
Close Friendships Between Two Women Are a Beautiful Thing

Now if only Dana would stop being a curmudgen with no taste for adventure and Katie'd stop being so overbearing with her hinting they might actually be entertaining to watch doing things other than being sexually assaulted by monsters. But hey, that's half the fun, isn't it?

Teaching : Part Two

For the most part I really like my group of kids. They are a wonderful bunch and I mean it. I find that a lot of the students are very funny. One of the projects that was assigned to the students was to make an acrostic poem out of their name. What they essentially had to was right their name vertically, and then write a positive descriptive word for each letter. For instance:

Z any
A rtistic
C lassy
K een

Well as I was making my way around to help the kids with words one of the girl told me that one of her letters was an "A", but she was not athletic. She asked if anti-athletic was okay and I replied no. Then her face lit up. My Jimmy radar went off.

"I got it! How about A (makes hand sign for "hole" (asshole). She laughs hysterically at this, but because of the nature of what she is saying and the hand sign she was making I had to explain to her about appropriate language and all that. It took a while but after some deliberation the student settled with awesome. Now, the next letter she wanted to do was the letter "N". No problem I thought, there's lots of good positive words beginning with "n" such as nifty, neat, noble, and nimble. Sure enough before anything happens she nonchantly tells me "Oh I know! I'm naughty!"

Maybe I heard her wrong. "What?"

"Naughty! That's me and it begins with N". She's laughing kindheartedly.

Bless her soul. She's only 10 I remind myself. She does not know what she is saying I tell myself over and over. I had to act quick cause the last thing I need is for someone to walk by and see me standing there next to her with a large piece of paper with her name on it and the words "naughty" written on it. I just told her without emotion "No naughty. Erase it and choose another word."

"But I love it! It describes me..."

"No" I repeated.

"It's not negative..."

"No. Listen to me and look at my lips: No."

"Okay I'll change it, but I still think it's a good word."



C'mere boy!

'Lets go for a stroll!'
I love Midna. She's just too adorable. :3

The "Free game list" from Steam

I said a while back that i was planning to look up all the free games on steam and write short reviews on those, but then a lot of stuff happened such as me getting sick twice in a row, bitten's bday, my steam stopped working due to one of their updates, and then zach's bday.

Finally now i don't have anything important to work on and a new update on steam fixed it.

While doing research on why steam broke down (which turns out wasn't my computer's fault but steam's) I found out that someone made a topic with a handy list of steam free games:

For ATI/AMD (Radeon) graphic card users: install - storefront

- Half-Life 2: Deathmatch [6]
- Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

For Nvidia (GeForce) graphic card users: install - storefront

- Half-Life 2: Deathmatch [6]
- Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
- Portal: First Slice (demo install - storefront)

For all Steam users:

Alien Swarm: install - storefront
America's Army 3: install - storefront
BattleForge [1][4][7]: install
Between [1][4]: install- storefront
Codename Gordon: install
COIL [1]: install - storefront
Mightier [1]: install - storefront
Moonbase Alpha: install - storefront
Peggle Extreme: install - storefront
Sam & Max: Episode 4: install - storefront
Spacewar: install
TrackMania Nations Forever [2]: install - storefront

Free addons and resources for already purchased games:

Half-Life (high definition models): install - uninstall - comparison - screenshot
RACE 07 (Crowne Plaza Raceway track) [5]: install - storefront

Steam delivered MODs:

Age of Chivalry (requires SourceSDK): install - storefront
D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up (requires SourceSDK): install - storefront
Darkest Hour (requires RedOrchestra): install - storefront
Defence Alliance 2 (requires KillingFloor): install - storefront
Dystopia (requires SourceSDK): install - storefront
Eternal Silence (requires SourceSDK): install - storefront
INSURGENCY (requires SourceSDK): install - storefront
Mare Nostrum (requires RedOrchestra): install - storefront
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II (requires SourceSDK): install - storefront
Smashball (requires SourceSDK): install - storefront
Synergy (requires Half-Life2): install - storefront
Zombie Panic! Source (requires SourceSDK): install - storefront

Related stuffs:

BioShock: Breaking the Mold [Art]: download- storefront
Company of Heroes: All Heroes Rise OST [OST]: download- storefront
Company of Heroes: Songs From the Front OST [OST]: download- storefront
GREED: Black Border OST [OST]: download- storefront
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II OST [OST]: download- storefront
Zombie Movie [Mac/Win][Mov]: install- storefront

== notes ==
[1] mistakenly listed as a demo on storefront
[2] already included on TrackMania United
[3] deployed and deprected, but continues working
[4] mistakenly named as a demo on "My games" list
[5] will install addon on your title and a demo to run feature standalone
[6] does not include Source SDK tool (required to run some MODs)
[7] offered by Play4Free license / micropayment
[8] storefront not available in some contries
[Mac/Win] operating system compatibility*
[Art/OST/Mov] content type (Artbook/Original Soundtrack/Movie)**

These are way more games than what i was originally aware of, I'm not gonna try them all, but I'll try a few and try to let know what i think of them.

If anyone recommends one that i didn't try I'll be sure to give it a shot.

Teaching : Part One

I do not know if I already told you folks, but I am going to be a teacher. Today was my first day, but the students were not officially on campus today as it was a "staff meeting" day, and most teachers took the time to do last minute preparation including myself.

Since I knew I was going to be at a more affluent school this year I decided to make the most of my summer by not shaving and letting my hair grow out all sexy like. By the end it was long enough to where I could have tied a ponytail. However, recently I went to my main barber and told him I needed a short no-fuss hairstyle and cited Tom Cruise (crazy or not he still has good hair), Chris Pine, and the current Leonardo DiCaprio.

So after about 30 minutes I have this new awesome short hairstyle that I can style formally in under 5 minutes and it went well with the teacher clothes. I also finally shaved and it felt pretty weird. I decided to keep my goatee though, cause that just let people know I am the evil one.


Anyway, I will continue to post my daily survival stories. NOTE: I will not guarantee that the stories will always be funny.

Post Youth Olympics

What do mascots do after the the event they represent is over?
They spend the rest of their days at limbo beach. :3

In Her Younger Days

Lady Like, in her rebelious younger days, hating on the man and expressing free love and all that other hippie crap. Who knew she'd end up married to the guy who'd become Cabinet Minister for the monarchy?

One of these days I'll actually post something that doesn't involve Lady Like. One of these days...

The "Heavy Rain" let's play

This is just something me and Zach have been following.

Heavy Rain is a terrible terrible game, in the sense that it's honestly a fucking bad movie with quicktime events.

The Author of this let's play doesn't talk over the game, but rather adds captions when he wants to note something of interest or just make fun of the game.

It's fascinating to watch these videos because of how bad the game is, and also how it desperately wants to b taken seriously and is just silly and retarded.

As of now, the let's play is still in progress so there's usually a new video every couple of days, be sure to check.

Game makers can't do math

I can't believe this is happening again...

Is it so hard to realize that we're talking about 2 completely different currencies? How the hell are gaming companies getting away with this shit?

and it's so convenient too, like, if the euro was worth less, you can bet you soul they wouldn't just set the same number in the price, in fact if u check any other region in the world, there's a different value.

Steam also does this shit, and I'm stunned they get away with this! Still on steam, brits tend to have the games available cheaper to them even compared to the US users. what the shit?

You what's fun? i recall about a year ago someone here in portugal buying a game from canada (I think it was GTA4), paying for the shipping, and it was still WAY cheaper than buying it online or in a store.

Buying a game from a store from another continent and having it shipped over an ocean was cheaper.

Let that sink in for a moment.

My brain refuses to believe the absurdity. What's the point of online stores that just charge you way more? Aren't there laws against bullshit like this?

On a sidenote, if anyone knows of a way for me to get Starcraft 2 without having to sell a kidney for it, please let me know... God damned ridiculous..

You All Look A-Like

Just a couple sketches using a...vaguely familiar build.

Also it's my 25th birthday in a few days.

Neat TF2 sprites

I found these on the TF2 news on steam.

They're based on old the pic that was in the engineer update that supposedly showed the original RED and BLU mercenaries. Just thought it was neat enough to post.

Along with these sprites there were screenshots of 3d models of 3 of those classes, i wouldn't assume that those would actually b completed though.

Facebook gaming

In the spirit of "don't knock it till you try", about a week ago i started playing "Pirates Ahoy!" because an artist i like lots worked on it and i was interested to see how it came out.

It's a cute, interesting and simple management game. the first drawback to it though is that you need to have tons of friends on facebook to do well. Yet, i persist.

In hope of getting help in the game, i asked everyone i knew if they had Facebook, For a huge ass social network, no one seems to use the damn thing. I myself only have an account cause i wanted to comment on someone's site and they had an option to do so with Facebook (which i ended up ditching in favor of my twitter account.)

Surprisingly, Bittenhard has a Facebook too that he uses to play Mafia wars, and he got me into it.

I find the game to b really interesting seeing as you can pick how you wanna play it: you can do jobs, you can attack other people, you can steal, become a hitman etc. As you level up u get bonus points you can assign to your stats that help you improve at the role you want to assume in this game.

Again though, there's the issue of friends. Having a lot of friends on Facebook helps exponentially more in this game, even if they don't play the game.

I'm trying out other Facebook games, but so far Mafia wars seems the most entertaining one. You shouldn't think of these games as full time entertainment, but as something u can pick up for 5-10 mins once or twice a day. For that they're pretty good.

If anyone needs an extra guy in a Facebook game, just pop by my Facebook add me as a friend.

Pugilist Pencil Pusher

It's always been hard for me to picture Elva doing anything other than paperwork, and I really want her to be one of those secretaries that can beat people's asses. It really doesn't work in her default outfit without being needlessly fanservicey and impractical.

So I played around with her a bit, trying to play both sides of the fence, where on one side, she is classy eye-candy, and the other where she looks like she knows how to fight with her hands as well as her mind.

Disgaea 2 Arrange Soundtrack

I love the intro theme of Disgaea 2, and yesterday i found out that an extended version of it existed.

Did a lil searching and found the album where it's from, you can get it here.

The tracks are names in either bad engrish or japanese, but if u want to take the time to rename them, here's a track list:

01. Sinful Rose (Full Version)
02. Cyber Dance (Remix)
03. Dawn Whisper (Long Version)
04. White Tiger (Remix)
05. The Warmth of this Heart
06. Magnificent Dark Family (2006 Version)
07. Heroic Blues (Remix)
08. There’s Something I Want to Tell You
09. Song of the Gods (Remix)
10. Elegy of the Tundra (Long Version)
11. Etna Rock (New version)
12. Holy Mansion (Remix)
13. Disgaea Rhapsody (Remix)
14. Sparkle, To Become A Star


Dana's A Little Wrapped Up in Her Work

I'm not sure if she freaking out about the giant squid, or the zombie and sunflower heads growing out of her naughty bits. Just a little WIP for some sort of perverted logo or something.


Is in a FFTA vibe for some reason, so I doodled these. Will probably do more.

Need input

Hey people,

If you did not know, in America it's hip for teachers to have websites. Websites are useful tools as parents like get to know you before even meeting you, potential hiring schools love to look at it to see if you are "qualified" teacher material, and students just want to know how uncool you really are (but they secretly love you). The bad part about education is that most teacher websites (about 99%) are all cookie dough template type sites. While it is nice to have conformity and standards, it is just is not me. I currently have one of those look-like-every-other site design, and want to change it to something more distinguished and a design that fits my personality. Additionally, I want to really simplifying it because for me less is better.

So above is the current sketch I have planned, and I really like the sketchy comic doodle feel it has. The only problem I have now is how to display the content. After doing some nasty assessments and a portfolio for class, my brain is fried, but if you have any suggestions just drop in a comment.

Game review (Quickie): Starcraft 2

Sometimes, u look forward to something, and then a year passes by, and then another, and then either the hype is too fucking high or you just don't give a fuck anymore.

Yet, when i got to try out Starcraft 2, i was still excited to try it. I have never been into Starcraft because space themes are extremely uninteresting to me. I could get into why, but it'd b a long talk.

So i start the SC2 campaign, they try to explain the story of the previous game during the game installation, and hint to it on the cutscenes ingame, i kept up with it, but was just kinda... not intresting.

I was enjoying the game, until i got to the 10th or so mission, and then i was pretty much done with my opinion of it.


  • This is just Warcraft 3 with hugely fucking exaggerated textures/models.
Honestly, this is a strategy game, and it's possibly the most graphically heavy game i have ever installed on my computer, and not because of the effects, but because the of HUGE textures.

I can run it fine at fullscreen with the ultra options, but i couldn't help to think that, Jesus fuck, is this level of detail really necessary? When u see the super ultra detailed fly in one of the cut scenes in the intro, you may realize why this game took way too long to come out.

This is one awesome pinup...

I guess this is bothering me because this game is BIGGER THAN FUCKING VANILLA WOW!

Although i am very bothered by it now, i calm down and think about WC3 and i see what they did there. This game will be deemed graphically nice, and even decent, ages from now which will help it's longevity in the long run.

  • There's nothing in this game that i couldn't had done in WC3.
Amazing/exaggerated graphics aside, this is just a strategy game like wc3, and really nothing at all that is in it couldn't had done in WC3.

Nothing really impressed me and in fact, as i played and Zach was watching my screen over Skype, i just kept commenting how similar to WC3 it all was.

  • I fucking LOVE the number of units u can select!
I forgot the exact value, but you can now select around 150 units at once. This was an issue in WC3, especially in custom maps.

  • Hotkey-ing groups is really well handled

As you hotkey groups, a tab shows up on the hud with the number it's hotkey'd to and how many units are in it. Also for players who didn't even know the keys to do it, this can now b entirely done with the mouse.


Honestly, fuck the campaign. It's very nicely made and the storytelling is ok, I like that you can choose paths, but like any other strategy game before this one, the custom maps are what will make this game really fun to play.

It shouldn't b too different from WC3, But... this game has a very powerful editor, so maybe really amazing stuff will come out of this.

I just fucking hope there will b a SC2 version of "footmen frenzy" by nohunters on it and NOT fucking DotA.

Alligator Handbag

This message brought to you by sexy alligators.

No, I don't know why she has boobs.

Government + Drug + Spider = Life?

This is a fairly old movie that I rediscovered in my bookmarks. I thought I would share it with you.