
Meat Cute

Dana and Katie "dressed" as Eve and Meatboy from The Binding of Isaac. Everyone else seemed to be drawing their characters as cute witch girls, but I already have at least 3 characters that are always cute witch girls, so I opted to do something different. Also I'm pretty attached to the game.

Started out as just Dana dressed like Eve(who is more than likely just Isaac wearing a wig and eyeshadow... COSTUMECEPTION). Eventually I got to thinking of how to work Katie into it as well. So I started running through the various familiars you can acquire in the game. The first thought was Sister Maggy, but she, like most of the familiars, is a floating fetus. But then I thought of Meatboy, and Meatboy is the motherfucker. Also he's relatively normal. As normal as a little skinless boy can be, anyway.

The best part about this is that leaving the sketch behind pics I ink digitally actually enhances this one a bit, due to the pen-and-paper menus and such in the game.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Halloween events 2012 - TF2


I gotta be honest, I don't care about TF2's Halloween events. The main reason being most Halloween items are Halloween/full moon restricted anyway, so why bother?


Anyway, this time around there's 2 event maps.

Ghost Fort (koth_lakeside_event)

The real event map is a King of the Hill Lakeside. It's actually fun as when a team captures a point a "wheel of fate" deals a random "curse" to all players. Most classes have new lines for this and the boss that spawns every 3mins, Merasmus, had some really funny lines. 

It's a shame that he's incredibly hard and will not get even under 50% health if both teams aren't fully cooperating and using tons of snipers.

If you do kill him and get to Skull Island, you unlock the Skull Island Topper:


Fucking charming.

Also, There's presents that can spawn on the map for Halloween swag, but i hear that it's player specific, as in only u see them and can pick them up.

Coaltown Event (mvm_coaltown_event)

This is where the zombies come in, They simply replace the robots on a huge giant single wave. There are no specific achievements for this map and really nothing to earn. It's just for the lulz and braggin rights.

This wave is incredibly hard, I've never even gotten through 25% of it so i don't think i can say too much about it aside from it's really really really hard.


I... can't even pretend to care for most of it...

Ok, so there's these random voodoo items that players get as drops (Voodoo-Cursed Old Boot, Voodoo-Cursed Skeleton, Yadda yadda yadda...). When you get 7 you can craft them into a pile and then open it. You get a Voodoo Cursed Zombie Soul, it's a halloween restricted item that makes you look like a zombie.

Also small chance to get a shitty non craftable Halloween cosmetic item and magic potions that I can't really find any info on it only because I haven't looked.


Obviously I care about those deeply.

There's also eerie crates, I'd show you what's in them but I traded mine away like they were covered in plagued urine.

In short, the maps are ok.

Halloween events 2012 - Forsaken World

I haven't posted about FW in a while because the posts for FW don't get good ratings. But me and Bitten do still play it.

This event works exactly like the last Valentine's day one, except, they fucked this one up completely. I'll get into why in a moment.

Duration of the event.

  • Started 26th October.
  • Ends 25th November.
  • How to qualify for the event?
  • Have at least 1 character over level 40.

How to participate?

Possible Prizes.

  • Fenrir Mount
  • Felicity Pet
  • Random level 2 or 3 gems
  • Pumpkin Nox Pet
  • Lord Candle Pet
  • 7 Day VIP Cards
  • Reputation Badges
  • Seashade Orbs
  • Ghastly Flare Gem Boxes
  • Elite Dawn Scrolls
  • Pet Trial Scrolls
  • Star Crystals
  • Medium Pet Essences

Extra Notes.

  • Everything is bound. Which makes this event really bad.
  • You can claim 24 hours after the last time you claimed.

As you can tell, I have issues with this event, and so does most of the community. Sure, free stuff is good, but only if it's relevant. otherwise it's quite frustrating.

How? well here's an example:

Let's say I have 2 characters, 1 has a good mount and the other one has a good pet. I know one of the prizes is a mount and another is a pet, however, they'll be bound. And I won't know what I get til AFTER I pick the character that receives it.

You can see where this is a problem. You can get really good valuable stuff, but it can be stuck on a character that does not need it.

Day 1 of the event had a big issue that led to one of the prizes being removed. Originally the list also had fashion items, and there was immediately an issue with it because female character were getting male fashion (Like Bitten did), Which in itself wouldn't bad if you could sell it, but it was stuck on Bitten's female character.

Their "fix" was to not do anything about it and remove it as a prize.

This is just another episode in the trend of bad decisions and incompetence Perfect World Entertainment has been doing with Forsaken World. I won't get into it, because there's a lot of crap to mention about that.

Even though the event is flawed, It's still worth trying your luck and see what you get. Some of the stuff we got was mildly useful so far.

Meh, might as well keep at it

Against my better judgment, I'll keep posting on the blog. Probably not as often though.

We'll see how it goes.

Edit: I have a question though, on the post I made where I said I was considering quitting, it got a few "do not want" ratings on it, I don't get that.

Did you guys mean you didn't like the post, didn't like me, or didn't want me to quit?

It confused me.

Sentry Rodeo

One of quite a few ideas for a spray featuring Katherine, Tof's female engineer(and possibly Dandie and Dandel's aunt in some other universe) that crops up here from time to time.

Frankly, I thought this was a really good idea. Unfortunately it wasn't what Tof had in mind, so we moved on to other things. It makes material for the blog, at least, right?

Vagina Face

Random girl bat drawn sometime early this year. Fell into obscurity when I got caught up into something even more fruitless, as per usual. Probably not going to elaborate on this... ever. Shame, cause I thought a lot of things I was doing with her were creative. Aw well. Think of it as an exercise in character design.

The Binding of I, Zach

I don't usually post things unrelated to stuff I draw, but felt this was somewhat interesting.

I think I might be too good at this game. Or I just happen to play it either very smart, very cowardly, or some combination of both. But for whatever reason, I've finished the entire game with every character, and I'm only missing a handful of achievements. One of said achievements is the one which unlocks the Pinking Shears, which you get by dying 100 times.

Now, as a result of noticing this, I sorta set a self-imposed personal goal for myself. I want the shears to be the last thing I unlock. Wish me luck.


I did this one a while ago. It was meant to be Disgaea inspired, but it really didn't turn out that way. Or maybe it did? I don't know. I mostly did it in response to the overwhelming feeling that most people are becoming bored of the way I've become accustomed to drawing.

In any case, if you ever wondered what my characters would look like with more... proper shoulders, this is an example of it, I guess. Also chins. I tend to not draw those, either.


I feel like the biggest douche bag in the world right now. I'm a jerk that just completely disregards the feelings of anyone else. It's really not hard to see why I'm not really friends with anyone outside the internet. I'm not a good person. I'm selfish and cold-hearted, and I don't care about anyone else. I'm a horrible person...

I'm no good to anyone in real life, either. I laze around, taking up space, cause I don't have any useful talents and I lack the initiative to try getting a real job. I'm a parasite, leeching off of my parents, who I wouldn't be surprised if they're ashamed of me. I wouldn't blame them. I'd be pretty pissed too if I let such a piece of shit jerkass into the world.

Tof's a saint for being so willing to put up with me...

Considering giving up on the blog

This blog has been my longest running project ever, I've worked on it long and often, but in the end, it feels like I'm the only one that cares about it.

Years ago I invited Zach to post here with me. 1, because he's my best friend. 2, because he has a lot of characters and most have a story behind them. I figured he could use the blog to expand on that if he wanted to and also post stuff the he felt wouldn't fit under. FA or DA.

On the same year I invited Jimmy, who's my oldest online friend whom I have now known for over 10 years. Jimmy is a good artist and spriter, and always supported me when I scribbled and sprited things by giving me critique and suggesting ways to improve it. It motivated me do do stuff. Whenever I had a silly idea for something artsy, he would always help me even if odds wew that we'd be wasting time.

Ages later, I invited Bitten for the same reasons I invited Zach, but very early on it became clear he didnt really want to post at all so I offered myself to post for him.

Jimmy never has free time, but even so, when I talk to him, he'll talk about writting/drawing stuff for the blog, always being supportive.

I've never really liked bugging people for anything, that's just how I was raised. And with Bitten and Zach, I always felt like I had to twist their arm a lil for stuff to post on the blog. Makes me feel like I'm annoying them and I hate feeling that way.

By twist their arm I don't mean asking them to draw stuff specifically for the blog. I would just ask if they'd drawn anything that we'd be able to post on here.

But the general impression I get is that ever after 4 years, it still feels that no one gives 2 shits about this blog, authors and readers alike. I tried to make commenting as easy and simple as I could get, and I'm very grateful to those who did, but lookin at the traffic, most people just don't care to take 1 sec to rate the post which doesn't require any sort of registration.

I mean, is there really a point?

Everything Zach and Bitten post here ends up posted on FA or DA. Actually would just get posted on there directly if I wouldn't go out of my way to nag about posting here. Jimmy can' t post often because of real life and I dont think I can do anything anyone would care about.

I mean, Zach even went and made a tumblr 2 days ago to post pics. Essencially do what this blog was for but on another blogging platform. I was hurt he didn't even tell me about it and I accidentally found out about it. However it's pretty clear this project and all the work I put on it was a waste of time.

As it is, this blog is only contributing to my depression. It meant a lot to me, because I really wanted to make it work, but it really doesn't matter how hard I try, I can't do anything people will care about.

If it's not porn, people don't care.

Ghost Dog

A little thematic something to get into that Halloween spirit. The funny thing is that there is neither a ghost, dog, ghost dog, or dog ghost in this picture.

...Actually, considering what Debbie subsists on, this was probably a bad idea...

An interesting story about deer crossing

deer_signs I believe the following is taken from a radio show and is live call segment. It's either hilarious or depressing to listen to:

"If you know what a deer crossing sign is, you should listen to this."

Why is it depressing? Well, people like that can vote. Just think about that.

Here's a tip about android games

I got an Android device a few months ago, and sprite based games for it are very few, but still, some of them have nice graphics and have stuff I'd like to rip.

I did a tiny bit of research and found out that installation files for android apps are just renamed ZIP files. That's really it.

So I tried unzipping the game I've been playing lately, Kingdom Royale, and sure enough, yea it really is just a zip with all the assets easily accessible in it.

I like the Warcraft 3 vibe i get from the game, so I ripped the units that I unlocked so far in the game:







I could get the rest if anyone wants them.

Fuck My Life

Oh, Binding of Isaac. I love how much you hate me sometimes. You probably won't get it if you haven't played the game, and I don't care to explain.

Snakeskin Dress

It was high time I put some clothes on her. I'm not sure she looks rich enough yet. I like the dumb cobra clasp/bow thing, though.

Tof's gaming ideas: Pokémon revisited

A while back, I made a article where I wrote down things I would change in Pokémon games to make them more enjoyable. However, there was a lot of discussion about my suggestions not being very good, although not a single valid reason was presented to me as to why.

At the time this generated a lot of discussion between myself, Zach and Bitten. Even Jimmy made his own post with his own thoughts on the matter.

So now I'm going to make a revised version of those suggestions.

The Fixes

The Pokecenter


b-pokemonb_patchedv7_53_23966 This was something I thought everyone would agree, Because it's truly annoying as fuck.

My suggestion was to entirely cut out the animation where the nurse slowly places the pokeballs on the machine and heals your pokemon, and to cut down partially or entirely on the dialogue with the nurse. Optionally, have the scene play out normally only the first time you interact with her.

Another idea was that IF the current system was to stay, implementing the regen system from pokemon mystery dungeon would balance the need to use a pokecenter often.

The reasoning was that the cutscene serves no purposes other than to waste time and it's an action that has to be performed serveral times in the game and tends to get on people's nerves due to how long it takes. Also you'll encounter NPCs in the world that will perform the same services as the pokecenter nurse, except they only say 1 line of dialogue and it's done.


My new suggestion is have an option menu where the player can set how they want the pokecenter to act: "default, short, instant".

  • Default is the way it's always worked
  • Short acts like the NPCs that give you 1 line of dialogue and you're done.
  • Instant means you activate the nurse, and done, no dialogue whatsoever. A sound effect would play to confirm you used her.

The reasoning behind instant is that 99.9% of the time you talk to a nurse, it's to heal your pokemon. Asking you if you want to heal them or not just wastes everyone's time.

Someone's PC


b-pokemonb_patchedv7_39_24116 This was an issue mostly because of the HM system, having to backtrack to get a pokemon with a specific HM to advance. I actually have no problem with the PC system beyond that personally because I tend to stick with the same team the entire game.

So for this issue you have to consider the HM system works like it normally does.

Bascially, there's no reason you can't acess Bill's PC from anywhere with a wireless device. You keep getting calls all the time, meaning you do have a wireless device. So is it so out of line to make it so that you can switch pokemons from anywhere?

Originally, I was pointed out that this would fuck up events like the elite 4. No it wouldn't, just put this on the top right corner of the screen in those areas:

low signal
Another thing i was told is that it had something to do with strategy, Although saving time does not factor into strategy at all, so I dunno what was meant by that.


Like I said, if the issue of HMs was solved, I wouldn't care about this one at all.

But when you capture a pokemon in the middle of a cave or forest, it ends up in Bill's PC somehow, and that's how it worked since the first game. I really can't see a problem with switching pokemon wirelessly.

If you want areas to be harder and feel like a gauntlet of battles, Just find a reason to not have signal there. But then explain to me why you can send them to Bill's PC.

A lot of my suggestions were rejected because it didn't make "enough sense" in the game world, yet, Bill's PC getting your excess pokemons, which never made sense, is fine.



b-pokemonb_patchedv7_40_24315 That's a big one. This system forces you to backtrack a lot or have a pokemon slot wasted to carry around an HM whore or even waste 1 skill slot on your normal party's pokemon for a skill you don't really want.

I had a few suggestions back then:

  • Allow use of the HM as long as you had 1 pokemon with the HM learned either in storage or in party.
  • Allow player to carry extra pokemon that wouldn't be used in battle only for ability use.
  • Allow pokemon to each learn 2 extra moves that are non battle.

The 2nd one would be hard to figure how it'd work. But, from what I read, the creators have considered some of these right from the first game. Even for later games, they considered giving all pokemon 6 moves instead of 4, or increasing the size of the teams.

If I had to guess, the main reason they don't do it is because there's always fans that will bitch and moan if they change anything in the core game.


Me and Zach discussed this many times, basically coming up with dozens of solutions that would be better than the current system in every way. However, Zach came up with one I thought was perfect.

HMs are meant to act as keys that you get as you progress through the game. Well here's another thing you get as you progress through the game: Badges.

HMs are always very basic abilities a pokemon has, like flying and swimming, which there's no way the pokemon wouldn't know how to do these things. It never made sense you had to teach them those skills in the first place.

Instead of making it so that the pokemon has to learn something it clearly already knows, make it so that it depends on the trainer. The requirement could be that the trainer needs a certain amount of experience to either have the pokemon perform certain tasks or to be able to ride on it safely.

Some of those abilities could be unlocked as the trainer gets more badges, or key NPCs could teach the trainer how to do them (like how running is taught currently).

The irony is, this is extremely close to what the creators were originally going to do in the first pokemon game, but for some reason, went with the current system.

Movement speed/Transportation


b-pokemonb_patchedv7_09_24410 Why can't we fucking run from the start? What kind of 10 year old are we meant to be playing? Why don't we have a bike from the start for that matter?

It strikes me as a lil strange, but, literally every single person I know had a bike by the age of 10. I'm willing to believe that's not the case for everyone, but come on.

The fact that you lack all these options to move at a decent pace and are forced to crawl your way to the first city does not help the games.


No change really.

This really was a minor point on the bike, and even on running I don't care that much, but really, at least running should be an option from the start.

I will never believe we play as a 10 year old that has never ran in his life. Simply does not compute.

I do feel however that the game does explaining backwards: Instead of explaining to me why i can suddenly run, explain to me why the hell i couldn't up until that point.

More than 1 save slot


There's really no limitation to add more save slots, a lot of people enjoy restarting the game but don't wanna lose all their past progress.


I suggested this as a minor point originally, but lately I've been watching a lot of videos where it's mentioned people really like starting a new game. This seems to be a much bigger thing that I originally thought.

If they're concerned with the online features, they could make it so that only save slot 1 can use those.

Some people just like playing through the game. Once you complete the story, their interest is gone, but they won't start a new game to avoid losing their game.


Choices and Paths


Unova Basically, I suggested more of a focus on the player character itself where he/she would be able to choose a "class" that would give very minor perks. This is, after all, an RPG game.

The player could choose a class with perks that focus on breeding pokemon, catching pokemon, more attack in battle, more defensive, improved stats effects, etc.

This would be used in conjunction with the plot and path the player takes.

Depending on what the player chose, he would take a different path on the map and do gyms in a different order, possibly having a slightly different story.

Would add a lot of replay value.


I got good feedback on that, and I stand by it.

Especially when I mentioned you would be able to play a team rocket type character.

Jimmy's Suggestions

There's 1 in particular that caught my attention.

The Pokedex

800px-BW_PokedexAs Jimmy pointed out, why is the damn pokedex always empty? Why does it ALWAYS start empty?

Canon wise, did all the kids the other professors sent in the past gens get killed in a cave?

We can't be the only ones that think there should at least be some data on the pokemons from the past gens.

Closing thoughts

I'd like to state that the changes I suggest are rather minor and mostly aimed at making the games more enjoyable without changing much, although I do think the games should change and try new things.

I'm a fan of egoraptor's sequelitis videos, there's something he said that kinda describes what I'm thinking about when I write something like this.

A preceding title should act as an inspiration for a sequel, a launch pad aiming the production towards greater things.

A sequel shouldn't be weighed down by irrelevant tradition for the sake of consistency.

I think the pokemon games suffer from a lack of evolution, ironically. I've played pokemon red, soul silver and black. I can't say the game added much since the first version.

It's gotten to a point where both the company and the fans are comfortable with the series and don't want to change it. Not even the interface which is really not that efficient.

These suggestions aren't groundbreaking and are aimed towards the series as they are right now.

I personally prefer the mystery dungeon series a lot more because the gameplay is more interesting, the story is better, and lasts way longer than any other pokemon game in the main series.

For better or for worse, it's trying something new. Which is more than can be said about the main series.


Been having an Issue with killing time lately.

30 mins in minecraft and 2 mins in MCedit to mirror it. Need to kill moar time.

Also, if anyone could point out good blogging software, that'd be great.