
Holy shit google!

It's official, the new version of the Google Chrome web browser aced the Acid3 web browser test (a test designed to see how accurate browsers can display sites). Up until recently, the browser that had the highest score on this test was Firefox with 93/100. As far as anyone can tell, Chrome displays all sites 100% accurately.

I gotta admit I'm very surprised that Google actually managed this. I've occasionally tried Chrome and it's pretty good, I'm still mainly using Firefox because of all the plugins, but as soon as they're such plugins on Chrome I'm switching. Another neat feature on Chrome is that When u install it, u can import all your setting and bookmarks from another browser, and now you can save your bookmarks online (gets saved in Google Docs) and access them from any computer using your Google account. Having recently reinstalled and lost my newer bookmarks, that's a feature i think I'm gonna like.

Get Down with the Sickness

Seriously who likes being sick? You're dizzy, you're tired, and other ailments are always a nuisance. I do not like being sick as nothing good ever comes out of it especially the chunks of food that you ate, but then realize you've been eating only liquid stuff for the past couple of days. CURIOUS THINGS ARE CURIOUS.

I feel so bad for missing out on k-tof's birthday gift but sleeping in bed for most of the day and throwing up the rest of the time is not exactly an ideal time to be doing anything. I just wanted to post this thing to tell all 4 of you reading this that I'm still alive. Right. Off to bed again for me.

I'm now 29

And i really am sick of editing the profile pic, we'll try to come up with something new for that.

Anyway, yea, I'm old. That is all.

EDIT: Oh and Btw, XP 32bit reinstalled, all bugs are gone, Oekaki back up.

It's Dangerous to Go Alone

...Take this.
Yeah, one of these days I'mma run outta outdated memes to get one-shot jokes off of. And I use the word jokes lightly.


There's a lot of crap on my mind and I've been having a lot of problems as of late, but i won't bore u guys with even half of it.

The thing is i installed Windows XP 64bit version just so i could get all my RAM working (recently upgraded CPU, RAM and motherboard), the thing is, I've been having tons and tons of problems with it:
  • The tablet randomly just stops working (forcing me to reinstall the driver).
  • Skype has been malfunctioning and working just quite oddly.
  • A few programs have been just freezing and crashing (TF2, Steam, Paint shop pro 7, Firefox
So yea, this isn't working for me. i'm not sure i could fix these problems but it just seems to me that M$ just hasn't bothered making a stable OS in years. It's annoying me to death that i went through so much crap to install and customize this windows, and in the end, it feels so extremely unsupported that i might just have to ditch it and go back to XP 32bit. I'll lose some of my 4th Gb of RAM, but it's actually the only viable option.

God M$ sucks ass...

I was previously using TinyXP, if u don't know what it is, it's a customized version of XP with registry hacks and tweaks for performance while disabling the useless crap. and it was glorious. this XP 64 is just... not good... Something like TinyXP but with 64bit would b great, but i haven't seen or heard of anything like that.

So yea... Look like this year i'm gonna spend my Bday (Dec 30th) reinstalling Windows again. For the guys using the Oekaki, b extra careful til further notice. I'm gonna spend tonight trying to get this OS to run properly, if i cant, tomorrow when i wake up I'll b reinstalling.

Quick lil notice

The computer with the Oekaki now has an UPS, however, I'm gonna be reinstalling windows on it and it may be down during the 24th. If u plan to doodle before the 25th, be extra careful about printscreening your picture.

Other than that...

Merry Xmas to all you guys who read the blog.

Frog Razz

I always think about making storylines where Razz's Hokuto Shinken-esque level overpowered sorcery is snuffed out due to some sort of malady brought about by her clumsy best friend. This is one of them.

Basically she gets accidentally transformed into her favorite animal, and is unable to use sorcery due to not having thumbs(there's plotholes in that but I don't care). This is the first time I've colored it, and it kinda looks way more fearsome than i imagined it...Still cute, though.

God damn gamming

Sorry about the lack of posting lately guys, but Jimmy's looking for work, Zach and me been busy with the TF2 war and then the double class update, which is incredibly fun but really not balanced but i don't think you guys want to hear about it.

On top of that, everyone's busy with Xmas.

Couple of things to talk about:

The oekaki has surprisingly been getting some doodles, 7 people said they'd draw but i honestly assumed no one would.

Still, thanks to ClexYoshi, Zeeman, Noil Doof and Shigoto for proving me wrong.

Most of them are huge perverts though and like, only one of the doodles doesn't involve smut.

New expansion for Borderlands came out for PC like a week+ ago, and it's been available for "non legit" players for about 4 or so days.

Haven't tried much of the expansion yet, but i really don't like the ambiance of it, i loved the Australian feel of the normal game and having to hang in greenish or blue swamp like areas is just not my cup of tea. Zach and me are ready to take on the expansion, but we've been helping Shigoto to beat the game so we can take on the expansion with 3 people.

Update madness, overpowered melee weapons (or so people say), it's crazy out there. The biggest complaint people have is the chargin targe and the eyelander from the demoman which makes him too fast with too much life and gives him resistances to explosions and fire. i smell a very very probable nerf soon.

Vavle introduced a new crafting system which is bullshit. u basicly need 81 items (maybe more if they don't match up) to make 1 random hat, for a hat for a specific class 121 items. just, wtf? the inventory only has 100 spaces. there's a much higher chance of getting a hat then crafting it while u wait for all the 81 items. Also, there's NO WAY to make a specific hat.

Well, that's that.

Also on a tiny tiny note, my bday is on the 30th in case anyone wants to bother.

Hoshi no Memu-Tan Zoi!

Okay. Tof put me up to this.

Next time I should actually get a reference for Noseman.

War report - Day 2

Soldiers are somehow still winning the war, and by even more now. Still... i find that really strange because demomen have a clear advantage over the soldiers, in fact i think i would had killed way more if i was on the demo side. something's not quite right. Maybe all demo players are extremely unskilled? i dunno.

Gabe announced a propaganda contest which may fuck up the war seeing as the winners can hugely bump their side. if either side loses cause of one of the contest winners picking the other side, it's just gonna create huge wast amounts of rage through the community. But that's valve for ya, follow a good decision with a really awful one to spoil everything. Well, hopefully there won't b any harm done.

With Zach's help i made myself a spray specifically for the war:

Privates! lend me your aid!

Tis war men!

As those of you who play TF2 might know by now, the Soldier and the Demoman are at war killing each other for the privilege of winning a 4th unlockable weapon.

As you may b able to tell, I have sided with the soldier because he is the single best character in the team (in the "meet the..." videos) and also fucking awesome fun to use. Zach has sided with me and many of my steam friends have too. however, the war isn't easy.

The Soldier page currently indicates that we have a lil under 100k kills than the demomen. We're winning, but the battle isn't over yet! We need all the help we can get, so pick up your rawket lawnchair and go kill some demos!

I don't know

I dunno why i made this, Zach was too lazy to do anything so i had to do something to amuse myself.

Things in TF2 are about to get explosive

Posted earlier on the TF2 blog was a comic featuring the announcer, and a certain miss Pauling, It's a nice 5 page long comic.

In short, it describes how there's going to b a competition between the blue soldier and the red demoman, also the comic starts with "One week ago".

It's now assumed that on december 16th, we'll have a soldier update and/or a demoman update.

Either way though, i dig the comic.


Or as the French zombie would say cerveauuuuuuuuuux.




That's not catchy at all!

Well, you guys win

Well, I hope you're all happy. Here i thought nobody cared about the Oekaki and i could just throw it away, and you jerks just had to vote towards keeping it, giving me work and hassle! look, i even had to make new icons for the link section!

I cannot stress this enough though, this Oekaki is hosted by myself (cause most hosts are anal about nudity/porn), however, the UPS for the computer hosting it died. I strongly advise using printscreen before submitting any drawing. At least until i buy a new UPS then it should be fine. If by chance you can't submit the picture, you can email me the picture and I'll put it up on the Oekaki.

While I'm at it, I might as well link to our Wiki. Pretty empty right now and i think I'm the only one that'll be maintaining it, but I'll fill it with stuff whenever I'm in the mood.

It's more of a personal thing right now, dunno if it'll evolve into something else.

feel free to comment here on either.

I Youtube'd today

Made by yours truely, Alistair is win.

Balls of Win

At first you think it's just another Ventrilo harassment thing, but then it has the best twist ever.

Hint: it's NOT a soundboard!

Literal videos

"Literal videos" are videos clips where the audio is remade so that the sound is about what's happening in the video. they're pretty funny.

Have a look at

What's this about a IE7Pro?

I've been working in semi secret on a Wiki, which unlike my own which i was hosting on my computer, this one is on Wikia and since they manage the framework and have a great customizable skin makes things easier.

Something that bugged me and Jimmy about it is how unfortunately Wikia sticks ads on every page, we didn't realize this at first because we both happen to use ad blockers, but it'd b annoying for non Firefox users

Unrelated, but i love these "science" pics.

On Wikia's own help section, i found a link to a "style" that hides the ads on the client side. And on that page, i found a link to IE7pro.

As far as i can tell, it's a project similar to MyIE2, which later was renamed to Maxthon (i miss that browser so much... it was made of awesome). Instead of being a new browser on it's own, it uses IE as a base and improves on it adding features and unloading useless crap.

IE7Pro includes Tabbed Browsing Management, Spell Check, Inline Search, Super Drag Drop, Crash Recovery, Proxy Switcher, Mouse Gesture, Tab History Browser, Web Accelerator, User Agent Switcher, Webpage Capturer, AD Blocker, Flash Block, Greasemonkey like User Scripts platform, User Plug-ins, MiniDM

Since i notice a few guys who browse this site do use IE7, i'm wondering if they use this. I'd like to know if it's good, it sure sounds like a fairly acceptable browser. And if they don't use it, maybe they can give it a go and then let me know what they think.

Lil poll thing

I added a poll (on the sidebar on the right) about having a Oekaki or not associated to the blog.

Please vote and thanks for your time.

Borderlands stat font fix, PC only

I was looking for the font of the stats from borderlands, which i haven't been able to find, when i found out about a "bug" the game has.

Because of the size of the font in the stats part of a weapon, you can only see 4 lines when you can have more lines (Turns out i have like 8 items with 5 lines). PC players can fix this by editing 1 file to make the font size a lil smaller. Here's how:

  • Go to the folder where Borderlands is installed
  • Then go into the folders: WillowGame → Localization → INT
  • Find the gd_globals.INT file and MAKE A BACKUP.
  • Open the gd_globals.INT file with notepad.
AttributePresentationTranslation="$NUMBER$ $CONSTRAINT$ $DESCRIPTION$"

AttributePresentationTranslation="<font size="10">$NUMBER$ $CONSTRAINT$ $DESCRIPTION$</font>"

Save, and done.

What i got with size 12

That's the instructions i found, however, where it says 10, i went with 12, and i think i could push it up a lil more. I think that if there was a 6th line it'd show, hard to tell and I don't know if any item ever has a 6th line.

A swedish hero

Fun stuff, you can make your own.

Game review: Borderlands

Yea i know, it's been out for a while now. Initially i had trouble to decide which game to play first, Borderlands or Dragon Age. Anyway i beat Borderlands 3 days ago and i got a few thoughts on it.


On the Australian like planet of Pandora, there is a legend of a Vault which supposedly hold tons of alien tech, thus exist vault hunters who seek it out. You play the role of one of these vault hunter as you arrive on Pandora.

Simple plot, You don't have to save rescue anyone or anything like that, it's pretty much a treasure hunt. And you know what, i like that because greed is such an easily understood motivation. "Save the world" plots that start out as such always seem lacking, flawed, unrealistic or just cliche.


Well it's a shooter, but almost all guns are randomly generated on the go. but I'm getting ahead of myself here...

When u start, you have to pick one of 4 characters, I've tried out all classes but used a Berserker to beat the game, The only real difference between classes is their special skills and stat bonuses.

There isn't anything bad about the basic character movement, in fact, I quite enjoyed the jumping physics. very high and slow jumps, which were quite fun to use and the game does have a bit of platforming, you're also given an amazing ability: fucking running! doesn't sound like a big deal, but god damn I'm sick of slowly strolling in all these FPS games.

There's also vehicle action in the game, and although the control of it feels weird to anyone who played half life 2, once u get used to the vehicle controls they're actually pretty darn good. It's the half life 2 ones that don't make fucking sense and ruin u for life.


As characters, they're pretty much blank slates i guess, not really developed whatsoever, they act more like classes. As i mentioned i tried out 2 characters, although one was brief. So i'll just babble on about the Berserker.

The Berserker, called by default Brick, has the ability to punch stuff. It sounds lame, but i think that he might actually be over-fucking-powered. To use his fists, he goes into a rage where his life regens at an incredibly high rate, his punching dmg is ridiculously high, even for just jabs (he can perform slower but more damaging uppercuts), the rate he jabs is really fast and honestly he makes ALL fights a joke, rarely enemies will survive 4 secs of punching, over 50% die in 2 hits and 20% die in 1 hit (assuming u used the uppercut).

Mordecai the hunter - Lilith the siren - Brick the berserker - Roland the soldier

Now granted each character has 3 skill-trees and he may pick skills from each or focus on one, i went with brawler which enables him to go berserk often, for longer, to regen on kills during berserk, etc. punching the shit out of stuff was really the quickest and easiest way to deal with anything. even used it to just heal myself.

I encountered far more difficulty when i played with the hunter seeing as he had little health and just pretty much relied on sniping shit before it got to him. seeing as even sniper weaps don't have perfect accuracy, it was troublesome.

I've tried the Siren and Soldier yesterday, and i gotta say, like the Hunter, the Siren's special ability is kinda worthless and if you use her you're just making the game harder on yourself. I'm currently playing through with the soldier, and although I'm having more trouble with him early on than with the Siren, i cna see how he could become really really useful. I'm at the point where i'm deceasing the cooldown for him special skill (making a turret which auto aims and shoots stuff provided it's in front of it), when maxed that skill will have 100% cooldown decreased (which i believe means no cooldown). that could b a great help.


The game generates weapons with all sorts of stats, elemental dmg, and sometimes weird gimmicks, you will come across tons of weird weapons in this.

I did encounter a few notable weapons in the game:
  • A rare hydra shotgun, which had a weird 5-way shot. Best i could describe it would be like that multiple shot in Contra games, it was like having 5 different shotguns shooting in 5 preset different directions.
  • A shotgun that shoots an inaccurate rocket. Turns shotgun ammo into a rocket, I can't imagine how that works, but it's a nice budget rocket launcher.
  • A"Boom stick", a very high power shotgun that shots a single bullet with 0.0 accuracy, that's right none. has 6 bullet per clip and when u fire it will autoshoot til the clip is empty. incredibly deadly at close range, useless otherwise.
  • A rocket launcher that shoots 3 rockets at once, which spiral around themselves.
  • A SMG that shoots 4 bullets simultaneously each time, but low ass accuracy. think of it as a low budget shotty that does lil dmg but is really fast.
From my play through, shotguns tend to be the most interesting.

Besides all the regular types of weapons, you sometimes find alien-tech stuff that is just goofy.

Also, the game has 4 kinds of elemental dmg: explosive, corrosive, fire and shock. Elemental weapons have a chance to deal said elemental effect.
  • corrosive is my fav by far, deals damage over time and drains armor and flesh. It's a must on late game levels when u start encountering soldiers from the crimson lance.
  • explosive is self explanatory, it creates an explosion, as far as i can tell, some creatures are weaker to it and some are almost immune. generically though, seems to add a lot of dmg to attacks.
  • fire sets people on fire to deal dmg overtime, works especially well on flesh, if the enemy still has his armor on it's a lil less effective.
  • shock is great to drain shields, you probably should have a revolver with it around just to one shot enemy's armors, and then switch to something else, cause it's not that great on flesh. I find that a lot of stuff takes less dmg from it.

This game is pretty awesome, all RPGs should b like this because it's not that boring to play through and I've actually been replaying it this with other classes and using different strategies. It's mostly optional if u wanna pay attention to the story or not.

I want to try this on multiplayer, but i don't know if i can. I heard u get really nice loots when u do so though. The thing about each class is that you either embrace the character's special ability, or you seem to b fucked. You are allowed to respec your skills for a large sum of money though so your character is never ruined.

I do know that i really enjoyed this game as it is even if it was just single player, always getting new guns, shields, grenade and class mods, trying out lots of really weird and different gear, so many missions and it didn't always feel like a fetch quest, which even when they did, didn't feel all that bad. Boss fights were cool too, not that hard, but memorable for the most part.

I fucking recommend this, totally "Do want!"

Drawing HAX

Lemme tell you a story about this picture. Turns out I've been drawing the horn on the wrong side of Hellina's head as of late. Did I go back and fix it? Nah, I just wrote my "signature" backwards.

It doesn't say much for me being lazy, but it does say a lot about how far I'm willing to go to avoid doing the real work. It also helps a bit when you have a really tiny mistake to fix, but are afraid of screwing up an otherwise satisfactory drawing.

Of her lapels are overlapping the wrong way (I think)...

I need some doggone help!

Here's the deal, me and Zach have been making a new TF2 spray, and now that we're almost done, we need a funny line to write on it.

Now, I asked around, and the best suggestion (with tweaking from 3 people) we got so far was to write "Whack it off" at the top, and "And i mean the sapper btw" at the bottom.

So i thought: I gots a blog, not many people read it, but they might have a brain cell between all of them. So I'm taking suggestions for the text on this.

No there's no prize, none of us have a job so we're poor. All you get is the satisfaction of being clever, IF you are funnier that is.

"I am the world's 2nd best pillow fighter!"

So u think slow motion sequences are cool uh? Maybe this will change your mind.

No hacks, no cheats, just Ken's huge ego.

I couldn't believe it was gonna take the entire video.

Lol boycott irony

If you check the L4D2 Boycott steam group, you'll see something like this:

Could b just me, but it's just ironically funny. Some people are such hypocrites.

˙ʇı uɯɐp uʍop-ǝpısdn sı ƃuıɥʇʎɹǝʌǝ

I really do not have time to be watching anime series as it is just a distraction to me. Having said that, I found myself getting into a fairly new series called Nyan Koi! (You can just read what it is about here (!)

It's a pretty funny series except one thing bothers me so damn much with this series and many others like it. All these girls keep getting attracted to the main character. It's only funny if it's a small amount of no more than 2, but after that it just becomes stupid. Not only that, every stereotype of girl is into this guy. You got your typical gendered girl, your childhood friend who is violent but has big boobies, a mail lady who is clutzy, underaged twins, a lesbian male looking one, etc.

They only time I think this would be acceptable would be a hentai game or show because that's pretty much the point of the show.

Maybe that is how it is in Japan, but whatever the case the showhas a lot of pussy...cats in it.

Dragon RIP

Having promised to Zach that i wouldn't play The new Mario game, I've had enough time to play and beat Dragon Age.

Although it's easy to tell this game has a LOT of multiple paths, I'd say this is one of the best written games I've ever experienced. the final battle was nothing short of epic.

Oh and the [SPOILER] result of the "get Alister laid with Morrigan" quest near the end was quite... hot... [/SPOILER]

The Killing blow on the archdemon.

So yea, was it a good game? well, i guess so. Although i LOVED the story and the character were a LOT of fun, and i got my character laid, yea, pretty fucking sweet. I didn't think it was hard, and some people might think the battles are annoying, also, damn this game is long. I would had gladly skipped the battles and the dungeons and all that crap, cause, fighting isn't hard, but u have to kill hordes and hordes of assholes and it can take for fucking EVER.

Also, what's the deal with gear? do you ever get "great" gear in this game? as far as i can tell, the stuff u get depends on your level, and although u can get stuff slightly better than some other, it's all more or less the same crap, i seriously grew sick of looting and it was just pointless at one point. Just ran my way into dungeons sick of it wanting to see the next cut scenes cause that's all i was playing for.

I kind of wanna replay it, but i don't like anything except dwarven chicks, and the only alternative I'd have in that is make a high social classed one, not much point.

A Wii leak

So The New Super Mario Bros Wii game apparently leaked, and i believe the game hasn't officially come out yet.

I gave the game a try, but i'm not playing more of it until Zach gets the game (he pre-ordered it i think) to not make him jealous. So this is pretty much my first impressions without really spoiling anything.

The game gives out a heavy feel of SMB3 to me, i didn't play the recent DS game, but i'm told they're supposed to b similar. there's a multitude of non traditional platforming such as round rotating platforms, regular blocks or other elements that wing back and forth in a pendulum motion.

I enjoyed that there's elements from SMB3, SMW and Yoshi's island, and even a specific element from SMB1 most people don't even remember about. The gameplay is pretty decent, probably not as easy to control as SMB3 or SMW though, but nearly as good.

I'd like to note that i have a huge fucking problem with the Wii gimmick once again though, to use the helicopter hat special skill (no idea what's the actual name of that hat), you have to lift up your Wii mote fast, or shake, i still can't tell. you also have to do that to pick up blocks, and it's extremely non intuitive especially on the later case. There so is no need for that fucking gimmick here since it's only replacing a button really, I'd much rather use B myself if i could.

Still, that unpleasant control thing aside, there's tons of familiar and new elements to the Mario series in this game. i got up to world 6, and i noticed since world 1 that each world has a canon in them, that i couldn't unlock a path to, so dunno what's that' about. also each level has 3 star coins in them, so I'm getting that nagging felling this game is gonna force me to collect all of those.

I am looking forward to play it again, but I'm gonna wait til Zach gets it. I can't really recommend it cause i haven't beaten it yet, but what i seen so far, i like it, difficulty seems just right, it's really not dead easy which is good. Lives are way too easy to get, but i had 67 lives before world 5, and I'm down to 54 at the beginning of world 6, so you might actually need those lives for the last world.

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

As I wait for Shibamura Prime to approve of me posting a higher resolution picture here is one with an ugly watermark and not so high resolution preview for ya folks.

Oh how I love Carmen so much. She's managed to steal a lot of rare stuff all over the world and through time. There's no satisfying that woman! On top of that she always manages to escapes everytime. Not only that she laugh at you while you feebly attempt to solve her clues and puzzles, and when you think you have her you realize she's still ten spaces ahead of you. :/

Kinda big gaming post

Since the Killing Floor free weekend, both Zach and me bought the game. I have to admit, it's weird I've gotten to enjoy it and weirder i played this game so intensively.

The game is visually kinda crappy, I'll admit that right away. However, visuals alone never made a game fun. Before trying it on the free weekend, i thought it was like L4D, but actually, it's nothing like L4d at all.

Zach compared the game to Hero survival maps on Warcraft 3, which is very accurate in my opinion. For me it felt like Counter strike mixed with House of the Dead in a odd odd way. But anyway, here's how the game plays:

You and your team are a squad that's send to an area to clear it up of "specimens" (mutants really), which come in waves (10 if you're playing standard long games). Killing these specimens or healing teammates grants u money, and at the end of each wave, players get 1min to buy weaps and armor at a trader who randomly changes location on the map (it's very well indicated where the trader will b though, no worries about it). And that's it, survive all the waves, get geared up, and at the end of the final wave, you fight the patriarch who's pretty much the boss which is by no means easy.

If I must compare it to the L4D games, it may b a lil dull that you don't really "go" anywhere, in the sense that all the areas you're sent in are closed (similar to L4D survival maps but much much larger), Which i didn't like at first, but the maps are big enough so that it's not that much of a big deal. There are more types and more diverse enemies in Killing Floor than the original L4D, and possibly than L4D2. The choice of weapons is really great in Killing Floor compared to L4D, L4D2 has some more weapons than it's predecessor, but i think KF still has it beat.

But what got my atention in KF is that players can play specific roles instead of all being the same, and they can do that using "perks":

Perks will sound similar to classes from TF2, But it's not quite what they do. Perks provide a bonus stats to a certain area of expertise, such as for example, Firebugs Gains resistance to fire dmg, more range, dmg and ammo on the flamethrower and fire grenades eventually. That does not mean u're restricted to use the flamethrower however, you can still use any weapon you like.

Perks can be leveled up as well, which increases their stats and eventually allows u to start with a weapon (usually something relevant to your perk). You can switch perks once between waves as well, some people say that switching a lot allows you to build up your items and cash better.

This is a strangely fun game, on harder difficulties Zach and me get REALLY into it, it's a lot of fun and can be intense.

Played the demo with Zach 1 hour after it was made available on Steam, and was surprised on how god dammed right i was about it. But also how they managed to screw up stuff that was good.

Ok ok, they didn't only fuck up, there's good things in this, like a lot of new weaps of which i tried all the ones i could, and it's all very standard. Saw and tried all the new items, aside from the adrenaline shot they were all "meh". the 2 maps in the demo were boring and linear, even more than in the original. The fact that it's fucking broad daylight doesn't help the game in the least, everything is way way easier to spot and shoot and i couldn't even figure out why u even start with the flashlight on, it's virtually useless. "oh god, it's so bright out here, i think i need a flashlight so i won't even notice it's on".

The continuous crescendo event isn't that impressive, it's like being in survival for a bit and then it stops. They added a couple of special infected, that, really, couldn't care less. I mean they're so stupid in the sense that they're such minor inconveniences. the charger is a problem though, I'll give u that, that fucker will tear u apart if no one's near u, but it's a L4D game, you're ALWAYS supposed to move as a team anyway.

All the characters are heavily uninteresting to me, i can never pick who i wanted to use cause i dislike all of them. i can't relate to ANY of them and some i just can't even stand. The voice acting seems like it took a fall from the first game, even though they supposedly hired professionals this time. The music in this game SUCKS! IT'S FUCKING HORRIBLE! STOP IT! it's like when recording, half of the people were playing the music and the other half were throwing their instruments across the room.

The game engine seems identical to L4D, none of the changes I've seen justified Valve making a new game, in fact, it seems like a downgrade: Try looking at your feet in L4D2, unlike L4D, you can't. I always thought it was cool that L4D allowed u to see yourself then u looks around, and they removed that in L4D2. Although a definite improvement over L4D, it's still the same game with nothing intresting to add to the formula. They only added the crap that should had been in the first game to begin with.

Also I HATE the way L4D2 handle melee weapons, Killing Floor makes using melee enjoyable, L4D2 makes it fucking hard and a last resort. I wouldn't buy this game for the current price of L4D. This is easily Valve's worse handled product ever. If it wasn't for the boycott controversy this shit pack would had never sold anything.

So recently I picked up Dragon Age: Origins, and i gotta say, this shit is pretty damn good!

One of my favorite RPGs on the PC is "Arcanum", it has a decent character development, main story, side quests, theme even. It's the only game i ever played where you could talk the last boss into killing himself. To this day, i think that was epic. It also had a huge choice of character backgrounds that would influence not only your stats but the way people treated you and the story.

Dragon Age feels VERY similar to Arcanum except perhaps for the theme of the world it takes place. some of the allies u gather seem predeterminded by the plot, but a lot are quite optional. and even if u have a lot of allies, you can play by yourself if you wish (i wouldn't, but the fact that you're alowed to do so is always nice), control wise, u control your character like u would a WoW character, or a Warcraft 3 unit, in fact, u can drag and select all your character WC3 style, Both ways are enabled and it's really nice to b able to freely switch between the 2.

The story so far is ok, pretty cool actually. some of the plot depends on your race adn background, and some it common to all characters. i gotta say I'm liking it a lot so far. What i imagine is common to all is that you Become a Grey warden and fight the Blight of darkspawns. to do so, u gather allies from nations, but there isn't even a specific order u have to do it.

What's got me hooked though, is the allies u gather, and how u can talk to them and get to know them, they're very very interesting and fleshed out pretty well. Morrigan is the most interesting character so far, she is a witch that was raised in the wilds, she's not used to civilization and is very clever, sarcastic and even cruel, she contrasts a lot with other characters and always has something mean or sarcastic to add to convos.

Also like Arcanum, characters will approve of disapprove of your actions, but also of what you reply when chatting with them. In Arcanum that made the main character possibly become the love interest of one of your companions, and i think the same applies in this game. I'm trying to get hot witch on dwarf lesbian action! (ew... that sounded nasty even to me...)

If you like RPGs, this game is fucking awesome, difficulty doesn't seem unreasonable, leveling isn't even an issue, and it's a damn interesting game. Might b a lil demanding graphics wise so check if you can run it before getting it.

Late Halloween pic

Last time Bliss will agree to play along with Brooke's costume ideas.

Zach doodled and colored it, am too emo to do crap lately.

How the mighty have fallen

After typing the title of this post i realized one might think i was refering tot he blog itself, but I'm not.

I'm just amused by the marketing strategy L4D2 is doing.

Seriously? this game is so bad you're leeching on another comunity and offering a virtual hat? Seriously? Just whoa... that's low.

As expected, this made people rage on both the L4D and TF2 communities. Especially the TF2 one because after such a cool event weekend, everyone was happy, and now this shit again. Vavle is that uncle that gets drunk in your birthday parties and then vomits all over you.

Tof And Zach's Men's army - Part 2

Further instructions in the ways of signals.

New L4D campaign - Dead before dawn

I vaguely heard about this, it's been on the making for mouths.

"Dead before dawn" is a massive campaign for L4D that has been highly awaited. I'm subscribed to the L4Dmods steam group, and a few hours ago, they started posting anouncements every 20 mins about how it was done, and they were working on putting it put. They were making a huge deal about it.

Finally, they got it up on as a torrent.

I still haven't downloaded it, it's massive, the campaign is over 1gb, i can't even imagine all the details into this but rumors are this is amazing.

Tof And Zach's Men's army - Part 1

As some may know, me and Zach play FPS games all the time, as such, we've developed a set of special signs we use online.

These are as follows:

Feel free to use these in your everyday life.

Oh Capcom, where art thou sprite?

Remember when Capcom prided itself in sprite making? Yea me too, and that just means you're an old fart like me...that or you pirate old console games...or downloaded them from wiiware.

So here is a sprite of Breath of Fire 2's Nina. And as I have nagged to K-ToF, THE BEST BOF.
Check out the game if you have time.

Wait what? Halloween tf2 special event?

This caught me totally by surprise, i check the tf2 blog every day, and yesterday. so of course, they just had to update it that 1 day!

So there's this special update for Halloween thatincludes 2 hats, 5 achievements and a spooky special event map where u get all that.

So if you haven't played it yet, or are just curious about it, here's what they did:

The spawn room, as well as most of the level has jack-o-lanterns all around and lil ghosts and spiders and all that kind of Halloween decoration.

The health was replaced with candy bars.

The bigger health is a candy case, and all over the map there's these pumpkins rigged to explode if anyone shoots them, think of them as stickies that u activate by shooting.

And i guess this is the big feature, the Ghost of ZM, who's hat you can earn. When he's near players, they yell like a lil girl and are unable to attack.

ZM's grave, "Mann" as in like "Mann Co.", Valve's just fueling theories from fans now.