for the TF2 guys with varying amounts of nakedness.

If you don't get it, this is a remake of this video from Rhythm Heaven Wii.

The "Edward" class

A joke thing from Forsaken World, would had been an interesting class though.

Best pic of the day, September 24th

Haven't made posts like this in ages, need to get myself to post on the blog a lil more, and whip everyone else to do so too.

With that said:

Forsaken World: The lil things

As I mentioned before, there are a few things that attracted me to FW. Lil things that I've never seen in other MMOs. I'll try to list all of them, but I'm certain to forget a few.

As a disclaimer, I'm not saying these features are exclusive to FW. For all I know most of these may be in WoW, haven't played WoW in centuries.

First, we have to take a look at the interface:

If you've played WoW before, most of that will look familiar to you. Also you can drag and drop most of the interface to your liking.

Note: some classes have 1 extra bar, which i will refer to as their gimmick bar. that bar will keep track of whatever is special about that class. An example would be the soul bullet clip for marksman.

Now, the features i like:

Auto Routing

When you hover the mouse on a quest, a description will show up, often, the description will contain green text, whether it's the objective or the person you turn in the quest to.

Clicking that green text will auto route you to it, and usually, your character will avoid obstacles and will get there by itself. If for any reason you have to break the auto routing (like to collect a resource) you can resume the travel by pressing Z.

Note: You may check where auto routing is taking you by checking the map (M) as the route and destination become visible on it. handy to sometimes manually take a faster route.

Exp Aid

I love this, but it's 2 sided. When you don't play a character for at least one day or just don't gain much experience on that day, the game stores a certain amount of experience into exp aid. The amount of exp aid one can obtain depends on one's level, and can be used whenever the player wants, if used at all.

When you use exp aid, you have to pay for it, and it will turn part (if not all) of the empty part of the exp bar green. While there's green in the exp bar, any experience you earn from any source will give an extra 50% exp.

Exp aid, at one point, can cost a lot, however, under level 40, I'd say it's almost always worth it. You can also specify how much of the exp aid you want to unlock and the game will let you know the exact cost of it.

Promotional exp

This isn't constant, but lately it feels like it.

When I started playing FW, there wasn't any bonus exp. However, for months now, the game has had either "2x exp bonus from monsters" or "3x exp bonus from quests" or both!

Right now, the "3x exp bonus from quests" is because the international version of FW hasn't been able to implement some event or quest that from what I heard is meant to give player a bunch of exp daily. So this is their way of saying "our bad, have extra exp"

"2x exp bonus from monsters" is active on weekends only, but seems that it'll be active every weekend from now on.

Note: this is having the side effect of creating what is known as the level 30 noobs, players level up way too fast in the early game and start doing instances without even having a level 10 set.

Lionheart Scrolls

These scrolls give 30 mins of double monster exp, and the game gives them to you and encourages you to use them for the daily event "God's Trial", which is specifically a mass exp event to help level up.

You can get at least 1 every day from Naichilo by doing the study quest (which basically just involves talking to him, using an item, and talking him again.).

Here's the thing though, these scrolls stack up to 7 hours and 30 mins, and the effect can be paused. Use up all the ones you can use, and pause the effect til you need it.

May elaborate more on God's Trial on a future post.


Under the character life bar, you'll find a "?" which is the help, and when i was starting out, and still now, i find this so useful.

I recommend to look at the help every time you level up because the content for the help is level based.

It will tell you whenever you have new skills to learn, what new events you can join, what instances you should do at your level, what monsters you can handle, what jobs became available to you and what maps you should hang out in.

On the side you can specify how long you got to play, and the game will recommend you quests/events for optimal reward/exp for that amount of time.

Event schedule

Again, the content depends on your level. Simply shows you the schedule of events for the day and tells you what prizes you can earn.

It's not the event scheduler itself that i like, but the fact that there's events all the time in this game.

Supposedly there's events that happen once a week, but i tend to have bad timing and miss those. I should check the schedule more often.

Those Special events have really really good and sometimes unique prizes.


Another minor thing, but i do like it. This game's lore revolves a lot around gods and celestial signs. As such, every hour of the day has it's celestial sign.

When you make your character, you have to specify it's birthday. That determines his native sign and it's lucky signs. Those only come into effect when praying.

What does praying do? well every hour you can pray, and it'll randomly give you a buff, but the incentive is that you can get rare and precious items for the first 4 times you pray on a day. Those first 4 times will also give you some exp.

You know you can use pray whenever the top center orb shines.

I think something happens in the month you character's birth date is on, but i'm not sure so don't quote me on it.

Crafting / Harvesting

FW does this wonderful thing where, sometimes when preparing a potion or cooking, it will generate "accidents".

"Well crap! what does that mean?" you may be thinking.

It's actually a good thing that makes no sense. If an accident happens while crafting, it means you'll get 2 or more of the item. The most I've seen is accidentally crafting 6 potions instead of just 1.I do find it funny that your character can, with 1 fish and 2 spices, accidentally create 6 fish steaks. Defies explanation.

It's like winning a mini prize.

In a similar fashion, Whenever you harvest resources like plants and metals, there's a rather big chance you'll get more than 1 of it. In fact, getting 4 at a time isn't all that uncommon.


Again, a tiny detail, but the map and mini map are very useful in many ways.

The map allows you to mark points on it with a name, a note if you will. These can be used to save the location of either resources, monsters or important NPCs.

Those locations become listed on the side and can be clicked to auto route to.

The mini map is especially useful for harvesting resources.

With it's various levels of zoom, you can observe resources near you, and by pointing at them, you can see if they're the ones you looking for. Saving you the trouble of visually checking each and everyone of them.

There's other details i rather like about the game, but this list is really long as it is .But I'll mention that i started using the auction house recently, and it's really good. wish it had more filter options, but it's very affordable to auction anything, and you can find great deals on it.

Bitten is often surprised by how nice most of the people playing are, there's sometimes a jerk around, but for the most part, nice people.

If you're interested in playing with us, we're on the server [EU] Illyfue.


Now that I got your attention, I would like to point and ask something to you folks. When you click on the buttons below it gives us a quick feedback on what you like to see and would not want to see in the future. What I have noticed is that a few of you visitors mark the "Do not want!"

Do not want! highlighted in green for you young whipper snappers.

So are you people aware that the first one indicates "Do NOT want" or did you assume that it stated "Do want!"

Leave a comment in the reply.

Gorgon Zola

Zola is a fabulously wealthy gorgon that lives in a gaudy mansion in Crust Town. She could be best described as... pompous. She has a husky, sultry, upper-class accent she uses in conjunction with her figure to get her way... or rather, she used to, until people clued into the whole "gorgon" thing.

These days, she usually relies on her "dumpling" workforce, instead of trying to seduce men that she inevitably grows tired of and turns to stone. The remnants of these men now populate her rather extensive garden.

Zola is obsessed with maintaining her beauty. Insinuating that she's ugly is a one way ticket to conflict, and she's no slouch when it comes to throwing down. In fact, since sorcerer's are immune to her stone stare and she can cancel out sorcery within a certain distance, this is what fights between her and Razz amount to. They usually get along, though. Usually.

Forsaken World: The Shop

I've had a bad day yesterday, had to get an emergency appointment with the doc and it shook me up a lil. As such, i don't feel like playing so I'll write a lil more about FW.

I want to address an issue that is important with free MMOs: What can you buy with real money on them.

This is relatively important because, people want to be able to enjoy the game for free. What i mean is, some games (looking at you spiral knights) give such a massive advantage to paying players that free players never really get anywhere and spend months to achieve what someone with money can achieve in a day.

I'm happy to say that one of the things that attracted me to FW was the fact that the online store does not sell anything game breaking.

So let's take a look at the shop:

I'm sorry to say that bee costume isn't in the game.

So let's see what's sold:

  • Fashion (Costumes)
These are used to personalize the look of your character.

Unlike WoW where armor always looks like ass, every damn piece looks different (even if it's a slight color variation) and nothing matches up, in FW, armor for the same level tends to look the same.

Note: One of the things Bitten said after trying out the game was how impressed he was with the detail and designs of the armor in the game, and i have to agree, far superior to WoW in that aspect.

Here's an example: Mishie, my kindred mage.

If anyone in-game looks at her, they can tell she's wearing a level 40 armor set and has a level 30 weapon, because they all look like that. I actually like that fact because it makes it easy to identify both the class and level of a player just by looking at them.

Costumes however, replace everything your character has on them visually.

I like how the shop reminds you fairly quickly that this is an Asian game."What will it be? naughty schoolgirl or naughty french maid?".

Note: After playing the first day, Bitten bought the french maid outfit, which, if you know Bitten's tastes, wasn't that surprising.

Even though the costumes come in sets, you can mix up the parts to come up with your own look (the last one being an example, I call it "Attention Whore" custom set). Aside from the general costumes available to all races, each race has their own exclusive costumes.

  • Mounts
At level 20, the game gives you a quest to which the reward is a free mount that lasts 1 week. It's a temporary version of the abyss capricorn (135% speed). When that one wears off, you can buy a permanent one from an NPC with in-game currency.

All the shop ones however, have 150% speed (which honestly, is nice, but can easily live without) and most of them, if not all, can remain active in water (which the abyss capricorn does not).

There IS a racial mount you can buy in-game that can do what the store ones do, but it's so highly priced I'm not sure anyone ever gets it at all.

  •  Pets
This is one that could be considered a big advantage.

All players in FW can have and should have pets, and they play a big part in the game. A pet can share it's resistances with you, it has it's own skills and can use it's own potions (Automatically if you set him up that way), you can set him up to attack with you or to defend you, etc.

Pets come in 3 quality: white, green and blue. Blue, being the best, has much better stats, which may matter or not depending on what you use your pet for since a lot of people want pets for the skill they start with.

It is possible to catch blue pets in-game, but the shop pets are all of blue quality and most are exclusive. The shop also sells items and skills for pets, but nothing I'd b jealous about honestly.

  • Refine
These are gems and crystals basically, gems aren't hard to obtain, you can earn at least 1 everyday in an instance specifically for it, and the shop only sells level 1 gems, which is the type you get from the instance anyway.

Crystals, that's a lil different. you CAN get them ingame, but they're rare. those are used to greatly increase your chance of successfully upgrading your armor, and seem to only be necessary around upgrade 6 to 12. Seems more necessary as a endgame thing.

  • General
Lots of neat things in there, but will only list the most important ones.

Bag extensions is prolly something that will tempt players the most as they get invested into the game, simply put, increases the space in your bag. As you level up, you'll get 2 free bag extensions from the game as a reward, if you desire more, i think they're shop only. Bank extensions are as useful, however you CAN get those from NPCs in-game.

Talent compass and wisdom fruit. those may be necessary if you fuck up your character: The talent compass is usable at a NPC to reset your talents. At one point in the game, you're given one that lasts for 30 days, which is good cause people tend to fuck up their talents at least once. The wisdom fruit allows u to give up on a job you took and allows you to change to another one. like the talent compass, you get it playing normally, but they're permanent and you get 2 of them.

Edit: was playing just now and turns out if you get 60 achievements in the game, they give you another talent compass with no time limit on it.

Only thing worth note is that FW has a marriage system, which I have not looked into cause I'm not pathetic enough. however, to get married you have to buy the necessary items from the shop.

Also from time to time, the shop will do sales and events where they sell packs that give you a random item, in which you can win a rare pet or mount. Think of these as TF2 crates.

Things to note:

Players in FW can open their own shops, and when you play, if you join the trade realm, you'll find TONS of player shops everywhere.

It's not uncommon to find players selling store only items for gold, so even store only items can be obtained without you having to spend real cash for it.

What we've been playing: Forsaken World

Me and Bitten have been playing the free MMO Forsaken World for a while now, and most people don't really know much about it. So imma talk about it a lil.

Forsaken World is a free MMORPG which in gameplay is very similar to WoW. However, there are many features in FW that feel like a huge improvement over WoW.

To make a very obscure reference, FW to WoW is like comparing Titan Quest to Diablo 2.

The Races

As it is almost norm nowadays, this MMO has a few races to choose from. Sadly, 3 of the 5 look like humans. The race determines the classes you can use.

Nothing much to note, Humans are always as standard as it gets. Humans are the race which has the most classes available to them: warriors, assassins, mages and priests.
Supposedly more intelligent, Elves are quite taller than humans with heavily metro-sexual faces and hairstyles. Besides warrior and priest, Elves have the exclusive class of bard.
All Dwarves are marksmen, and all marksmen are Dwarves. Not a lot of diversity there, however, armed with their rifles Dwaves are easily one of the best DPS in the game.
Like Dwaves, Stonemen only have 1 class that happens to be exclusive to them: Protector. Obviously, they're the token tank class of the game and the only race that stands out visually.
The kindred, along with Stonemen, is the other "non-standard mmorpg" playable race. Aside from assassins and mages, The kindred have the exclusive class of vampire.

To note that, even though 3 of the races (Human, Elf and Kindred) have similar looks, there's a lot of room for visual diversity in the game seeing as when making a character. Almost all races, if not all, can pick from 18 skin colors, (including shades of blue, yellow and green), and allows you to pick any possible color for hair.

Aside from that, you get a few faces, hairstyles and "flair" to choose from.

The Classes

Now we're getting a lil more into detail. Classes pretty much define your role and how you'll play the game (and if you'll have fun or not). With only 5 races, FW has 8 classes. Having tried out most, I can say they're not redundant (unlike some other MMOs i could name).

Note that like WoW, FW has talent trees which allows you to specify what you want to excel at and influence your role in parties.

  • Classic classes:

Assassin - A standard melee class, comparable to WoW's rogues.

They have high DPS and high critical rate/critical damage. They also have high evasion and accuracy. They can use Stealth and as such, they're a good class for PVP.

However, they do have downsides: for all that dmg and evasion, assassins have low HP and defense, another downside is their complete lack of AoE skills.

Warrior - The other standard melee class.

Warriors have stances which alter their characteristic: "Frenzy Stance" is for good damage, "Bloodrage Stance" for good HP, "Combat Stance" for High defense. Warriors can take the role of tank/off-tank if needed but their stances allow them to play many roles.

Their MP is rather low though so they depend on potions a lot, and they aren't quite optimal tanks. They also don't have many multi-target attacks.

Mage - Standard DPS class.

Mages have many AoE attacks and are have decent damage output. They have the most MP which allows them to keep casting constantly.

Their weaknesses are the common ones for DPS classes: low defense and low health meaning they're fragile.And they only have 1 useful group buff.
Priest - the standard healing class.

Obviously, these have a high healing potential, they're highly wanted in any group and have
multiple buffs for the party, your pet and yourself. Note they do not have the strongest healing in the game, but can heal many targets reasonably well.

As expected, they have low defense, and not many attack moves. they can be forced to rely heavily on potions.

  • Race exclusive classes:

Bard - Elf exclusive class.

Bards aren't that common in MMORPGs, which is a shame cause they're awesome.

In FW, they provide AOE heals and powerful buffs. They can have a flexible role and are always a very nice addition in groups.

Downsides? They only gain AoE damage in endgame, no specific single target heals, buffs have a short duration so they have to renew them all the time. Meant as a party class, they're slow at soloing mobs by themselves.

Marksman - Dwarf exclusive class.

Marksman use rifles, as such, they have the longest range in the game.They can do high damage and various DoT effects, they have rather good AoE attacks as well.

As you already guessed, that means they have low defense. Also to note they have few buffs. Depending on the talent tree they go with, they may have to manage soul bullets (but that's a lil too in-depth to get into).

Protector - Stoneman exclusive class.

It only makes sense Stonemen have a class that has incredibly high defense, and so they do. They're the perfect tanks and highly wanted in parties, very high HP and they can solo a lot of stuff easily.

The downsides aren't too bad. They have low magical defense, which doesn't matter too much because of their HP, and their damage isn't the best. Worth mentioning as a downside that it's a role that implies responsibility.

Vampire - Kindred exclusive class.

This is a very interesting class...

They can have high damage output, relatively high survivability (which most DPS classes do not have), ability to heal and it's said they can even solo some bosses.

However, vampires tend to have to choose between the DPS and healing.Vampires are in fact the best single target healers in the game, but, only if they pick the "Blood" talent tree. They do excellent DPS if they pick the "Inferno" talent tree.

It's a VERY versatile class. Even a DPS build can help with the healing during a boss fight.

What's the down side of all this? Their spells drain mana very quickly, requires a lot of multitasking, and one of your best skills must be in vampire mode.

Note: The race you pick will influence your class, for example: a human priest and an elf priest do not perform exactly the same way. One of them heals more and the other can heal faster.

If you guys are intrigued, I'll make more posts about the game later on.

You can get  FW from either their official site or from steam. Personally, I got it from steam but I regret not going to the official site instead.

We're all lesbians deep down

Gotta love Harry Partridge's flash movies.

Cute Vs. Tiny

It's pretty annoying drawing something action-oriented when there's lots of flowing things involved. In this case, Razz's hair and Gary's scarf. Somebody who's not a complete failure could probably glance at this for a second and find innumerable ways in which this doesn't make any sense, I'm sure.

Mr. Ariel

Mr. Ariel is part of an insect-like race of aliens Io meets in space. She serves as one of their colony's leader's attendants. Her job is to manage his schedule and take care of the little things and some background work. She's essentially a butler.

Ariel's race works under a caste system. Her "Mr." title stems from the fact she is considered, by her race, to be a third, non-descript gender, since as a worker she cannot breed. But she IS female, despite the name.

She harbors a secret crush on Lord Phobos, the leader of their colony and her boss, though she keeps it to herself, and just works as hard as she can for him, hoping he'll take notice. She is very professional and composed, except in the short moments she has to herself, where she entertains thoughts of lying next to him...

Unfortunately for her, Io shows up, and starts to pry into her private thoughts...

Cross game trading?

Before I get into the post, just wanna inform that Zach's fine, the hurricane didn't really affect the part of Connecticut he lives in besides knocking out the power. Been hoping he'd post here himself with his own status report, but meh, he's lazy.

Anyway, Valve posted this a bit ago:

As much of as a pessimist as I am, I got to admit, this system Valve came up with is at the very least, unique and interesting...

Being able to trade off items from 1 game to get items on another. I'm intrigued how far this can go. This could become a big thing that affects online gaming communities, who knows.

Also, as a bonus, the Spiral Sallet, the TF2 hat you'd get from playing spiral knights, is supposedly now wearable by all classes.