
2's company, 3's a party.

So for some reason, now Jimmy wants to join the blog too. can't say I'm bothered by it or that it's annoying, but i JUST FINISHED SETTING UP EVERYTHING FOR ZACH! XD

God damn bad timing, if his highness lord Bui (giggles) would had decided as such sooner i would had done all the changes at once. oh well, it's always like that.

So the avatar theme we're going with here is to have one of our female characters as a kirby enemy. in Jimmy's case he picked Shaniqua, from whom all i know is that she's black, has a nice ass, and dresses up like a Nanman. (See dynasty warriors awesomeness)

Long story short:

I can't help but to take other people's creations and molest them...

Other than that, was lonely most of the day and had time to break a few records on tf2:
- New damage record on soldier, I held that team back for like 5 mins with an engy helpin me.
- Finally was arsed to use a sniper, didn't last 10 mins though, was so boring...
- Tied with medic domination, which is pretty damn easy really...

Only other noteworthy things to mention, the last Nerfnow comic kinda shocked me, that's not the kind of stuff i expect when checking online comics and can't wait til this dumb arc is over. but the lastest Menage a 3 makes a point i never thought about.

I can't stand this comic.

Since no one checked the blog yet, and i'm a lil bored, imma add a lil rant of sorts.

So i wandered off on DA, and found a link to AWD's comic "The roomies". The plot of it is very similar to the plot of the comic i had back in the day. Like mine, his plot involves 2 girls and a boy moving in together in an apartment to attend college, but unlike mine, none of the characters knew each other prior to moving in together, which just feels fucking weird...

First the plot: I just dunno, the way the 2 girls meet, although random, is somehow believable. that part is ok and the fact they decide to become roomies is fine, so far so good. But the way Andy put himself into the comic, is just, well... it just plain seems pulled out of someone's ass. Would 2 girls really move in with a total stranger just off a bus? are those girls so dumb? he could b a ducking serial killer for fuck's sake. I mean they don't even CONSIDER it, they instantly ASK him to b roommates, what the fucking hell?

Note that other people, including myself, have used such a plot, as it's just every guy's dream really, but most people try to introduce the situation in a believable way.

Menage a 3 made Garry's roommates turn out to b flaming homos that would moving out, putting Garry in dire need of finding new roommates, he actually interviews lots of people and eventually gets to the 2 girls that end up becoming his roomies. while Didi's a whore and surely wouldn't mind getting poked anyway, this works because the one lookin for the roommates is the guy, and like i said there's an interview process so Zii could tell Garry was harmless (geek look, comic book nerd, quite some hints.)

In my comic, some of the characters already knew each other before hand. Bliss is Tof's childhood friend that have been separated in their early teens, but kept in touch through letters. I her new home, Tephra's Bliss best female friend, and both want to attend the academy but can't afford the expanses by themselves, and Bliss Invites Tof to join them to make the cost manageable. Call me crazy, but i thought that since Bliss and Tof have a long and close friendship, and complete trust in each other, it'd b conceivable.

Anyway, there's many kinds of comics, some try to tell a story, and being funny becomes secondary (here's lookin at u LFG). some value humor way above any sort of carefully written plot (Josh Lesnick's Girly is awesome! and yea, I believe he just makes up the story as he goes). But, i can't tell what kind AWD's comic is.

If one were to go through a process of elimination, one would say that since his plot is weak, and on top of that, quite poorly executed, then it must b one of the funny ones, right? Only one problem with that, it's not funny at all...

Maybe it's me, could b, but i thought most of the comic were really really boring and predictable, at no point i even giggled at it. At some points, i thought to myself "...why is that supposed to b funny?". Come to think of it, I've never seen AWD draw anything funny. I could blame Zach cause he has draw some of the funniest shit I've seen, but fuck, AWD may b a decent artist, but fails at humor. Also, the plot is progressing epicly slow, and the comics feel way too long for the amoung of story in them so far. EVERYTHING feels like a filler.

In short, it's still way better than "Las Lindas" by Chalo (that comic actually depressed me and the main character is a huge slut, so, fuck it). but still confirms my theory that people who can draw comics well can't produce funny or intresting stuff, and those who can do funny stuff can't draw worth shit, and exceptions are VERY RARE!

AWD would b better off getting a writer who is funny and starting this whole mess all over, or perhaps just quit.

Sup Doc?

Yesterday i was at work and wasnt feeling well, asked to leave and went home, tried to find a clinic but somehow no luck. today i still felt like vomiting constantly, so asked my mom to find me a Doc, and we eventually managed. had to miss work again but can't b helped.

I'm on meds now, but the Doc said that it could b potentially serious with the liver or gallbladder, and maybe even both. is i don't get better, might have to end up doing an endoscopy, and crist, those suck. Either way, gettin old and gonna have to start being more careful of what i eat and shit.

Anyway, fucking love Menage a 3 more and more! Zii just keeps being cooler and cooler. I'm starting to think Didi won't even b a main character in this thing. The story seems more about Zii and Garry so far. Didi's just a a common "lust interest".

epic lulz were had from this Awkward zombie comic! i fucking love relationship drama between men! the gayness of the fit Roy pulls is just delicious. Face in the 2nd to last panel is win, am i right?

"We are venom"

Mmmm, let's see.

Well, a few days ago Zach said he'd b interested in having a blog, seeing as no one of u fuckers check this blog besides him, but i do enjoy keeping a blog up, i offered Zach to join my own blog as a co-author.

After playing hard to get for 3 days, he accepted, and I've been setting up stuff to make the blog more appropriate for 2 people.

I really should tweak Roja a bit later, but I made these for obvious reasons:

Debbie dee and Roja doo

Mmm, now to new stuff in webcomics, i especially loved the new Menage a 3, it pretty much settles that Zii is my favorite webcomic character ever. No wonder people think of her as a boy, she's more into chicks than some dudes are. Gotta love a girl that swings both ways. I just can't help but imagine how awkward it'd b for Garry to have her watch his porn next to him.

Latest F@nboy$ is ok, actually funny and a lil gross at the same time if u think too much about it. I do like that the clothes and shoes come with the skin though.

Nerf Now and Penny arcade aren't particularly interesting of funny at the moment, and the last Dr. McNinja was pretty gross, so i won't even bother linking them.

First internship meeting day

So this morning i had a meeting in college, which lasted like 10 mins, and it was great. not the meeting itself or anything up to it, that was horrid. but because i get to rest home and not catch a cold at work.

I get to chill at home where it's warm, which is nice cause i so was feeling like I'm gonna get sick any sec cause of work. I've been eating like crap, no breakfasts and feeling sick til like 11am, weak and cold all morning and only been sleepin 4 hours all this week.

Haven't updated as much cause no one checks this besides Zach, so yea. I just keep updating it for kicks.

Mmm, comics...

I dunno why, but i loved this awkward zombie comic, i was laughing by panel 2. Katie is a pretty funny comic artist and i love how she portraits those 2 characters. She single-handedly made me love Marth and Roy.

I guess I'm a fan of hers

Penny arcade feels like fucking Seinfeld now, i swear. it's like Seinfeld but with a theme, but at the same time, not. it's "the show about the nothing of videogames" sort of.

Dr McNinja is such a cool comic because it's very unpredictable, and it actually makes u wanna know what's gonna happen. i wonder if that's Marty in the last panel, i can't imagine how that's gonna turn out.

Nerf now is doing a predictable Megaman comic where the good guys are bad and the bad are good, i am so not interested in it.

in Menage a 3, stuff getting kinda personal there... I can't tell if Zii "likes" Garry, but it's getting really personal. i can't help but wonder if she's gonna end up raping him. her facial expression are really awesome, that artist has a lot of emotion range.

Still waiting on Instantz to release One Piece episodes, there's really falling behind, there's like 3 new ones that people can check on youtube as it is.

Lil unimportant updates.

Nothing ubber interesting today. Added a lil link on the right for the wiki, which i spent like 5 hours tinkering with. (No one was on today.)

now, comic updates:

Last VGcats just wasn't funny at all to me. Sure, Leo's stupid, but bleh, doesn't mean it's funny.

I don't know what the fuck Nerfnow is doing... MM9 is not a theme i find funny right now.

And shit's slow in Menage a 3, the previous comic of them yelling over the whore's screams as she's killing her partner were funny, and ends up that Garry doesn't even like coffee was funny. I guess this one is funny too, but... meh, slow week.

Also, not safe for work, but i love this lil animation.



from the game's site here.

This is a travesty! they're stabbing directly into my fucking soul! NONE OF THE CHARACTERS LOOK AS THEY SHOULD!!!

But that's not even the worse part, they don't look the right age, height, ethnic race, hair and eye color, what the fucking hell Konami?

It's like they're just completely new character with the names of the Castlevania ones I've come to love and cherish! No fucking wonder Dracula asks what is a man, CAUSE IT'S GETTING HARDER AND HARDER WHAT ACTUALLY IS A MAN IN THAT CAST!

I hope to GOD no other characters i like end up in this cast! just fill the slots with those unknown fags, like Aeon, who the fuck is Aeon? why does Dracula have a giant testicle behind his head? What the fuck happened to death? he looks like justice's deformed son! before i saw the name i thought eric was a girl! i'm rooting for Soma Cruz to b in this so they can fag him up badly!


Only 1 hot girl in the game so far, Carmilla, which of course looks nothing like she's suposed to. It's a nice try Konami, but it does not suffice to repair my broken soul! You fuckers this is like making a new smash bros game and having Mario being a bald lawyer with no stache! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH U PEOPLE!

Why does the gaming industry in general insist on fucking ruining my childhood? first sonic team had to run Sonic into the ground, Blizzard completely murdered the warcraft lore, capcom reused Megaman until the mere sight of him drove people mad, GOD! stop ruining the good things!

Fuck you Konami! fuck you!

Sleepin til late is awesome.

When i got to work yesterday i looked so weak and miserable the boss sent me home for the rest of the week, which was awesome. I'm still slightly ill, coughing and having my nose full, so i guess the boss was right.

Also I've decided against making the blog explicitly adult. If i post anything not sake for work I'll link to it and put a warning next to it.

Mmm, today's Friday right? it should b Bittenhard's last day in the army, the good times are here again!

I guess Halloween is around the corner, judging from the last F@nboy$.

also, check out this video, it's awesome i swear!

holy crap, skipped work to work moar...

Not much to say, no one showed up online, last sick day home, took like 10 hours to type the stupid objectives i was supposed to have done on Monday. meh...

Mmm, let's see what's worth mentioning, oh, my mom gave me a haircut and accidentally gave me a huge trim right in the front, looks stupid as fuck. She started cutting it before i put the plastic thing that sets the height, and also first time ever she started from the front, what are the odds?

So, for a few days i'm gonna have to walk around with a weird bald spot. I'll try to get a pic.

*fiddles with cellphone*

There we go. It's not a very good pic, but u can sorta tell from the thumbnail there's a spot that's shorter there. Am gonna look so stupid at work tomorrow. XD

So besides that, mmm. well, i'm having mixed feelings about Menage a 3, That character Didi pretty much turned out to b a dumb whore, hot, but still a dumb whore. in a lot of ways reminds me of my character Brooke. Both were probably created with the same intentions in mind. the other characters are fun, Zii and Garry. But i'm already not liking Didi as a character much anymore.

Others webcomics i check have updated, but nothing seems intresting, just fillers or stupid shit.

Man i really should get some sleep...

Lupin Movies - Part 2.

again, spoiler warning.

Lupin the 3rd - movie 3: Legend of the gold of Babylon

This one was PAINFUL to watch.

The animation was shit, art isn't that good, the story is ridiculous bullcrap and a lot of it felt out of character. everything in this movie felt halfassed and there's shitloads of cartoon physics, which don't really fit the Lupin series.

Soon after the intro, Zenigata shows up and starts chasing Lupin on bikes through a weird giant billboard in Broadway, meanwhile the New York mafia wants Lupin dead. (yea that's how much sense it makes in the begining.)

The bike scene really set the feel of how shitty the movie was going to b, and it lasts a good 7 mins.

Meanwhile this drunk old lady called Rosetta keeps showing up randomly throughout the entire movie and sometimes starts to strip for Lupin and one time goes as far as to tell him to "take her", which makes he go "DO NOT WANT" and cling to the ceiling everytime, she keeps telling him she loves him and whatnot.

So this crazy old bitch tells him a story about the gold of Babylon and that ends up being the quest for this movie, finding the gold from Babylon. The retarded part is that they find clues and tablets about it in FUCKING NEW YORK.

The Babylon tablets in question have been found around Madison square garden.

Bunch of boring shit happens. Goemon cuts a lightning (SERIOUSLY JUST FOR THE HECK OF IT). Zenigata tails Lupin and pals with a bunch of models officer chicks. (u know what, don't try to figure it out)

Ok this is a crap story, just know that the golden tower of Babylon is under Madison square garden, the old lady was actually an alien and all the bad guys die.

do NOT watch this movie.

rating, 3 out of 20.

Lupin the 3rd - movie 4: Farewell to Nostradamus

This movie was decent. Art and animation were good again, and the story wasn't utter cockflutes.

Lupin finishes a job in brazil where he stole a huge diamond or something and hid it in a doll. while flying back, a lil girl on the plane just walks up to him and takes it! (seriously what the fuck?) Whenever Lupin tries to take it back she makes a scene by yelling he's a pedophile. So Lupin doesn't quite know how to proceed.

Turns out she's with Fujiko, and soon after, the plane is taken by terrorists. A bunch of crap goes on and The lil bitch is kidnapped by a dude in a chopper. She's seriously stupid as fuck...

Meanwhile a sect of Nostradamus is gaining power and influence worldwide by saying they have the book of Nostradamus, predicting event and saying only they can save people from doom.

Fujiko explains the kid is the child of a multimillionaire dude who owns the giant earth tower, which has 200 floors. Just so u get the idea, that thing has trains inside it and enough stadiums to host the Olympics and winter Olympics. it's "epic" huge.

Lupin wants to raid the vault on floor 200, but only 1 person ever made it in, his uncle Phillip.

So while Lupin is snooping around in the tower to find a way out, and falling constantly into traps, he calls it the day and prepares to visit his uncle, meanwhile Fujiko is taken by the kidnappers as well.

Anyway, Lupin gets caught and sent to the same jail his uncle is in. As soon as he arrives, he sees volunteer women from the Nostradamus sect, and surprise, Fujiko is among them. Lupin makes contact with his uncle and they plan to later exchange the info Lupin needs. However, he's killed soon after that convo.

Lupin escapes carrying his uncle unaware he's dead. Zenigata shows up and both get attacked and end up in the sea. while there, Lupin notices his uncle is dead, he takes the capsule with teh info he needed, and a fake eye as a keepsake.

Goemon and Jigen arrive in a chopper to rescue Lupin, Zenigata climbs first, as they're escaping they're being shot at and Lupin falls into the shark infested sea. They beleive him to have died.

Lupin made it to a tropical forest, a lil kid finds him and takes him to his place. a brainwashed Fujiko saves his life by getting into bed with him (his body was frozen). He finds that she's been living in a monastery with lil bitch, and he gets captured.

Jigen and Goemon look up the kidnapper who they believe is responsible for Lupin's death. they find him and Jigen had a good 10 secs to shoot him but didnt, (so cliche and lame...).

finally they reveal the kidnapper works in fact for the Nostradamus sect leader, and their goal is world domination (ugh... so cliche...), Lupin takes Fujiko and lil bitch and escapes to the amazon river.

Now starts getting stupid, the sect uses the Brazilian soccer team to plant time bombs all over the giant earth tower, the bombs being in soccer balls. they guards see them planting the damn things all around but dismiss it (wth?), Goemon freed all the soccer players from their mind controls but they had already planted all the bombs.

Nostradamus sect leader announces that the earth tower will fall (big surprise), panic is spread and the building becomes empty. Sect leader deceives lil bitch's mom to gain access to the vault, but the kidnapper betrays him and heads for the vault before him.

Gets a lil confusing at this part, but everyone gets to the vault one after another, bad guys die, tower is destroyed, lil bitch is reunited with her parents. watch the movie if u wanna know how it went.

i would had liked the movie more if that lil bitch wasn't in it at all. they try to make her look sweet halfway, but i didn't go for it.

Because u get to see Fujiko naked, I'll rate it 14 out of 20.

Lupin Movies - Part 1.

A while ago, before i started working, i had some time to kill and was in the mood to check some Lupin the 3rd movies. Some were good, some were horrible.

spoiler warning btw.

Lupin the 3rd - movie 1: the secret of Mamo

This movie was pretty good art wise, simplistic and old, but good. there's a delightful feel of vintage out of it.

however, the plot is complete bullshit...

Cutting right through most of the plot Mamo is a guy that claims to b god, threatens the world of a nuclear strike if his orders aren't followed. Lupin becomes involved when he steals the philosopher's stone which Mamo wants because it's suposed to contain the secrets of life.

Lupin ends up being chased by choppers, giant trucks, misc goons, until he is captured and taken to an island that makes no sense, it's like a greeks city with historical figures walking around such as Napoleon and Hitler. Then it's revealed that Mamo discovered cloning 10000 years ago or something, and has been cloning himself and all the historical people on the island.

Mamo plans to reset humanity by destroying it all and taking the most relevant humans with him to a planet where no one ever dies, or something like that. but he wants to take Fujiko, so Lupin gives chase and kills Mamo, only ot find out that the original Mamo is a HUGE brain in a jar mounted on top of a rocket.

Lupin eventually defeats the guy, but the story is such bullshit... might as well not watch this one.

if i had to rate it, out of 20, I'd give it a 7.

Lupin the 3rd - movie 2: The castle of Cagliostro

This is probably the best Lupin movie ever, shows a side of Lupin u wont see anywhere else.

Art is great, i dunno who the artist is but i've seen a lot of his work as a kid. It's really good and well animated stuff.

The story on this one is rather good as well, Lupin and Jigen rob a casino taking a truckload of cash, however while escaping, Lupin is able to tell the money is all fake. "Goat bills" to b exact, which come from a legendary counterfeiter suposedly in Cagliostro, a famous legend in the underworld. Lupin decides to find it.

On their way there, they see a young woman escaping some goons, they decide to help help, when Lupin saves her, he's hit on the head by a branch and falls unconscious, she leaves him a ring and starts running as a boat arrives seaside to give her chase, she is captured and "taken back".

Meanwhile, from the ring Lupin figures out who she is, Lady Clarisse, and learns that she is being forced to wed an evil count so that he can solve the mystery of the rings and get a "treasure".

The count is a real heartless asshole, and as Lupin finds out, has had hundreds of people killed for snooping around. Lupin decides to get inspector Zenigata involved so he can use him to his advantage.

Lupin manages to reach Clarisse, and promises to her that he'll help her escape, but Lupin is captured and ends up in a basement with a thousand corpses. soon after he finds that Zenigata has been there as well left to die. they decide to pair up.

While escaping, the both of them find the world's largest counterfeit operation ever assembled in the basement. They almost manage to free Clarisse, but lupin is shot and she trades her freedom for his life, before the count double crosses them, Zenigata and Fujiko escape with unconscious Lupin.

After the escape Zenigata reports the counterfeit operation to his superiors, who want to keep it hush hush. meanwhile Lupin is recovering from his injuries and planning to rescue Clarisse.

Lupin, Fujiko and Zenigata all work in a plan to both expose the counterfeiting and free Clarisse, the first part works nicely, but not the later, after some running and fighting, the count is killed and Clarisse is free.

The treasure turned out to b an ancient roman city submerged in the lake next to the castle.

If i had to rate this movie, 17 out of 20.

You guys never comment!

Well, I'm taking 3 sick days already. got sick on the job on Friday thought so can't b helped.

Well, so far took advantage of my free time to play TF2, and man, i managed to beat my backstab record in a single life by 5. fucking 5! (and mind u that's only backstabs, it excludes how many i killed with the revolver in that life). The spy is honestly the class that gives u the biggest sense of achievement in TF2 if u manage to play him right.

The fact that u're a spy doesn't mean u have to spy all the time though, that revolver is pretty accurate, relatively speaking, and the spy has nice movement speed.

also, what do u guys think if i set the blog to mature content? that way i could post whatever I've been working or nice pics i found. and seriously, try to reply to this post.

on a side note, this latest super effective is almost creepy... however, i totally dig the reference in the middle panel of this f@nboy$ comic. it was such a weird thing to do in a webcomic, i kinda like that people make fun of it.

I am going to hate the rest of my life...

I really hate how things tend to b as bad as i imagine them to b, or just plain worse even...

this week started with work being so dull, so incredibly bad, that i felt like crying by the time i got home. then it went to just being bad, and now it's back to horrible again. so here i am again, trying to restrain tears cause I'm being oriented by someone who's a complete idiot...

i honestly don't like posting about this, but the blog is about me, and i really don't have anything else to talk about. i have shit free time and I'm too fucking depressed to do anything on the free time i do have...

currently, only 4 people should know about this blog: Jimmy, Zach, Bitten and Undies. So guys, I'm sorry for this blog entry and am sorry in advance for future emo ones.

I've been looking up something called OpenID lately, and after a vague research, i found that it's basically a "system" that is used to comment on various sites without having to log in but being identified anyway.

The way it works is that on some services, there can only 1 person with 1 screenname. for example, on AIM, there's only 1 guy called ktofpt, and that name on that service identifies that person. this is valid for services such as WordPress, AIM, Livejornal and TypePad i believe. Blogspot itself counts as such service i think.

So basically, if a site supports OpenID comments, and u have an account on any of the sites (all people i know have at least AIM) i mentioned up there, u can post on it. btw this blog itself supports OpenID comments so u can try it out if u like

well, on non-depressing notes, mmm... the guy from VGcats made a new super effective comic, nothing else new besides that...

also Zach, wtf... u said u'd log back on... =(

So lil free time...

it's a bitch to get used to so lil free time, i have never been this bored before.

still, i woke up early and browsed the net a lil.

Nerfnow updated and the new comic is pretty clever and made me lol: check here

instantz is taking way too long releasing the next one piece episode so i dropped by youtube to see if anyone else released it, lucky me someone did. The episode was pretty awesome too featuring the first and final fight from nightmare Luffy. pretty overpowered, but the villain was getting annoying and twas cool to see him get beat so badly.

also while on youtube, glimpsed that there's a new intro for one piece soon, and it's a remix of the first one. am pretty excited about it since i loved that one. you can check it here. seriously would appreciate it if anyone could find me the MP3 for it.

Edit: it's really hard to miss Bittenhard when he actually gets to go home every day... i keep forgetting Singapore is a single city...

1st work day.

Ugh, so nervous, got up at 5am or so. I'm supposed to punch in at 9.

I wonder how it'll go, right now gotta try to chill and calm down, got a long ass day ahead.

On other news, my buddy Bittenhard has left for the military today as well, seems that in singapore u have to serve 2 weeks every year. imma miss him.

Megaman 9 has been a popular theme of convo lately, though i don't see why at all. it's the same shit capcom had been recycling in the 80s, and they NEVER bothered to attempt to make Megaman look any better. sure it's oldschool, but i wont support it for that fact alone. It honestly looks as they put no work in it.

Also, which one looks better?

Not saying mine is awesome, but the original never even looked like Megaman to me.

Lunch break edit:

oh my god...

it's been so bad so far i don't want to talk about it...

urge to go emo is huge, but I'll keep to myself.

End of day edit:

I just got home to find that, not only i missed out on spending some time with Bittenhard, but with my best bud Zach too...

And work was so bad, just awful... i felt like crying more than once, still do. I'm way too emo to post on the blog, prolly will leave it alone for a week or 2.

I just want to punch the retards that told me this would b fun in the fucking face.

I'm just gonna crawl to bed, this shit is my life now...

BRs: a Warcraft 3 plague.

What do i have against Brazilians is something I'm asked often.

Living in Portugal, i don't have to deal with Brazilians often, although, since in theory we speak the same language, we have more BRs then the rest of Europe. I remember having a pretty hot one in my class in high school.Also every god damn soap series on TV is in fact Brazilian. I think it's their main export or something.

Although their accent is especially hard for me to understand, and their "acting" barely qualifies as such, they don't bother me much. but what shits in my spaghetti and ruins my meal is BRs when mixed with online gaming. BRs are especially notorious in Warcraft 3, and as fate would have it, i actually like the game.

Here's what to expect when playing a game with BRs in it:

First of all u'll have a heck of a hard time getting the game started, because BRs are as patient as a man set on fire waiting to shower, so they'll join ur game, perform a strange ritual where he'll ask if there's BRs around (No other people in the world does this, but BRs will do it EVERY SINGLE TIME), then after 10 secs bitch and ask for the host to remake and instantly leave, usually causing other players to leave with them as well. How fun for me.

30 mins later when u finally get an halfassed game started, as soon as it starts you'll see something that looks like that pic. Somehow, that fucker who lost connection will always b in your team as well. It's uncanny how it always happens and it's always a BR.

Handicap aside, once u start playing, you'll b confronted with another strange behavior from the BRs ingame: they will start talking to their team, and other teams, in Brazilian. (i refuse to acknowledge that they speak Portuguese)

Such chats may range from saying your mother has questionable virtue to rampant nonsense that even i can't tell wtf is said. to the left is an example that took me a bit to figure out the first time i saw it.

The word "time" does not exist in the actual Portuguese language, and our translation of the English's "time" is "tempo". So what one would gather from that is that he's saying "dammit, time 2!" which makes no fucking sense.

But let's think about it, a BR wouldn't speak in English, so that's probably not meant to b pronounced in English but in Brazilian. in Brazilian, the sound that would make is "tee-me", and then it hit me, that idiot is trying to say "Team" but with a made up word that exists in no known language. Mind you, they do this so often that sometimes i won't understand wtf they're saying.

In that particular game, the pink BR player spent most of the time yelling at the other team, in Brazilian, for them to combine efforts to destroy my base. Team 2 had a Mexican and a Turk.

So when i decided it was time to attack team 3, pink, who had been all talk during the game, quit before i even got to this base. Again, that's something that happens a lot with BRs, at the first sign of trouble they run the fuck out.

You know it's really hard to respect cowards like that, first sign of "i may not b winning this game" they leave. Who does that? why do they even play? If u cant win a game does it mean it wont be fun? shit like this makes me consider banning the whole Brazil IP range. however, some are actually pretty decent people, even if there's less than 1% of them.

And this is how the game ended. It was horribly pathetic, they would select their hero and units, send the forth until they died. absolutely no strategy involved and they wonder why they lose. I mean if they at least saved their hero, or actually healed, but no, less than 5% life and they wont run away, they push in deeper.

I mean look at that result board, 15 hero kills, and there were only 4 heroes to kill. and their heroes weren't that weak, some are typically hard to bring down, not the case if u play like a mindless zombie though.

And although i had 4 enemies, i technically only got to defeat one.

My ally's line is in red, meaning his connection died as i mentioned. Grey means leavers, which is pretty much all expect that one dude.

If some of u try out playing Warcraft 3 online, please don't judge how fun it is based on games with BRs. It can b a very fun due to how the World Editor lets u make almost any sort of game with it and some very original maps are available, but piss ass poor players like BRs will make anything seem like shit.

New Blog, but... why?

Well it's simple, my sister stalks my other one, and it seriously limits what i can post on it.

Hopefully, she wont find this one.