
TF2 : neat custom model

So yea, couple of things wanted to rant about first.

The new drop system is terrible, Everyone can only get from 1 to 11 items a WEEK (my average is 6), most people get all of them on Thursday which is when the limit resets and spends a week waiting for items to craft.

Why am i bitching about crafting again? because now it's not hats, it's weapons. During this new system, 1 or 2 community updates came out and there's a bunch of new weapons to b gained, and i still don't even have the fucking chocolate from the previous update!

Even though there's recipes for those items, i need the ingredients for those, and I've been waiting like 3-4 weeks for 2 fucking bonks! Also seeing as not everyone can get those items, they're most certainly banned from competitive play.

Seems backwards as to the point of the drop system was implemented for. Valve said they implemented it to get weaps out faster to players, but as we saw in the sniper vs spy update, it was a disaster and didn't work towards that at all. This new system already proves to be even worse.

Why is it so hard for Valve to sit down for 20 mins and come up with something that isn't retarded? They keep trying to make systems that attempt to prevent farming but end up fucking up everyone every time. If it's farmable then let it b farmable, it's better than no one getting shit.

I personally doubt there is such a thing as a system that isn't farmable and still satisfactory.


I sort of doubt they'll ever add this, but it's really neat looking.

There's a promo video on the site if you'd like to know how it looks ingame, it's an equalizer replacement.

Blog Layout update.

Small update on the blog's layout, still not 100% happy with it though.

Feel free to comment.

EDIT: the footer image seems to randomly disappear on Internet explorer, can't do anything about that. IE's freaking drunk all the time.

Hot Hands

Valve claims they're trying to work more skill into the little bastion of anonymity the Pyro...But all they really seem to be doing is encouraging more people to use the Flare Gun.

In any case, here's a little doodle of the malformed, mumbling miscreant. I was doodling it for a little long-term side project(that I'll probably never finish), but it didn't really fit in with the other stuff I did for it. But I liked it enough that I decided not to obliterate it from existence.

In other news I'll be heading off for Connecticon soon. Truth be told I'm a bit nervous about it.

Game review (Quickie): Sonic & Sega all stars racing

Around a week ago, i was really bored, nothing to do. I had heard about this game and on a whim, i decided to try it. I was fairly sure it would suck, but was curious to see how much it would suck. I basicly had it set on my mind this wasn't going to b a good game.

Boy, was i ever wrong...

Over the last few years i was under the impression SEGA was just making rushed games and getting them out on the market as fast as possible, and that their gameplay was in general quite bad.

This game was a nice surprise...

Inevitably, This game has to b compared to Mario Kart Wii, since the Mario Kart series are pretty much the reference when it comes to racing games.

Down to the point, what really impressed me with this game is the gameplay, it's very very good and easy to pick up, and i dare say maybe a little better than Mario Kart Wii. It's actually enjoyable to just start a time trial on a track and just drive on and on for 10-20 mins.

It could b just me, but i think there's 3 types of vehicles in the game that handle differently: 2 wheel, 4 wheel, hovering. I haven't checked FAQs or anything, but i think they're different.

Visually, The game is so colorful, full of SEGA themed tracks, it's really nice to look at, the music is from SEGA games too, so there's good stuff in there, Characters... well, i wish there were much less sonic characters there to b honest. Seeing Opa Opa and Alex Kidd in a videogame again sure feels strange though.

So yea, I was really surprised by this game, It's almost a shame u can unlock characters so quickly and by any order u like (you buy them with money earned in gameplay). I kinda of enjoyed the mission mode.

I wish this had multiplayer online, as far as i know it doesn't. Maybe the Wii version does, I'll have to look that up.

Anyway this is a total "Do Want!", i had fun playing this.

Kickassia: Final thoughts.

So a few days ago, I posted my thoughts about the Kickassia movie TGWTG did, and now it's the end of the week and I've seen the rest of it.

Well, My opinion changed a lil about it.

The action scenes all mostly suck, my opinion hasn't changed on those. I guess there's good reasons behind that though. I watched Spoony's commentary on Kickassia and he does point out that in the scenes they run in the desert towards the house, it's a fucking rocky wasteland and rather dangerous.

Apparently, After that charge scene, a lot of people got hurt. Just after the 1st day, everyone was dead exausted. Also the entire thing was shot in 4 days.

If anything, the action scenes were just too ambitious. Also i dare say, a few of these guy maybe be a lil out of shape... I mean some of those guys can't even slap someone naturally.

After part 2, there weren't as many actions scenes, and it kind of picked up. There were funny scenes, some people acted pretty well, some really didn't.

As I've said before, i don't really like Joe all that much, but he did have a couple of good scenes, like the one on the pic i posted up, and there was one where he's giving a speech and hitting 8-bit mickey who's behind him. I knew that Brad (The cinema snob) had made some similar movie projects before (never really watched them though) but he was surprisingly good in Kickassia.

As long as the scenes didn't have toys in it, I could sort of take them seriously and almost enjoy it, some stuff just felt really stupid though... if you want an example that bothered me, there's a part where a reporter is interviewing LordKat as the minster in charge of trading, and LordKat says he's hoping to trade NES games to foreign nations and he's holding like 4 NES games. Maybe it's just me, but that was too lame to be funny.

Would i call this a good movie though? no. Would i call it good considering the time they put in it? yea totally, 4 days to make a movie that's so little time. But it's still not a good movie.

If anything though, they got a lot of bloopers out of it, and looks like they had fun doing it, so heh.

TF2: more community items added

Yesterday Pyro got a reduction of his prior nerf and today new items are added.

recipes for the new weapons seem to b:
  • Dead Ringer + Huntsman = Tribalman's Shiv
  • Jarate + Axetinguisher = The Scotman's Skullcutter
Dunno the stats of the new weaps, someone let me know.

"Kickassia" thoughts

As some may know, is having their 2nd anniversary and flew everyone in to make a special movie for the occasion.

His costume looks surprisingly well made, but still...

It's a 5 or 6 part thing, and so far the first 2 episodes have been posted. And i gotta say it's pretty much what I'd expect from it.

But maybe I'm not being fair, after all, I've disliked the idea of this movie even before it was done, why? well, the main reason was that pretty much all the guys i watch are on Thatguywiththeglasses now, and if everyone was flown in, that meant an entire week (or so) of nothing to watch.

So yea, you may have guessed that i don't like Kickassia. I mean i get that they wanna make something special, but this thing is just... lame, u know?

These people are all reviewers, they review videogames and movies, they're good at that, so for the special what do they do? a movie where they're all actors. I mean yea, they're doing a better job than i would at acting, but it's still hard to watch cause it's just so shameful...

Wait... is this suposed to b Spoony?

I can't get past the fact that most of what they do looks really really retarded. I really WANT to try and enjoy it, but these guys aren't actors, the story is retarded even by retarded movie standards and the action is just too shameful. FFS, we have a bunch of people in their 20s cosplaying and running around with toys.

They try to have their lil gags here and there, but all i can think is how ridiculous it all looks. I don't like angry joe so he looks normal to me in this: annoying and loud. Despite how painful it is to watch overall, some people are ok in this. Especially Spoony, he has a really hammy scene and it's pretty awesome.

What sucks even more though is that it feels like it's all we're gonna get to watch this week on all their sites. So for me, this was 2 weeks down the toilet. I'm sure a lot, if not most people, will disagree with me. But hey, it's still my opinion.

Tentacle Grape Soda?

K-ToF sent me a link of a drink: tentacle_grape_soda.jpg

And we discussed about how my character should be the mascot. So in a quick mock-up I drew this:

So there you have it. Drink tentacley my friends.

Tof's Twitter experience

Couple of months, ago on a whim, I decided to try out following some people on twitter to see what the big deal was. Mostly cause most people i know never used it and most aren't even sure what it does.

Twitter is nothing most than a simpler version of a RSS feed: People subscribe to it and get updates from it whenever there's one. The only difference i could see is that u can twit from your cellphone.

So here's how the experience went.

I downloaded Yoono and left it open on my 2nd monitor. Then I followed (not fond of that term) a few people:
And here's what i think of it:

Twitter is like a min blog where people send messages about whatever they want, some people make it practical and use it to announce updates on their sites and whatnot, and some people use it to let people know they're gonna take a shit.

So while the concept of twitter is ok, It ultimately falls upon the people who is it to make it useful or not. Here's what i thought of the people i "followed".

Spoony makes a very nice use of his twitter, whenever a new update is out, bang, twitter lets u know instantly. From time to time he'll link to a site or video he saw that he thinks is noteworthy, and sometimes just comments on something he saw on TV or just happened to him. His non site related twits are kept to a very tolerable level, he doesn't re-twit other people too often and doesn't annoy.

Linkara's pretty much like Spoony when it comes to twitter, with the exception that since his videos are posted on "That guy with the glasses" and the videos there are scheduled, if u follow his twits you get to see his uploaded videos before they're posted on "That guy with the glasses", which is nice.

Retsuprae and Team 4 stars don't seem to twit much at all. Retsuprae will twit when they post something, but not sure they always remember to. Team 4 starts are almost useless to follow seeing as the last time they twitted an update was 2 days after the said update had been out. There was an incident a while back and someone claimed they stole the twit account from someone else and tried to steal a site, bla bla bla, drama drama don't care.

Jason was the first person I unfollowed from twitter, cause he will twit about out of context stuff and about dumps he took. Worse use of twitter ever. Plus his "Until we win" videos are getting repetitive and boring as fuck now.

I recently unfollowed LittleKuriboh because... well. He generally makes a decent use of twitter, but re-twits other people, who i dunno and don't give a fuck about, way too often. and sometimes he'll just get bored and twit 6-7 times in a row spamming the shit out of my Yoono.

What really got to me was that he's a guest on Wha-Chow, whatever that is, which "airs" once a week (i have no idea what it is) it's something SuperPsyguy makes i guess.

Every week, Psyguy twits that the show will go live in a few hours, and LittleKuriboh re-twits it, and then twits that it'll b live in a lil less than a few hours, than re-twit psyguy saying that it'll b on soon, and then he'll twit that it's almost on, and re-twit again that the show is going live.

The pic on the right is the twits of the latest show and christ that got annoying so fast. Spoony's tiny twit in the middle of all the spam was more interesting then all the rest combined.

Do u really need to remind people several hours in advance and several times about it? jeez...

Come to think of it, i'm gonna unfollow team four stars right now cause they're retwitting LittleKuriboh, so it's like double spam.

I'm going to keep using Yoono to follow the twits i still do. I do find it useful. some people just don't know how to use it though.

TF2: recipes redux

Just a small note to TF2 players, Valve drastically changed the quantity needed to craft now and actually made specific recipes like people assumed they would all along.

People should be happy, but as the friend who pointed this to me said, think of all the metal wasted...

I guess the big note here is that u need only 2 items to make scrap metal, not 3, 3 makes a class token now so don't do that.

Portal is free, get it now!

Valve lost it's mind, go get it now!

You have to get it before the 24th though, so get it, and tell your friends to get it too!

Deathstalker I

I guess we do movie reviews too!

Remember Conan the Barbarian played by my governator's Arnold Schwarzenegger? Well I do and it was one of the best sword and fantasy flicks I recall seeing. However, being a lover of cheesy B-movies I picked this gem up in the bargain bin at a local video store for a dollar. Best investment ever. What or who exactly is Deathstalker?

I am glad you ask. To answer that I will go over with you the first 10 minutes of the movie.

We first begin our movie with some thug who is apparently gonna rape (a popular theme in this movie) an innocent girl. Unfortunately, this is monster territory and they want their loot and girl back. The guy pretty much gives up the girl without putting up a fight and makes a run for it. Being chased by the monster, he approaches a hut where he sees a horse and decides to steal it.

Oh shit, this dude pops out. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Deathstalker (Rick Hill). He quickly and firmly tells the thief that is his horse. And the guy apologizes. By now the monster catches up and sees Deathstalker and says that their fight is not with him. Deathstalker then, without warning, does the most logical thing.

He slaughters everyone. The last guy alive is the thief, and upon seeing what Deathstalker did begins to barter for his life.

The conversation goes something like this:

T: Thanks buddy!
D: ...
T: Erm, how about I give you half of the treasure I found?
D: ...
T: Uh, I mean you can have it all! The loot and the girl!
D: I intend to.
T: ...wait wha!

Holy mackerel! This dude just killed him! I guess he had it coming. It was his horse after all. Plus now he gets a girl and money! Win for Deathstalker!

The girl is of course terrified of Deathstalker. Who wouldn't be? The dude the massacred a group of goblin things and a thief without effort.

By now you're probably thinking. This dude is a hero just like Conan or the Beastmaster. Well I can definitely tell you he is not. Here he is putting his rape face on. That's right folks, Deathstalker is gets his game going and the girl seeing how futile it is to resist just goes along with it.
That is until this old geezer pops up and interrupts his fantasy sword swinging skills. Irritated Deathstalker asks what the old man wants. "Your name!" he coughs up.

This guy just murdered a bunch of living things, is proceeding to screw this chick, and this old man has the nerve to interrupt his session? I thought Deathstalker was going to kill the dude, but instead he just tells him to wait outside while he finishes polishing his newly acquired treasure.

Seeing an opportunity because the old man distracted the raping brute, the girl manages to slip away. Deathstalker decides not to pursue out of pure laziness.

Outside we meet this king sitting in the middle of a forest. WTF right?

Well Deathstalker thought the same thing and says to the effect that what kind of king does not even have a castle or an army. Even Munkar has a castle. "But Munkar was my magician!". "Whatever" thinks Deathstalker. The king then tells Deathstalker that he needs to get back his castle and position. Deathstalker tells him he needs an army and the one he currently has, Munkar could wipe out by just pissing on them. The king then proclaims that they need a man. Deathstalker scaffolds and states he needs a fool. Debating against him, the king replies that he needs a hero. DUN DAHN DUNNNNNN. In a last sales pitch, the king also claims that Munkar has his daughter.

With a douche attitude and real-life thinking, Deathstalker gives "Oh well sucks to be you" speech. And then Deathstalker leaves. That's right. HE LEAVES.

That's the first 10 minutes!

Deathstalker eventually does heads to Munkar's castle but not in accord to the king, but for two selfish reasons: (1) He gets more boobies and (2) he becomes ultimate power. That's it. He also joins up with three other companions.
Oghris (Richard Brooker) who is completely gay even though he sleeps with women. I mean look at his vest armor! It would be less gay if he was shirtless. There is even a scene where he fights his "friend" Deathstalker in the bedroom...literally!

Salmaron(Augusto Larreta) is perhaps the most compassionate useless companion, but he does give Deathstalker his sword which makes him invincible. He eventually gets some 'action' as well.

Kaira (Lana Clarkson) is my favorite of the companions. She's a warrior women who, for most of her short screen time, battles bare chested. Not only that she stakes Darkstalker as her own personal sex object, but she also can kick some serious butt. It really is a shame that she dies pretty quickly, however she gets her own spin off The Barbarian Queen.

Ending Spoiler:
It would be dumb to say that this is a spoiler because the movie is just darn old (1983). But Deathstalker eventually confronts Munkar and takes the items that gives him power so he may become the power. However, in a strange and out of character moment Deathstalker gives up all the power and destroys the items including his super sword. Munkar is still alive and crying like a baby. Now in most cases the hero would finish off the villian, but Deathstalker is no hero. Instead we see him snap back into character and lets the town folk kill Munkar for themselves. Deathstalker just watched and did not show any real reaction. And that is how it ends, but not for the series. Nope. Instead we are given 3 more Deathstalker sequels.

Movie verdit: Do watch!

Cave Story: Modding

I saw this a while ago, forgot about it, and stumbled upon it again today.

This Cave Story fan site has a bunch of tools that allow u to edit the various aspects of cave story, so u can make your own version.

I haven't tried the tools, but I'm always interested in modding, especially if it's pixelated.

If you never played Cave Story to begin with, you can download it from that same site. It's a highly recommended game by anyone who played it really.

If anyone knows of a good mod of cave story worth mentioning, let me know. If anyone readin is trying to make their own mod and needs input on it, I'd b happy to help.

Also i heard that the Wii port of Cave story isn't as good as the original, anyone can confirm this?

Silly image tweak

Am not sure why, but i edited a pic of protoman without his helm on.

For some strange reason, everyone I've shown it to says it's awesome.

Heavy's kitty?

Om nom nom nom...

So adorable.

Perhaps we are a game review site

Perhaps we are a game review site
Leave that Left for Dead mumbo gumbo in the garbage, because this is the best game ever!

Plot: You're a unicorn and a robot! You can jump! You can dash! YAY!

Graphics: Best bust out your extreme gaming card because this requires some intense rainbow physics.

Music: This game is best when you are surrounded by "hardcore gamers" or the general public. Do not forget to turn your sound system blast to the max, because there is only one song for the entire game but it is the only tune you need to hear for it is SPARKLINGLY eardrum bleeding.

Game verdit: It's free! Do want!

Lil funny story

So me Zach and our friend Shigoto try out a really bad campaign today, and get through it. then after that someone says:

"Hey, we should play the mutation so we get it over with". This week's mutation is bleed out where the survivors' health is 100% temp and there are no healthkits. So you have to fight and hurry because everyone's health is running out.

and so we did.

I suggested we play "The Passing" cause it's short, and at the end the survivors throw u pills and stuff.

and so we did.

We get to the finale and to my surprise, they also throw medkits. i didn't even knew they threw these at all! we weren't sure if that was supposed to happen, but it was a nice surprise.

We finished the campaign, and not 10 mins later, steam says L4D2 finished updating:

Left 4 Dead 2 Update Released
Product Update - Valve
Updates to Left 4 Dead 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Left 4 Dead 2
Fixed original survivors cheating in Bleed Out mode by throwing first aid kits

Just win. Also I've rarely heard Zach laugh out as loud as he did.