
Tof And Zach's Men's army - Part 1

As some may know, me and Zach play FPS games all the time, as such, we've developed a set of special signs we use online.

These are as follows:

Feel free to use these in your everyday life.

Oh Capcom, where art thou sprite?

Remember when Capcom prided itself in sprite making? Yea me too, and that just means you're an old fart like me...that or you pirate old console games...or downloaded them from wiiware.

So here is a sprite of Breath of Fire 2's Nina. And as I have nagged to K-ToF, THE BEST BOF.
Check out the game if you have time.

Wait what? Halloween tf2 special event?

This caught me totally by surprise, i check the tf2 blog every day, and yesterday. so of course, they just had to update it that 1 day!

So there's this special update for Halloween thatincludes 2 hats, 5 achievements and a spooky special event map where u get all that.

So if you haven't played it yet, or are just curious about it, here's what they did:

The spawn room, as well as most of the level has jack-o-lanterns all around and lil ghosts and spiders and all that kind of Halloween decoration.

The health was replaced with candy bars.

The bigger health is a candy case, and all over the map there's these pumpkins rigged to explode if anyone shoots them, think of them as stickies that u activate by shooting.

And i guess this is the big feature, the Ghost of ZM, who's hat you can earn. When he's near players, they yell like a lil girl and are unable to attack.

ZM's grave, "Mann" as in like "Mann Co.", Valve's just fueling theories from fans now.

Trick or Treet

Sorry Dana, but you really should know better than to wear heels by now, especially not on Halloween.

Web browser rant

I've been checking the blog stats lately and on it i can see what web browsers are used for viewing it, and just wanna say a couple of things to you guys.

Some of you guys use IE to view this blog, which is fine, I'm not gonna tell u anything like "Omg u use IE??? get Firefox you noobz!", however, a lot of u guys are using IE7, some of ya are even using IE6. know that anything bellow IE8 can't view this blog properly cause older versions read the CSS like Zach reads music sheets.

The vast majority uses Firefox, and personally I've grown more and more displeased with it. And I'll tell ya why:

I haven't picked up Firefox right off the bat when the "fad" for it started. For the longest time i was a MyIE user, which was really sweet and i still miss it. Only when a couple of sites stopped supporting other browsers and made it impossible to be browsed with anything but Firefox, I finally switched to Firefox. So i didn't quite switch willingly.

However, Firefox got it's rep from being light and fast, but what i see today is anything but light. When Firefox started becoming mainstream, it changed, mutated if you will, a bunch of plugins and features for it started to appear for it, and although some of it is optional, some come with it. and maybe I'm the only one, but I've often caught Firefox wasting more resources than Team Fortress 2, and quite frankly, more than any other application I've ran on my computer.

I've also noticed that sometimes it gets hiccups when playing videos from or Youtube. those led me to believe my computer was dying when actually it seems it's a flash issue with Firefox and i'm not the only one getting that.

Today i found the site of a reviewer i liked (LordKat), and while browsing for his "until we win" videos on it, i found an article he wrote about his "Firefox divorce" where he explains some issues he has with it, which i also happen to have. I gave it some thought and you know what? There really is no reason to use Firefox anymore, it's no longer the light browser it used to be.

I also think it's strange that Opera is generally always the best out of itself Firefox and IE in tests, but people still use Firefox more. Back in the day, all the smart kids used Firefox cause it was light and fast, but now to be a smart kid you'd have to use Opera. The smartest kids are the ones who used Opera all along, cause it always did very well in tests.

I don't like to change, but I'm looking for a new browser. Not really wanting to try chrome, Google is starting to scare me, i feel they're gonna dominate the world and make us all their slaves.

Wendy Barks at Stuff

Everyone's favorite Koopa princess(since she's the only one...maybe) is even more devoid of personality than the fat-ass plumber. So I gave her one. Well, I just drew some pics where she looks different from her usual "Once I tried to seduce Mario, but then he socked me in the face and gave me a permanent fat-lip" self.

You're so 2008

Business cards are pretty useful in the tech world as you can easily keep track of the important people you have met. Most of the time though the cards are pretty boring and bland, but this site has listed 70 amazing business cards that makes me want to have one.

Yes I wrote in a large font size.

Weeners 4

These seem to be getting worse and worse as time rolls on. On the bright side, I have doubts about trying to do any more, on account of me running out of ideas. Also more nori eyebrows.

Gots plans this weekend?

It's just a suggestion, but by pure chance read that this weekend will be a free weekend, and seeing how disappointing Valve has been with L4D, I'm gonna give this a shot.

I think i remember hearing this was like L4D, but with 6 player co-op, which sounds fun. I already pre-loaded and am waiting.

Click pic to get to the game's page.

Weeners 3

Okay, I'm aware they're pretty much nothing alike, but I got this idea in my I did it. Also nori used for eyebrows because Shin has none and FLCL is awesome.

Weeners 2

"And so I end my turn."

"You crack me up, little buddy."

I meant to draw Loogie with Mr. B and Elva, but he either got in the way or messed with the balance of negative space unless I PUT him in the way. So I just gave up and drew him seperately.

In case you're wondering about his weird teeth, Loogie's are fake. He wears a set of pearls in an effort to fit in with society; it's one of the things octopi do to blend in, like wearing clothes. His beak's a little further in the back...Yes, that's seriously something I thought sounded like a good idea, and prior to actually typing it, I still did. Seeing it typed, seems really, really silly.


Halloween is either extremely aggravating or really fun. I like to try to have fun with it.

I could've copped-out easy and had Mr. B dress as Max instead of Sam, but rather than subject the public to his nakedness, I decided to TRY...Plus he just isn't the same without a hat on.

Sandvich makes me strong!

Belated bday pic for Bliss from ma buddy BittenHard.

Nobody Tosses A Dwarf

I apparently got Dandie some eyes that defy the direction of the light source. I know where to find such rare and obscure trinkets, and if there's one thing dwarves like, it's rare and obscure trinkets. I'm certainly not making excuses for a small oversight that I didn't bother correcting.


Most certainly not.

Game review: Majesty 2

Maybe it's cause I'm a fan of strategy games, but this game was really fucking fun.


The plot of this game is that there's a lineage of kings that have all performed great deeds and gone down in history, and the latest one wants to do the same, but there are no great feats left to b performed.

His solution? Setup the deed himself, he has the court's mages summon the most powerful demon from hell into their own reality. and so they did. As sort of expected, the demon wins the fierce battle though, and disposes of the king and replaces him as ruler. Many try to regain the throne but the demon proves to b too cunning.

One night, a guy that sounds a lot like Sean Connery knocks on your door and tells you that you have royal blood, and so it starts.

Do you really need the horn? you can probably smell where he is.

The intro has very little to do with the game, but it's really original and funny.


What's the game itself like? well, as i mentioned previously, it's a strategy game not unlike Warcraft 3 or Starcraft a lot, but as u start your tutorial level, you realise a huge key difference: You can not control a single unit in the game!

At first it may seem frustrating, but it actually works out really really well. As the king, you can issue orders for buildings, hire men, and give quests. Seems confusing how that helps, but hear me out:
  • Orders for building/research are issued from the king (yourself), so all of those come from the palace, the king can pick where he wants the build he asked for, and that's it. The rest of the process is out of your hands as 1 or 2 random peasants will build the building.
  • Hiring a hero in this game is quite different from the warcraft 3 term in the sense that, they're more like your regular units than powerful powerful heroes, it's similar in the sense that, they have an inventory, can carry potions and even level up. but again, you can't directly control them.
Fucking peasants just build their houses wherever they want and ruin your defense/income/layout.

Giving a quest is how the king manipulates the heroes indirectly, there's 3 quest types: protective, offensive and exploration.
  • Protective is where you give money to whichever heroes hang around whichever friendly target the quest is about.
  • Offensive sets a bounty on either an enemy or an enemy building. whichever heroes feel confident enough will try.
  • exploration is just rewarding whoever clears up the appointed area of the map.
Through some guilds, you have the use of abilities where you interact directly. Costs gold per use though.

With that, you have all the elements necessary to do what ever you need. but does that mean you need to waste money to get your heroes to do anything? yes and no. To get your heroes to do stuff for your, you do have to appeal to their greed, however, heroes need supplies, armor, weapons, acessories, and even rest. and if u provide that in your "outpost", you will profit from it next time the taxes roll around. It's actually a good idea to b generous with quests because your heroes will become more effective and you'll get money back sooner.

In a way, it's about managing an economy while getting stuff done.


I gotta say that the difficulty ramps up quite well, first missions are doable even if your terrible, and the last ones takes mad ass skills to complete. You're exposed to the new types of buildings and upgrades very gradually as the missions go and have more than enough time to figure out everything at your disposal.

If you're going huntin for undeads, b sure to bring tons of clerics.

Besides that, the Game is full of neat details that just make it quite enjoyable such as during the loading screens, you can hear the advisor brief you on the next mission and the objectives, which is usually pretty funny and saves you the trouble of reading if you're that lazy. His Sean Connery accent is pretty cool to listen to as well.

In a way, the only thing i hated in this game was that it was short. It could b beat in a day i think, although i don't think anyone i know could do it cause of the last level. (it's insanely hard cause it has a sort of gimmick to it)


I've played and replayed every map of the main campaign, all the single maps too, only thing i didn't get to experience yet was the mutiplayer ones but would love too. The concept of this game could had been pulled off really badly and the game could had easily sucked ass, but surprisingly it's awesome.

It's a total "Do Want!" if you're into strategy game. Even if you're not, you might like it anyway.


It's funny how being bored can lead to stuff. Anyway I wanted to do a Bridezilla attacking sprite. The original color is the yellow one, and I decided to go ahead and do a traditional white dress as well.

There's only 19 colors (including background) on each sprite, and they are about the size of KoF12's sprite.
Edit: I'm adding a dark gothic one.



While at school my USB drive was detected to have a generic script worm by Norton. I disregarded the message and went home to scan my drive and using Avast it came up with nothing. Strange I thought, so I loaded a second anti-virus BitDefender 2009 Free Edition and sure enough my usb drive and computer had the worm and the file infected was listed as jargon.vbs. After a quick google search I found that the script was ran by wservice.exe. In addition it seemed like mine was a slightly mutated version of an older scriptworm of the same filename.

If you happen to be infected with this annoying worm I would recommend running in safe mode to remove, but it is not necessary.

01) Stop the current wservice.exe process in Windows Task Manager.
02) Click on your start menu, then click run, followed by typing or pasting msconfig, and then press [enter].
03) Click Startup tab and uncheck jargon, click ok, click exit without restart.
04) Click on your start menu, then click run, type in or paste REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v autoMe
05) type y, and close

* If you have a USB drive insert it now, but DO NOT AUTORUN anything.

06) Click on your start menu, then click run and type cmd and press [enter].
07) Type cd\ press [enter].
08) Type del /f /a autorun.inf press [enter].
09) Type del /f /a jargon.vbs press [enter].
10) Go to your usb drive letter by typing it in(example mine is the E drive, so I type e:\ and then I press [enter]) - If you do not know your drive letter open up explorer and see what the drive letter is, but do not open it!
11) Type del /f /a autorun.inf press [enter].
12) Type del /f /a jargon.vbs press [enter].
13) Repeat as necessary
14) Restart your system

* If the command says file cannot be found do not worry about it, it just means either you or your anti-virus already deleted it.

worm munching through blog
PC Gilmore Forum

Game review (Quickie): Drakensang

I tend to type too much when writtin game review, so imma try a quickie for once.

So yea, Drakensang.

Drakensang is a RPG. plot wise, you're some sort of chosen one that goes on some sort of dragon quest, I wasn't paying attention, there's ton of side quests that honestly seemed more interesting though.

To this day I dunno what she says, i always look at her... eyes.

The reason I didn't get into the story is because i literally fell asleep getting from one location to another, because that's the game's biggest flaw: Traveling is horribly painful. there's nice voice acting here and there, and the game sets this neat atmosphere and immersion could be quite good. however, spending 10 mins getting everywhere is far too much dead time.

Mandatory giant enemy crab!

The difficulty seems to be really high as well, the first fights are fairly simple and your can get a few companions to help you fight, but then i started doing one of the main quests where, inevitably, you're in a sewer fighting rats for like 30+ mins, and you get to a mansion where you fight bandits that u can't even beat with cheats. this is freaking early in the game, and it's at a difficulty so incredibly high that even cheating MAY not be enough to get through that fight. Seemed fucking odd.

Pretty lights!

In short, it seems like an ok RPG, quite nice graphics although very standard looking. The pace of the game is too painfully slow to b even slightly enjoyable in the long run. Difficulty seems to ramp up way too high kind of randomly.

Didn't enjoy it much, was bored most of the time, even with a nice nude patch on it just was too boring.

"Do not want".

More Birthday Girl

Bliss's shirt would go great with Sonic's shoes. Hopefully that'll distract everyone from the cop-out Photoshop filter background. If not, maybe it'll just make you want to watch Tenchi Muyo...

Dwarven celebration

Cause lil girls have bdays too.

Never really sprited her before, was interesting.


Hello folks long time no see! I am an old timer like my co-bloggers and as such, I do not change things much. Pillows are pretty damn awesome, except they have some draw backs. These days you lazy kids have them fancy temperature regulator. Back in my day if you wanted to get rid of that heat you would have to simply move or flipped the pillow over.

Regular ol' pillows.

Another thing that you young whippersnappers have now are those space age technology memory foam pillows. Granted I got some, but in my day the only memory foam you got was a nice solid rock. If it didn't fit your head, you smashed your head a bit until it fit to the rock, or you could have just find another rock. Either way you had to do move around to contour to your head.

Now and day I find that there are some weird ass pillows like this one:
That's right folks a pillow shaped like a book! WHAT? Why would you even make something like that, let alone sleep on it. If you want to sleep on a book open one up and slam the side of your face on it. I highly recommend the dictionary as it usually thicker and contain higher quality paper. And if you drool, pages H-I will absorb it.

For those of you, like me, who loves their solid rock, but need a good transition there is the boulder pillow. It looks like a smooth rock, but it is really a soft cushioning thing.
Kids jumping into a pile of fake pillow rocks.

A perfectly fine regular rock.

This next one is one I found kind of funny.
Yes that's a severed head of a horse pillow. Nothing says "Love" to your spouse or child like a decapitated horse head. I especially like the eyes and tongue. Adds to the comedy.

See you next time folks, this is Spiderman Tom Brokaw Superman Batman vnartist saying goodnight and bard on!

Birabuto Baddies

What good is a game with no opposing force to conflict with? These are renditions of some of the first enemy types you encounter in Super Mario Land.

First, there's Chibibo, which is basically a tiny Goomba (the name is a combination of "chibi" and Goomba's Japanese name, "Kuribo")...Or at least, that's what the name implies. In form and function, they're actually identical to Goombas, and likewise are vanquished via one simple stomp. I tried to make them look smaller, rounder, and cuter. Not much to say about it.

Nokobons were SML's answer to Koopa Troopas. True to form, stepping on one would make it retreat into it's shell. But there's a twist. Then it explodes, trying to get it's revenge on you, if you're foolish enough to stand too close. Their name is a combination of Noko Noko(Koopa Troopa's Japanese name. That's why they call it a "Nok Nok Shell", doncha know) and BOMB, which describes it in a nutshell...or turtle shell, rather. I tried to make them look nervous(I'd certainly be nervous if I was living inside a live explosive), but as Tof notes, it just looks like he really needs to find a restroom...

Then there's the aptly named Fly. Seriously, it's just "Fly". They sort of resemble and "attack" like Fighter Flies from the original Mario Bros., so I based the design on them, while trying to mix it with the Fighter Fly design from Mario & Luigi.

Subtle Bliss is subtle

She gets awfully mad when people forget...

The rape tunnel

A guy called Richard Whitehurst Is starting a new "Art" project called "The rape tunnel".

It may sound like a funny idea, but if u read this article about it, u find out how this guy is actually more of a mentally retarded psycho then an artist.

I read a bunch of it, and he tells how he participated in a few art projects before and realized that outside the group of artists and art lovers, no one really cared for what they did.

"It dawned on me that if the work we created had never existed the world would be no different than if it had."

So, because art doesn't create a huge impact on everyone, he decided that it wasn't good enough or worth doing. So he started something stupid and decided to call it an art project, which was "the punch you in the face tunnel". besides being crazy, he's not very original with names either.

Surprise buttsecks trap

So the premise there is simple, there's a tunnel, u go in it, and this crazy mofo is at the end of it and punches u in the face. needless to say, this was a terrible idea and he broke a girl's nose, made worse by the fact that she was an aspiring model and this put a complete hold on her career.

So, like any normal person, she sued him for being a total retard and ruining her life. What did the moron had to say about it?

"Her modeling career was put on hold. The civil case was long and drawn out and the matter still hasn’t been resolved. To this day she still has unpaid medical bills. The point of this long aside is that all this took place two years ago, and I’m still having an impact on this young lady’s life, something not many other artists could claim about their work."

"Work"? What "work"? He punched a girl in the face and broke her nose! that's not work, that's being a violent asshole. I'm offended in so many levels that he dares to call that an art form. Punching someone is only an art form if u're a martial artist or captain falcon, and he's neither!

So, now he wants to do the exact same project, but now it's rape. How original... I like that he's asked if it's his intention to ruin people’s lives. and he replies:

"Possibly. I’m not necessarily concerned with the positive or negative effects of this project so long as there is some effect on people’s lives."

and goes on to say:

"but the door is open for all kinds of scenarios; rape, serious injury, maybe even death. I might even get arrested."

Who the hell lists "might even get arrested" after "maybe even death"? "Oh hey, people might get killed btw, but, OMG I COULD GET ARRESTED!" Of course he should b arrested, he should b arrested right now, this guy is no artist, he just wants to mentally scar people for the hell of it.

Warning, this guy may do bad things to u for the sake of it

I can understand how art may not have a huge impact on people and it can b frustrating, but doing something terrible that has a impact on people ain't art by itself, this guy is so obsessed with leaving an impression on people he's just lost all reason. What exactly is his precious "work", the selfish need to b remembered, even if it's for something completely negative?

If u see this guy on a roof with a sniper rifle, fucking hide and call the cops.

Paper Shortage

Yeah, I'm currently out of the white stuff, so Tof suckered me into playing "Pictionary", which I guess is Portuguese for "force Zach to draw random stuff with a mouse because he has no paper". So look! Slimer!

Oh lord. The less said about this the better...But it could've been worse...

...And now weird, disproportionate Bunnygirl Daisy. Before anyone blames me for having some stupid bunny-girl fetish, please go play Super Mario Land 2 and get the carrot. I had good reason for doing this, numbskulls.