
My, what a big nose you have

By Bitten:

Whitney from Animal Crossing

Scaly Swordsman

For some reason, I get a weird Kratos sort of vibe from this.

Shiver me timbers! TF2 is now free!

As of today, TF2 is a free to play game. For all of us who bought it, it's a kick in the nuts.

I mean, it's a good thing and a bad thing:

Good is that there's no excuse to not get a bunch of friends together to play it. Bad is that now people will make like 30 accounts to farm metal and cheaters/hackers will become way more common.

Having a lot of mixed feelings about this.

Well, don't forget to go to the TF2 blog and check "meet the medic".


Bittenhard likes birds, a lot

By Bitten:

Phyllis from Animal Crossing

Bitten told me he was going to draw her yesterday, but still surprised me a lot when i saw the doodle. A lot of people prefer when Bitten over shades his doodles, and he's really good at it. However, the simpler cell shading appeals more to me, and I think he pulls it off better than most.

Sometimes too much detail on a doodle is distracting and dulls it, simplicity has a lot of charm and can be very hard.

I sorta wanna see more of Phyllis now...

Valve's best asset: Sense of humor

Once again, TF2 is going to get an update, but that's really not what I'm gonna write about.

For starters, Valve got around to remaking the TF2 blog, which looks REALLY good now. Sure some people are minimalistic and would say the previous simple layout was enough, but this one has more intuitive links/sections.

My fav is easily the update news, so now i don't have to go on steam and check it there.

However, the latest post on the TF2 blog and on the first page of the Uber Update are hilarious. A must read even if you don't own the game.

Only sorta looking forward to the new spy revolver.

Also, and I'll quote their blog on this:

All that hanging out with mob guys must have rubbed off on us, because we've decided to celebrate the Über Update by giving you an offer you can't (or at least shouldn't) refuse--an unprecedented WEEK-LONG FREE WEEKEND of Team Fortress 2, starting right now!

So yea, free TF2 for all this week.

The shit we're playing lately: Forsaken World

So I've been playing Forsaken World on steam for about a week now, and it sorta like it.

There's a free MMO where u can buy extras with real money, however, as far as I've seen what u can buy is either cosmetic or convenient.

Forsaken World hasn't been around that long for a MMO, i think they had a closed beta around last October, so it's not even a year old.

It's a WoW styled MMO with tweaks that, so far, make it easier and more enjoyable then WoW was for me.

The Kindred's exclusive class, vampire, IS rather interesting gameplay wise AND visually.

For example, Most quests will show the objectives in green text that is clickable, and when you click it, the game will automatically take you to that location. "Talk to that guy" quests become like a lil break where you can just watch TV or eat a sandwich. However! there's a bunch of well placed teleport crystals so you usually can get everywhere relatively fast. This feature is actually awesome while you don't know your way around yet.

You can also just click a location on the map and your character will make it's way there, daily events, daily "lots of exp" quest. You can "apply" to instances so that when there's enough people for a party, a party will be auto-formed with all of them.

I'm a lil disapointed that female dwarves look NOTHING like dwarves, they're just lolis.

Overall, it "feels" so much less of a hassle then what i remember from WoW and much less of a pain. There's a lot of clever "systems" that i've never seen in aMMO before.

As anyone who has steam knows, Spiral got on Steam, and it affected the economy greatly (CE went from costing 7k to 3.5k) However, when i played a lil bit to get the TF2 hat, I... was so bored...

Spiral Knights has good gameplay, but... It's tiny content wise and just SO repetitive, and because of the energy system, to b effective you're forced to stick to Jelly King runs, every time.

Every World's Gotta Have Orcs

Orcs are a staple of any fantasy setting. A common, ugly, smelly, stupid, and violent monster solely for the good guys to beat the tar out of. There's exceptions, sure, but for the most part they serve as a generic baddie that gets in the way, just like goblins or giant rats.

Orcs dwell somewhere between Dwarves and Ogres in terms of civility. They're competent craftsmen, but they prefer actually using the stuff over making it. Despite a knack for having loose tempers and being prone to violent outbursts, Orcs make very good bodyguards. Orc bodyguards tend to be downright sunny in disposition. It's a bit shocking for some people to take in.

Finally done with the new layout

As you may notice, we have a new layout here, was working on this on and off since forever. (prolly near 2 years by now)

Technically there was no need to change the layout, but I get bored of layouts and have this odd need to change them every once in a while. Although i made sure everyone else proved of this one before implementing it.

Just to note there's now a "rating system" bellow each post, even if you can't b arsed to comment on posts, try to at least rate them.


Trolls are mischievous creatures that love to prank people. It doesn't matter who. Friends, family, random people at the grocery store; all are potential targets for their mostly harmless button pushing. To put in another way, Trolls are like a player in an MMO who willingly aggros mobs. Getting remotely emotional about anything a Troll has done to you will fill them with glee. And if THAT gets even more under your nerves, they only become more ecstatic.

But when trolls aren't busy being a mild nuisance, they'll most likely be doing the one thing they take seriously: building and maintaining bridges. Trolls that build bridges will also build themselves a home beneath it, from which they will devote their life to maintaining it. If the bridge is large enough, they may build entire troll cities on it's underside.

Why bridges? Well, bridges are built in order to promote travel and bring people together. And when there's lots of traffic or people, well...

Egoraptor's new vid: Awesome Noir

I imagine Zach freaking the fuck out like that about details on doodles. He tells me I'd be surprised.

"Lag is a drag"

By Bitten:

This is Bitten's entry to a contest on the Spiral Knights forum.

It's not an official contest though, it's just hosted by a player, and you can win quite a lot of CE.

Mafia gals: Sofiya

By Bitten:

Sofiya - Russian Mob

New Oekaki theme - June 2011

Honestly, is anyone really surprised?

I'm still annoyed this game won't come for a system i have, but it does look awesome.

I'm still waiting for the author of the Oekaki software to implement a feature to post the latest pic updates on the front page of a site/blog.

Got all excited, and then all disappointed

Saw this video linked from 4chan, and thought the people that made "Muramasa: the demon blade" made a new game for the Wii

But then they go on tell us this thing is for the PS3 and NGP (real bad acronym there), and i might as well forget about it now.

Pity, the sorceress in particular looked hot.

Mafia gals: Ginger

By Bitten:

Ginger - Street gang

Mafia gals: Portia

Taking over posting pics for Bitten (Possibly Zach too later on).

Bitten started a set of doodles of his pokegals as humans and as mafia members. Vaguely inspired on the Facebook game "Mafia Wars".

Portia - Italian mafia.

Will be posting the others as he Finishes them.

A Girl and Her Dozer

This short comic came packaged with Drill Dozer. It gets the *ahem* "very complicated" story out of the way. They explain it in-game, too, but that way doesn't involve Jill speaking or art by Ken Sugimori. I just thought I'd post this, cause I don't post much, and I'm fairly sure not many people have seen this.

It was really nice to see GameFreak do something besides Pokemon for once since they started working for Nintendo. It was also nice to see they didn't completely ignore this game when they made Brawl. Now it sure would be nice if they'd do a sequel for this or Pulseman...

Oh cool, new spiderdub's out

Although I'm still a fan of these, they are slightly losing their impact, they seem to keep getting darker an darker though.

Not a fan of the intermissions personally.

Street Fighter: The Movie : The Fixed

Seriously. This is how Street Fighter The movie should have happened. Not that Chun-Li bullcrap.

I'm a pixel moth

Thought it was neat, but could b the pixels talkin.

Zach's internet connection sucks

Title unrelated, it's just the fact that is on my mind right now.

Well, i guess i could elaborate on that a lil: for the last couple of days, Zach's connection has drastically become worse and he can't even Skype normally now. We normally chat on Skype ALL DAY, so this kinda sucks for us.

Had a bunch of medical exams this morning, which is part of why i only slept 2 hours the previous night, and that's always fun. Had to provide blood and urine sample, so didn't eat or drink, but then i had to have a full bladder for another exam, and that led to my drinking 1.5 liters of water til i felt ill and waiting over an hour for my bladder to get full (apparently i have a huge bladder, takes me ages to fill it), also got a chest x-ray, heart check, and i think that was it.

As such, REALLY haven't had time or any subject to post about. Still can't get the artsy fags to post on here either, mostly cause no one leaves a comment when they post, so they assume no one cares.

As an apology for the lack of updates, have some random pics we thought were funny:

Mostly been tweeting lately, it's just somewhat easier.